The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1454: 1 up


Greedy Wolf finally used his trick.

This move is different from the normal release of internal force. This long dragon seems to exist, and there is a sword in the dragon. Greedy Wolf's body also rushes forward with the sword, and his feet are already off the ground.


The dragon even let out a long roar, and at the same time, a powerful momentum spread out from there. Fortunately, there were all the masters of the Great Perfection of the Earth level standing around, otherwise this momentum alone would be enough. Can stun people.

"It's kind of like." Xia Xia still looked lazy.

At the same time his left hand stretched forward.

The second level of profound meaning of the Eight Qi Techniques is gravity.


The attack of the greedy wolf was already thrown away by Xia Xia before it could reach Xia Xia.

"The attack power is okay, the speed is too slow, which fool would stand there and let you kill." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

These people at the scene have been completely shocked by Xia Xia's strength. In any case, Greedy Wolf is now one of China's four masters, a super master in the Great Perfection of the prefecture level, but Xia Xia actually sits there and makes an understatement. To deal with the greedy wolf's attack.

Does this mean that greedy wolves are weak?

Of course not, although the speed of Greedy Wolf just now was not fast, it could not be said to be slow, and the most important thing in his move was momentum, which fixed the opponent there, so that the opponent could only parry but not dodge.

But no one thought that with a wave of Xia's hand, the greedy wolf would be thrown away.

Just like the scene where Lei Feng was thrown into the air just now.

The mighty attack was so easily resolved.

Your attack is awesome? What's the use of that, it's just a decoration if you can't hit people.

"It's already the second move, there's one move left, use your strongest skills, or you won't have a chance when I make a move." Xia Xia said very calmly, as if he was talking about trivial matters.

"Damn, I don't believe that I can't win you." Greedy Wolf threw the famous sword in his right hand, and the famous sword was suspended in the air. At the same time, an incomparably terrifying force erupted from his body. , this power instantly entered the famous sword.


Famous swords, one for two, two for four, four for eight, eighteen for sixteen, sixteen swords are all entities, and then sixteen swords appeared around Xia Xia, completely wrapping Xia Xia.

"Silent Assassination!"

Excitement appeared on Greedy Wolf's face, and then the sixteen swords disappeared at the same time.


There is no sound, as if it disappeared out of thin air. Could it be that the attack of the greedy wolf disappeared like this?

But when they saw Greed Wolf's excited expression, they knew it was definitely not that simple.

"Interesting." Xia Xia also sat up straight, as if seeing something interesting, and then everyone saw Xia Xia's left hand.

when! Dangdang!

There was a sound of gold and iron symphony, and then everyone realized that the attack of the greedy wolf did not disappear, but always existed. Although they could not see it, they could see it in the summer.

And summer just sits there like this, with the left hand going around to order.

"It's amazing, worthy of being the number one expert in the world, but he managed to defuse this kind of attack so easily." The people around did not sigh about how powerful Greedy Wolf's attack was, but sighed at Xia Xia's strength.


At this moment, Xia Xia's **** stretched out directly, and the famous sword was directly sandwiched between his two fingers: "This sword does not belong to you, it should be returned to the original owner."


Xia Xia waved his left hand and threw the sword directly to Qi Huan: "Send it back to the quicksand."

"Yes, boss." Qi Huan took the famous sword.

Yin Nie nodded silently at this time. He understood that Xia Xia did this all for him. After all, Wei Guang was his junior and disciple of the Ghost Valley. He could not tolerate the greedy wolf to continue to insult Wei Guang.

"The three tricks are over." Xia Xia said lightly. He just said that the three tricks of the greedy wolf were made, but everyone didn't take it seriously. At this time, they found out that Xia Xia really made the three tricks of the greedy wolf.

"Damn, why is this?" Greedy Wolf shouted unwillingly.

"Because you are an ant in front of me." Xia Xia looked at Greedy Wolf and said.

"It is clear that my strength has improved so quickly, but why am I not your opponent." Greedy Wolf looked resentful.

"It's very simple. The things you are most proud of are often worthless with me. You think your luck is very good, but with me, I can easily crush all your fantasies, just like this." Summer With a wave of his left hand, Greedy Wolf's body flew directly into Xia Xia's hand without any resistance.

"Not good!" Lei Feng's expression changed, and he rushed over in a hurry.

"Lei Feng, I won't kill him because he doesn't deserve it." Xia Xia held the greedy wolf's neck in his hand. At this time, the greedy wolf had no resistance, just like an ant that could be killed by Xia Xia at any time. .

Lei Feng saw that the greedy wolf had been caught by Xia Xia, and he didn't dare to go forward easily. There was no bottom line for Xia's actions. Who knew that after he angered Xia Xia, Xia Xian would directly kill the greedy wolf Greedy Wolf, do you know why I didn't kill you? " Xia Xia asked Greedy Wolf.

"Summer, I will definitely let you die." Greedy Wolf said viciously.

"I just like the way you look at me and still can't kill me." Xia Xia slapped Greedy Wolf with his right hand, and a large storage bag appeared in Xia Xia's hand: "Well, yes, this time something It seems to be all good things, remember to bring more things to send next time, Qihuan, then."

After Xia Tian finished speaking, he threw the storage bag to Qihuan.

"Okay, it's big." Qihuan's face was happy, and he directly caught the storage bag.

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

Xia Xia actually regarded Greedy Wolf as a mobile ATM, and he will bring something good next time.

"It's over, the things that the Boundary Master has worked so hard to send are over." Lei Feng almost didn't collapse. He didn't expect that Xia Xia would be so embarrassed to grab it. Most people pay attention to the demeanor of a master and won't touch other people's things, especially if they don't kill them. In the case of an opponent, Xia Xia was embarrassed.


With a flick of his left hand, Xia Xia threw Greedy Wolf directly.

"Are you all right?" Lei Feng directly caught the greedy wolf.

"Brother, I'm sorry." Greedy Wolf felt that he was really sorry for Lei Feng. Lei Feng gave him this opportunity, but he didn't perform well, and the best treasures were all taken away by Xia Xia.

"It's okay, have a good rest." Lei Feng comforted.

"Hey, I've had enough sitting, it's time to move my muscles and bones, the twelve trash, let's go together." Xia Xia waved at the Lei Family Twelve Kills, and the money in his eyes was full of provocation.

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