The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1468: enter the spirit world

Spirit world!

A magical place.

Does it belong to Earth? I'm afraid it doesn't belong, it doesn't belong to the earth?

That's not right, it doesn't belong to another planet either.

For many super masters, living on earth can no longer pursue their martial arts, so they want to go to a more advanced place, that is, the spiritual world. There are two reasons for going to the spiritual world in summer. The first is To save Brother Ma, the second is that his parents are in the spiritual world.

If it weren't for these two reasons, then he just wanted to go back and spend time with his relatives, lovers and friends.

Originally, he thought that he could stay in Jianghai City for a while. After all, it is not possible to break through to the Heaven-level Great Perfection, but now he has neither broken through to the Earth-level Great Perfection, nor can he leave here.

"I can only go to the spiritual world. I don't know where I will be teleported to the human world. I heard from Yaoyu that it seems to be teleported randomly. What if I are teleported to the cliff?" Xia Xia was depressed. said.

"Even if it's a cliff, what if you send me to the base camp and the monster's nest?" The more Xia thought about it, the more depressed he became.

In fact, summer thinks more.

This kind of portal will only teleport people to the village or outside the city, because those places have coordinates. If it is really teleported like Xia Xia said, who would dare to sit in the teleportation array.

"Hey, what if I die after I go in, no, I have to leave something here. If something happens to me, I can also meet someone who has a destiny to pass on my mantle." Xia Xia sighed and said. , He now finally understands why those masters left their inheritances before they died, because they are in the same mood as Xia Xia now, and they don't want to really lose their relationship with this world after they die.

And what you have learned shouldn't be wasted like this.

"Let's just leave the mental skills of the first few layers of the eight-headed art here." Xia Xia directly took out the white tiger dagger and began to engrave on the stone wall. Although the white tiger dagger is only a pseudo-spiritual weapon, Xia Xia has always placed it in his body.

His spiritual tools were too numerous to use, but this white tiger dagger meant different things to him.

He made the white tiger dagger himself, so he always carried it with him.

Soon, Xia Xia engraved the first few heart techniques of the Eight-Giving Technique on the stone tablet, and then Xia Xia directly put a few Spirit Gathering Pills in his mouth.

Ten steps!

He is now only ten steps away from the spiritual world. After he has completed these ten steps, he will completely enter the spiritual world. It is easy to enter the spiritual world, but it is difficult to return here.

Although Xia Xia is not ready to enter the spiritual world, he must enter.


Step 9!

"Hey, my lovers, I'm sorry, forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye. Sooner or later, I will come back to marry you beautifully, trust me." Xia Xia felt that she was very sorry for her lovers. After they were together, they didn't have time to accompany them at all, and they were busy every day.

are busy with various things.

Step 8!

"Brothers, Jianghai City will be handed over to you, and Huaxia will be handed over to you. Although this burden is huge, I believe that you are all good sons of China. I have already paved the way for you, and now the rest It's up to you." Xia Xia prepared all the weapons, pills and spirit stones for his brothers, and as long as they reach that realm, Qihuan will give them what they deserve.

Step 7!

"Sir, thank you for your continued care, but unfortunately I couldn't help too much in the end, but my brother will continue to work for Huaxia. I believe that one day, Huaxia will definitely stand at the top of the world. ." Xia Xia said in a very surging heart.

Every man has a heroic dream in his heart, and summer is no exception.

Step 6!

the fifth step!

the fourth step!


first step!

Xia Xia thanked everyone, and at this time there was a teleportation formation in front of him.

Once he stepped into this teleportation array, he went to another world, a completely unfamiliar world.

"Fight!" Xia Xia gritted his teeth and rushed in. Not long after entering, the teleportation array exploded.

The first feeling of entering the spiritual world is that the spiritual energy here is very rich, four or five times that of the earth. That is to say, with normal cultivation, the cultivation speed of the people here is definitely several times faster than that of the earth.

When Xia Xia first entered here, he didn't even dare to open his eyes, but when he opened his eyes, he couldn't help smiling bitterly: "I tm where is this spiritual world, I must have returned to the countryside to farm again. "

In front of summer is a large farmland, but it is not corn and rice that are planted here, but other plants that have not been seen in summer.

Looking around, I saw a village in summer!


"There are people there, let's go and have a look first." Xia Xia didn't know anything about this place, so he could only ask someone to ask about the situation first.

After walking for a long time, I found in the summer that except for the aura that is richer than the earth, the rest is no different from the earth, but the development is much behind. There is no smoke here in summer, which means that there are no factories or the like here. place.

And the houses in front are also very simple, most of them are made of wood.

Xia Xia didn't go fast, and he kept looking around all the way, as if he wanted to see something from here.

When he walked into the village, the patrolling guards stopped him directly.

"Who?" the guard asked.

"Fuck, the spirit world also speaks Chinese. It seems that the ancestors of Huaxia really have a very high cultural heritage." Xia Xia said with infinite emotion. He was still thinking about what to do after he went to the spirit world. , what other people say is different from his, it is impossible to communicate at all.

But these people speak Chinese with one Summer is full of emotion at this time. On earth, everyone loves to learn English, but in the outside world, everyone speaks Chinese.

"Uh, I came from outside." Xia Xia said hurriedly, and the outside world he said was the earth.

"It's a lost person. You can enter the village, but you must pay five spirit coins. Although our village is very simple, there is still an inn," said the patrolling guard.

As soon as I heard that it could be solved with money, Xia Xia's heart was full of joy, and everything that could be solved with money was nothing. He was still worried at first, and it was hard for him to meet people. If he left like this, it would be troublesome, and he would definitely be stopped when he went to other places.

These people also regarded him as a lost person, and he did not explain anything.

Xia Xia happened to have spirit coins on him, so he took out five spirit coins directly.

"Wait, don't let him in." At this moment, a figure rushed over from behind.


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