The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1448: The power to destroy the world

Greedy Wolf did not expect that there are so many secrets in this world. People who go to the spiritual world from here can become peerless masters as long as they don't die.

This shows how different the world is.

But when he heard Lei Feng's words, he frowned slightly: "I don't think I've heard about Cangshan before."

"Of course you've heard of it. Did the dragon die there in the summer? He is known as the person with the greatest chance to become a heavenly master." Lei Feng explained.

"Yes, it is Xia Xia's father, Xia Xia Long, who was knocked off a cliff by Wei Guang back then." Greedy Wolf remembered.

"Xia Xialong jumped by himself, he was not beaten, and he was seriously injured against the entire quicksand. If it was in his heyday, Wei Guang had no chance of winning." Although Lei Feng has a relationship with Xia Xia Grievances, but he also had to admit that Xia Long was indeed a super wizard.

"Is there any danger there?" Greedy Wolf asked in confusion.

"There is a place known as a forbidden place, especially if people like us from the spiritual world dare to go there, we will never be able to leave alive." Lei Feng glanced at Greedy Wolf and continued: "There are many kinds of forces that are excluded, you better also Don't go there, even normal people will feel very uncomfortable when they go there."

"Oh!" Greedy Wolf nodded, silently remembering Dian Cangshan in his mind.

"The second is Tianchi, but as long as you don't go deep, there is no danger there. The water monsters in Tianchi are not low in strength, especially the deep pool water monsters, which are very powerful. The deeper the water, the stronger the water monsters. Qiang, some people say that there are countless treasures in the deep water of Tianchi, but you have to survive." Lei Feng said.

"Brother, have you ever gone down?" Greedy Wolf asked.

"I went down, but I only went down to fifty meters and then came up. It seemed that there was a very terrifying creature staring at me below." Lei Feng explained.

"Oh." Greedy Wolf nodded.

He has also been to Tianchi, but he did not expect that even Lei Feng's strength would feel terrifying there.

"The third place is the four oceans. The closest one to us is the Pacific Ocean. There are too many unknown creatures in it. The earth may have existed for hundreds of millions of years, and it has been changing, destroying and regenerating over and over again. But the same, definitely There are creatures left over from history, think about the level of creatures that can live for such a long time? I know of a very powerful monster in the Pacific Ocean, it seems to be called the Orochi." Lei Feng said.

It does.

The sea is so big, and the unknown creatures that exist in it must be countless.

"Remember, no matter how strong you are, even if you are already the strongest in this world, you still have things that you cannot defeat, such as the power of nature. If you are caught in a tornado, you will surely die. Just like that adult, although his strength has almost reached its peak, there are still many places he dares not go or cannot go." The person Lei Feng said was the world master of the demon world.

Point Cangshan.

The most dangerous place in Lei Feng's mouth.

At this time, Xia Xia was under Diancang Mountain. When he fell, he thought he was dead, because the rope could no longer stop, and the speed of the descent was so fast that he had no time to buffer. speed of descent.

Although his strength is very strong, it is absolutely impossible to fall from such a high place without dying.

Just when he was almost in despair, he found that the speed of his descent actually slowed down. Although the air became thinner and thinner, he no longer felt that weightlessness, as if he had fallen on cotton.

At the moment of landing, Xia Xia hurriedly pulled the rope, he knew that Dong Weng and the others must be worried about him.

There is fog everywhere, like clouds. Although he feels that he has stepped on the ground, he is still worried and does not dare to walk around. The see-through eye has been opened, and the isolation of this kind of smoke is very good, even in summer With his perspective eyes, he could only see about three meters.

This range is not large. If there is a sudden crisis, it will be difficult to handle.

So Xia Xia carefully looked at the surrounding situation, and walked forward little by little, he walked forward.

"Phew, the oxygen here has recovered quite a bit, and the air pressure is not that high anymore." Xia Xia didn't feel so uncomfortable anymore, and even his body recovered. When he was on it, he felt very uncomfortable, as if he was being suppressed. the same.

But now that feeling has completely disappeared.

"This kind of smoke is very strange. It should be this kind of smoke that helped me buffer gravity just now." Xia Tian touched the smoke around him with his hands, and he found that this kind of smoke was actually palpable.

Although he couldn't grasp it, he could feel it. With his right hand, a weapon appeared in his hand, and then he let go. Although the weapon was falling, it was falling very slowly.

It was one meter high and fell for three seconds before it landed on the ground, and when it landed on the ground, there were no waves, not even a sound.

"Sure enough, it's the ghost of this kind of Summer continues to move forward.

When he walked more than 20 meters, he stopped because he found that there was no smoke in front of him, that is to say, the smoke was only behind him. As long as he took a step forward, he could not see the smoke at all. .

At this time, there was a bird the size of a slap in front of him.

It would be wrong to say it was a bird, because the bird was a reduced version of the behemoth he had dreamed of.

And when he saw the bird, an incomparably huge phantom appeared in front of his eyes, and the power of the bird to fly automatically appeared in his mind, and a flame burst forth, as if the whole world would as destroyed.

The black flame will never go out.

The power to burn everything.

This kind of power is the power that can destroy the world. Xia Xia has never felt such terrifying power. This power comes from the bird in front of him.

After the astonishing scene appeared in his mind, a black feather fell from the huge black fire phoenix and fell on the ground to become the fire bird in front of him.

That is to say, the little flamingo in front of him at this time was just a feather of the black flaming phoenix.

"It turned out to be just a feather, it scared me." Xia Tian let out a long sigh.

call out!

There was a long cry in the mouth of the little firebird, and then its body grew rapidly, at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Control the successor, die!" A voice appeared in Xia Xia's mind.

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