The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1473: Pegasus Gang


The flaming horse's speed was very fast, and the big tiger quickly returned to the village. When he came back, the place was full of gunpowder smoke.

The house was killed and the bodies were numerous!

Even the village chief was nailed to the gate.

It has experienced a large number of horse bandits and a lot of trouble, but now there are more than 100 people left to transport food and supplies.

"I'm going to kill you." The tiger's anger was completely uncontrollable.

His home is gone.

His village is gone, and all the villagers have died here. The bodies of old people and children are everywhere. He wants to kill the horse bandits in front of him and avenge the people in the village.

"Third brother, there is someone there."

"Kill him." The head of the hundred people said coldly.

Immediately, all the horse bandits rushed towards the tiger.


Dahu Yijin couldn't control his anger completely, he wanted to kill, he wanted to kill everyone.

The flaming horse rushed towards the other side. Afterwards, Dahu grabbed a horse bandit from the horse's back with a forceful grab with his right hand, and pulled the man's head with a forceful pull with his left hand. .

And snatched the sword from the man's hand.

"Third brother, you are a master." said the previous horse bandit.

"Well?" The horse bandit frowned, then looked at Dahu, and saw the war knife in Dahu's right hand. In a few rounds, more than a dozen horse bandits died under his sword. .

"Come back to me." The horse bandit shouted loudly, then pulled his right hand and took out a long spear.

"I'm going to kill you." What Dahu was thinking now was to kill all the people in front of him.

"Fire Horse, yes, I didn't expect that there is another Fire Horse in this small village. I want it." After that, the third brother of the horse bandit rode his horse and rushed towards the big tiger. His speed was very fast.


In the first round, the two dismounted at the same time.

"The strength is not bad." The third brother of the horse bandit said with admiration.

"I'm going to kill you." Dahu was completely mad now, and he kept saying this sentence, except for this sentence, there was no other words.

"If you want to kill the third leader of the Pegasus Gang, you are still too tender." After the third brother of the horse bandit finished speaking, the spear in his hand was like a snake coming out of a hole, and he directly stabbed the tiger on the opposite side.

The long spear in the hands of the third brother of the horse bandit completely restrained the big tiger, and the big tiger could not get close at all.

This is weapon restraint.

Long dragon!

The third brother of the horse bandit saw the opportunity, and the long spear pierced directly, and a long dragon directly cut off the left shoulder of the big tiger to Qigen.

A scream came out of the tiger's mouth.

The third brother of the horse bandit showed no mercy. He took advantage of the big tiger to move him and stabbed it again, cut off the right shoulder of the big tiger, and then directly picked up the big tiger with a shot.

"The third brother is mighty!"

"The third brother is mighty!"

The horse bandits at the scene shouted excitedly one by one, the two fought less than a hundred rounds, and the tiger was defeated by the third brother of the horse bandit.

"Hey, you are a waste, and you dare to oppose our Pegasus gang. Let's go and let him fend for himself." The third brother of the horse bandit rushed directly to the fire horse, but the fire horse was very bad. Tame, want to throw him off his horse.


The third brother of the horse bandit is also a ruthless character, and he directly stabbed the flaming horse with a knife.


A scream came from the flaming horse's mouth.

"Be obedient, or I will kill you." The third brother of the bandit punched Huo Lie Ma again, and this time Huo Lie Ma calmed down.

The big tiger is lying on the ground. Now he has a lot of anger and less air. Seeing his beloved horse being treated like this, he feels that his sky has fallen, and death is the best for him. He was relieved, but his biggest unwillingness was not being able to avenge the people in the village.

"Three mighty!"

The horse bandits continued to shout.

"Go, follow the big brother and the others." Brother Ma said directly.

"Don't think about leaving!" At this moment, Daniel and the others came back. Their mighty thirty or forty people were all elite men in the village. Seeing their village was completely destroyed, their hearts were bleeding. Looking at the tiger lying on the ground and the village chief nailed to the gate, they were filled with boundless anger.

"Go, let's go, you are not his opponent." Dahu shouted this sentence with his last strength.

"Hmph, there are still fish caught in the net, so let's kill them together." The third brother of the bandit snorted coldly.

"Brothers, let's go together and kill them." After the horse bandits finished speaking, they rushed directly to the people on the opposite side.

"You go save people, leave these **** to me." Xia Xia said in a cold tone. His face is very ugly now. He never dreamed that this morning was his last farewell to this village.


People are all dead.

Seeing that majestic and benevolent village chief nailed to the door, Xia Xia hated him very much!

Daniel rushed directly to the position of the tiger, while Xia Xia rushed forward. At the same time, with a wave of his right hand, the Tianhan Sword appeared in his hand.


Dozens of sword qi shot out directly.


In just an instant, the dozens of people and the horses they sat down were all frozen in ice. The twenty or thirty middle-aged people in the villages behind Xia Xia all looked at Xia Xia with disbelief, and even the big cow was stunned~www But he still saved the big tiger.

"Big cow... run with the brothers." Big Tiger said with difficulty.

"No, we want to avenge the people in the village." Daniel said angrily.

"He...very...awesome...awesome." Dahu said.

"Look!" Da Niu lifted Da Hu's body and asked Da Hu to look forward. When Da Hu saw the scene in front of him, he suddenly smiled and then closed his eyes. His greatest wish was that he could not see this. The horse bandits died. When he saw that Xia Xia had killed so many horse bandits, his last wish came true.

"Big Tiger!" Big Niu shouted loudly, but Big Tiger could no longer hear.

At this time, the third brother of the horse bandit on the opposite side looked at Xia Xia with an incredible expression: "Who are you?"

"Murder to pay for life, debt to pay, I am the debt collector." Xia Xia said coldly.

"Hmph, I don't care who you are, our Pegasus gang is not easy to offend." The three horse bandits were also shocked by Xia Xia's hand, so he began to report his family.

"Okay, I remember, I will send them to see you together." The murderous aura in Xia Xia's body erupted directly, and then he disappeared in place.

boom! boom! boom!

Those ice cubes all exploded, costing the sky full of ice flakes, and Xia Xia's body rushed towards the remaining horse bandits at the same time.

"It's all to die for me."

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