The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1457: dragon


Although the explosive force of the oxygen cylinder is not too great, it is too close to the summer, so it still hurts to blow up the summer.

"What?" Xia Tian's eyes looked around, but still found nothing.

The speed of the shadow just now was so fast that even a clairvoyant couldn't capture it, but one thing was certain, this time it was definitely not a big man.

Xia Xia took out an oxygen cylinder again. In his small cauldron, he now has clothes, food, water, oxygen cylinders, flashlights, and more. In order to get into the water, he has prepared a lot of oxygen cylinders.

"It's troublesome now." Xia Xia frowned. When he got to the idle position, he didn't even know what his opponent looked like, where he was, and how to fight this. He knew that as long as he dared to move forward, the opponent would definitely do it again. sneak attack.

This time, he was lucky, and the opponent only drilled through the oxygen cylinder. What about next time?

"Try again, this time try to find its location, or see what it looks like." Xia Xia has set a goal for himself, so he must complete it this time, and this time he is not careless and directly puts the vampire Transformed out.

In just an instant, Xia Xia's body was covered with black aura, Xia Xia's eyes all turned black, and an illusory black wing appeared on his back and left shoulder.

When the vampire transformation was completed, the pressure on Xia Xia suddenly decreased a lot.



Xia Xian's speed has doubled, and at the moment he rushed up, the black shadow shot at him again, very fast, Xia Xian did not dare to move forward, because his speed was not as fast as the other party's, if If you continue to move forward, you will only be hit by the shadow.

So he hurried back quickly.

so close!

Airflow beads, gravity!

In an instant in summer, use these abilities at the same time.


That shadow was directly blown away by Xia Xia's gravity.

This time Xia Xia clearly saw the true face of the shadow, and when he saw the true face of the shadow, the whole person was stunned.

He never dreamed that this kind of creature actually existed.

Although there is a big difference between the legend and the legend, he is sure that this is the legend.


Although this dragon is only one meter long and its body is blue, it is indeed a dragon, a genuine Chinese dragon, no, it is a water dragon, but the legendary dragon is several hundred meters long, several kilometers long. But the dragon in front of Xia Xia was less than one meter long.


After the dragon stabilized his figure, he disappeared again, and his speed was still so fast.

"How can I fight this?" Xia Xia was completely depressed this time. Although this little dragon looked like he was just born, he was indeed a dragon. Let Xia Xia fight against the divine beast alone.

The odds of winning are very slim.

"Hey, the furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but the treasure is right in front of me, but I can't get through it no matter what." Xia Xia sighed and said, at this time he really felt a sense of powerlessness.

"No, I can't give up, now is the third floor of Dan Huang's cave, and the blood of Cain is inside, I have to get it, and if I get the third drop of blood of Cain, my strength may be turned upside down. Change, then I will have a chance to win the ** and the Lei Family Twelve Kills." Xia Xia is not only against one person, but also the Lei Family Twelve Kills.

And ** can use the power of that door to raise the strength to the heaven level.

Although Xia Xia is known as the world's No. 1 master, it is only the world's No. 1 master for Earth-level Dzogchen masters, not heaven-level. He has never met a heaven-level master, so he doesn't know what a heaven-level master is. What kind of power do you have.

"Let's fight!" Xia Xia gritted his teeth and rushed forward. At the moment of rushing up, he held the airflow beads in his hand, and used the second layer of the Yaqi technique with his right hand, gravity, and his left hand with Yaqi. The third level of mysticism.

The third-level profound meaning of the Eight-Hearted Technique has a lot of restrictions.

That second is not something that can be won casually, especially for this dragon, its speed is so fast that it will not give summer this chance at all, but now it is necessary to test it in summer.

He remembered the point just now, which was the point where the dragon was knocked into the air before. This time, he used the third-level profound meaning of the Eight Qi Technique in advance. In this way, when the dragon was knocked into the air, he could just be sucked in. .


The moment Xia Xia saw Xiaolong, he began to retreat, and then used all abilities in turn, and the time was calculated exactly.


Although the little dragon is very fast and has a strong attack power, its IQ is obviously not high, and it still shuttles through the water as fast as before, when it is blown away by the gravity of the summer.

The third layer of the Yaki Technique in the left hand of the summer is activated.

Xiaolong's body flew directly towards Xia Xia, and he didn't have the ability to resist at all. Xiao Long's intelligence was not high, and his mental power was not as high as Xia Xia's, so he couldn't defend against this move at all.

Xia Xia just said that Xiaolong was in his hand.


The little worm on his arm flew out, opened its big mouth instantly, and then the little dragon was swallowed by it like Damn it, you are not picky eaters, why eat everything what. Xia Xia was completely speechless. He was still thinking about how to deal with the little dragon just now, but he didn't expect the little bug to eat this little dragon.

At the same time, there is another small dragon tattoo on Xia Xia's left shoulder.

Water cover! water waves. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????

These are the two new skills that popped into Summer's mind.

"Try the water cover first." Xia Xian waved his left hand, and a protective cover appeared directly around him, and the water in the protective cover disappeared completely, which means that Xia Xian does not need to bring an oxygen bottle now: "It is so practical, I don't know how defensive it is."

A sharp finger!

Xia Xia's own consonance pointed directly at him.


The water cover defended Lingxi's finger, but it also fluctuated, but to Xia Xia's surprise, the water cover actually began to repair automatically: "The defensive power of this water cover is almost constant in the water, even if there is any damage. , it will be repaired soon, but this trick has little effect on land, and once the attack exceeds the limit of the water cover, the water cover will disintegrate, but as long as it is in the water, the water cover will quickly disappear. will form again."

The effect of this water cover in summer is very good, so that if he fights with others underwater, he will take advantage of it, not only will he not be troubled by water pressure, but also will not lack oxygen, and even his defense will become stronger.

The water hood is already so powerful, what about the water waves?

Xia Tian slowly stretched out his left hand.

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