The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1415: Dong Weng defeat

After Dong Weng's voice fell, his fist began to hit the air hard.

Kong Mingquan was weak before.

But now Dong Weng actually started to attack quickly with his fists.

Xia Xian's footsteps flashed and quickly dodged. Although Dong Weng's Kongming Fist is invisible damage, Xia Xia is already a master at the late stage of the prefecture level. He can feel the crisis, and he is using airflow beads at this time. Constantly changing the surrounding airflow.

It is to change the trajectory of Kong Mingquan's punching.

"Boy, you are using a spiritual tool." Dong Weng understood this time, the reason why Xia Xia was able to fight against his Kongming Fist was because Xian Xian used a spiritual tool.

"I don't need it now." Xia Xia smiled slightly. He just used the aura just to confirm whether the air flow beads can really move the Kong Mingquan. Now he has confirmed it, so he is ready to hit Dong Weng firmly. shelf.

"Good boy, then come and pick up my Kongming Fist." Dongweng rushed towards Xia Tian after saying that.

Xia Tian's left fingers stretched forward instantly.

A sharp finger.


The attack method of the two is more like the release of internal force, but their attack can be much stronger than the release of internal force.

"I didn't expect his Lingxi One Finger to have such a strong foundation." Beijun saw that Xia Xia used his Lingxi Finger to resist Dong Weng's Kongming Fist, and he was extremely surprised, knowing that Dong Weng's strength was not covered. His Kong Mingquan has also been continuously improved over the years.

But Xia Xia can actually compete with Dong Weng with a single finger.


Summer's body instantly disappeared in place.

Gossip instant body technique.

At the same time, eight figures appeared around Dong Weng, and these eight figures surrounded Dong Weng.

Capture the dragon!

The left hands of the eight figures simultaneously assumed the posture of capturing the dragon.

"It's the dragon catcher, this kid is ruthless." Bei Jun said.

"Enjoyed!" An extremely excited expression appeared on Dong Weng's face: "Everyone thinks that Kongming Fist is used to attack, but in fact Kongming Fist is used for defense, and it has another name, Bagua Fist. "


For a moment, Dong Weng seemed to have grown three heads and six arms.


His figure was almost inconceivable, and Xia Xia's body was completely knocked out, and all eight figures were knocked out.

"Gossip symbolizes absolute defense." Bei Jun said lightly.

"Dong Weng's attack can change the airflow and the surrounding air, and coupled with the Bagua defense, it just breaks Xia's Bagua Step, which combines Bagua Step and Shunshu. This is really a good idea. However, at the same time, his footwork was broken by Dong Weng's Bagua Fist, what will he do next to Dong Weng's absolute defense?" Yin Nie usually rarely speaks, but at this time he is also very Curious, he wanted to see what method Xia Tian planned to use against Dong Weng.

"Senior, I may start with a heavier move next time, please forgive me." Xia Xia looked at Dong Weng with a smirk.

"Boy, come here if you have the ability, I can't easily dismantle this old bone." Dong Weng said standing on the spot, Bagua Boxing is to use static braking, to respond to changes with the same, and to counterattack the opponent with absolute defense.

Summer's hands stretched forward.

The second level of the profound meaning of the Eight Qi Techniques.


With a flick of Xia Xia's right hand, Dong Weng's body was thrown straight out and smashed to the ground.

"What?" Dong Weng didn't expect Xia Tian to have such a trick.

when he stood up.


His body was thrown out again, and when he was thrown away by Xia Xian for the third time, he understood that he couldn't stand still, otherwise Xia Xian would throw him away, so he started to move quickly. .

Lingxi pointed to the third.

Summer's left hand stretches out his fingers.

At the same time, his body flew out directly. At this moment, his body seemed to have turned into two fingers, and the speed was very fast. This was the second time in the summer that he used the Lingxi one finger and the third one.

His entire body was taken out by his own fingers.


At this moment, he is indeed flying.

The secret of the third layer of Lingxi One Finger is locking. As long as it locks on the target, no matter how the target moves, it cannot escape the blow.

"Not good." Dong Weng naturally knew Xia's move.

Bagua Boxing.

He hurriedly used Bagua Boxing to resist Xia Xia's consonance finger third.

The second profound meaning of the Eight Qi Techniques is gravity.

With a wave of Xia Xia's right hand, Dong Weng was thrown out again.

At the same time, Xia Xia's **** on his left hand also attacked Dong Weng.


Dong Weng hurriedly stood up and punched.


Dong Weng's body flew upside down.


The North Army rushed over and caught Dong Weng's body that flew out.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Dong Weng's mouth.

"Senior, are you alright." Xia Xia hurried forward.

"Hahaha, I'm fine, I'm bloody, spit out more spirits, cool, you really didn't let me down, it's so enjoyable." Dongweng said with great excitement, seeing that he was fine, Xia Tian was relieved .

He rarely uses the third layer of Lingxi's first finger, so he doesn't know how powerful this move is. He only used 50% of his strength just now. If he used 100% of his strength, then Dong Weng might not die. seriously injured.

"I haven't fought such an enjoyable battle for a long time, boy, you made me feel like I was young." Dong Weng patted Xia Xia's shoulder.

He lost.

Dong Weng, one of the four masters of China in the last session, lost.

He was the strongest among the four masters in the previous session, but even he also lost to Xia Xia.

And in the summer without using any magic old officer, won't you try it? ' asked Dong Weng.

"Forget it, I don't have a tendency to be abused. If you lose, I definitely can't beat him, and he is my grandson-in-law. If I get hurt by him, it won't look good." Bei Jun shook his head and said.

"Hahaha, that's right, fight with you, that kid must be timid and not dare to use his full strength, but that would not be enjoyable." Dong Weng nodded and said.

"Yin Nie, what about you, no matter what, he is your apprentice. Now is the time for him to start his apprenticeship." Bei Jun looked at Yin Nie and asked.

"En." Yin Nie nodded and picked up the famous sword in his hand.

"Kid, be careful, your master's title of the number one swordsman in the world is not for nothing, although he is not one of the four masters of Huaxia, but his strength is more terrifying than us, and he is also the most mysterious one. , it's up to you whether you can let your master show all his abilities today." Dong Weng said loudly, full of momentum, obviously the injury just now was not a serious problem.


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