The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1436: big gift

Hearing Xia Xia scolding people, most people think it is reasonable. After all, there are many grievances between Xia Xia and the island country.

The island country did not know how many times it had sent people to kill Xia Xia and capture Jianghai City, but in the end they all lost their wives and surrendered their troops, and also let Xia Xia hit a carbine and taught him a hard lesson.

Every summer can beat the island country to the core.

For them, summer is the most terrifying and hateful enemy.

Before Xia Xia gave everyone a high-level look, but now Xia Xia told them that even experts would scold people.

The prime minister of the island country was directly scolded by Xia's words.

"Don't you want to talk, I'm asking you now, answer me." Xia Xia looked at the prime minister of the island country with cold eyes.

At this time, the prime minister of the island country didn't know what to say anymore. He really came to reconcile this time, but he didn't expect to swear when he came up in the summer, and asked him this question directly. How could he answer it?

"It's a matter between nations." The island nation's prime minister wanted to divert the subject.

"I'll let you say now that the Diaoyu Islands belong to China, learn from me word by word, say one less word, you don't need to talk about it today, you can go back." Xia Xia said very rudely.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, everyone present can feel the current situation of the prime minister of the island country. If the prime minister of the island country agrees, he will not be able to explain it to the people after he goes back, and let him say such words in person, then he will You don't have to look up to be a human anymore.

But if he didn't say anything, then he would be in vain this time.

"I can't control this kind of thing," said the prime minister of the island country.

"I didn't ask if you could call the shots, I asked you to tell me that the Diaoyu Islands belong to China." Xia Xia said it again: "I only give you this chance, if you don't say it, or say something else, I will call People throw you out, if you die outside my villa, it has nothing to do with me."

Intimidation, summer this is intimidation.

And the object of his intimidation was actually the prime minister of the island country.

The prime minister of the island country didn't dare to speak anymore. He knew that if he said anything else, he would definitely be thrown out in the summer. This was absolutely not negotiable, so he turned his attention to the second chief of Huaxia, but at this time Huaxia's The No. 2 chief was drinking there by himself, and his eyes were looking into the distance. He ignored him at all, and completely ignored him. This was obviously acquiescence to Xia's mischief here.

Seeing such a scene, the prime minister of the island country gritted his teeth: "Okay, I said that the Diaoyu Islands belong to China, but even if I say it, I can't change the hearts of the people, and they will not accept the orders of foreign monarchs. Those people will not listen to me. of."

"Okay, everyone heard it, this is what he said, Qihuan, let it out." Xia Xia looked at Qihuan.

Seven Magic directly took out a remote control.

"The Diaoyu Islands belong to China."

"The Diaoyu Islands belong to China."

The video is clear, it was the prime minister of the island country who called it out, and his body is also his body. When he saw this video, the prime minister of the island country had his bowels green. He didn't expect that he would have such a hand in the summer. Now he is the sinner of the island country. .

"Seven Magic, send it out." Xia Xia said.

"Okay, TV stations all over the world can receive this video." Qi Huan smiled slightly and pressed another button on the remote control in his hand again.

"Summer, you are despicable, even if you send this out, it's useless. I said, I can't be the master." The prime minister of the island country shouted angrily.

"We can call the shots." At this moment, a group of more than 20 people came over. There were three or four one-eyed people, and the others were all strong and dark-skinned. At first glance, they were people who lived on the water all year round: " Boss, our congratulations are here."

The one-eyed king stepped forward: "Boss, our congratulations are to kill all the pirates between the Diaoyu Islands and the island country. Of course, they claim to be the island country's navy. How can we believe it?"

"What?" When they heard this sentence, everyone on the scene was stunned. Is there going to be a war in the summer?

But when they thought about what the one-eyed king said, they understood what he meant. He said that he killed the pirates. Since they are pirates, they naturally have the right to kill them, and the island countries have never admitted that they are monitoring the Diaoyu Islands, so this time They themselves confessed.

Everyone present knows, what kind of pirates are those people? Can pirates have planes?


The prime minister of the island country almost collapsed, which was a huge blow to him.

The navy near the Diaoyu Islands has all been killed, how is this possible?

"Okay, I like this gift." Xia Xia applauded.

"Summer, you are starting a war." The prime minister of the island country said angrily.

"Really? What's wrong with me? These people are my friends in the rivers and lakes. Fighting pirates is a very happy thing for them. How can I prevent others from being happy." Xia Xia said with a smile on his face.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, everyone present silently gave Xia Xia a thumbs Xia Xia is really a "biaozi" and a torii is still established.

It is obvious that the island country has been beaten like that, and it has to be accounted for.

"I also have a big gift here." At this moment, two people walked in, one with a feather fan and the other with a big knife. This combination is none other than Zhuge Wanglang and Hong Wu: "Of course I know that you have a birthday. I have to prepare some gifts, according to my intelligence personnel, I have found sixteen large arsenals in the island country, counting the time, there should be ten seconds, and in ten seconds, 'Boom'!!"

Hearing Zhuge Wanglang's words, everyone at the scene was stunned. He actually bombed sixteen large arsenals in the island country.

Sure enough, within fifteen seconds, all the important officers present answered the phone.

When the prime minister of the island country finished listening to the phone, his hand dropped, and his whole soul seemed to be lost: "It's over, it's over."

Seeing the reaction of the prime minister of the island country, everyone understood that Zhuge Wanglang did not lie. He really bombed the 16 large arsenals of the island country.

"Okay, I like this gift too." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Summer, aren't you starting a war? The United Nations will not let you go." The prime minister of the island country shouted angrily.

"What's wrong with me? What are you talking about? The United Nations is going to deal with me on my birthday. Isn't the United Nations too worthless." Xia Xia said very casually.

"You blew up our arsenal." The prime minister of the island country shouted loudly.

"You made a mistake, I didn't blow it up, it was him." Xia Xia pointed to Zhuge Wanglang.

"That's right, I bombed it, but I'm also from an island country. I just entered the island country yesterday, so it won't be a problem, right?" Zhuge Wanglang said with a smirk: "By the way, in the summer, Lei Feng also a gift."

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