The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1486: 9 son

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Baguazhang, Xu Taiyi.

From the three words Baguazhang alone, it can be seen that this person is not simple.

Tai Chi, gossip.

These two words sound like a master.

After all, Taijiquan and Baguazhang are well-known in the spiritual world. Anyone who dares to add the words Baguazhang in front of them is definitely a master of Bagua. This time, everyone wants to see how Xia Xia fights Baguazhang. .

After all, the defense of Baguazhang is known to be invincible.

The strongest defense.

"Baguazhang, it's interesting." Xia Tian smiled slightly, and then his body flashed and rushed directly to Xu Taiyi.


Xia Xia's soft palm came out. After this palm was taken out, everyone didn't think Xia was joking, because Xia Xia had just knocked them out with two soft punches.


Everyone in the audience heard a loud noise, and then Xia Xia's body retreated.


Everyone could see clearly that Xu Taiyi used Bagua Zhang to resolve Xia Xia's palm, and he also had an advantage.

"Your move is useless to me." Xu Taiyi said.

This time, everyone looked at Xia Xia. They wanted to see how Xia Xia planned to resolve this crisis. After all, Xia Xia's actions just now made it clear that he would only deal with Xu Taiyi empty-handed.

But Xu Taiyi's Baguazhang has completely cracked Xia Xia's soft palm and boxing techniques.


Summer's body disappeared in place.


boom! boom!

There was a loud bang, but the people present couldn't see Xia Xia, and now they could only see Xu Taiyi moving his posture there alone, and Xu Taiyi's Bagua palms opened and closed.

"What a fast speed." Even the three people on the stage were stunned.

Xia Xia's speed is already unbelievable. You must know that the three of them are all heaven-level experts, but even the three of them can't see Xia Xia's figure clearly. This shows how fast Xia Xia's speed is.

boom! boom! boom!

The people under the stage can only rely on the voice of the two to confirm that Xia Xia is indeed still on stage, otherwise they will even think that Xia Xia has secretly stepped down.


Summer's figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Baguazhang's absolute defense is invincible at the same level, you can't break it." Xu Taiyi said confidently.

"Really?" Summer smiled slightly.

"Of course, unless you have the slightest chance of using a weapon," said Xu Taiyi.

Although he said so, will summer go to use weapons? Of course not, Xia Xia has already put the sword aside, if he still uses the sword now, then his face will be lost.

"There is no defense that can't be broken under the sky, it's just that we haven't found a way." Xia Xia stretched out **** on his left hand.

Seeing Xia Xia's move, everyone present looked at him.

"I know all the positions of Baguazhang, and I already understand the order of your shots. As long as I calculate backwards, I can easily defeat you, but I think that is very boring." Xia Xia said lightly.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Xu Taiyi frowned. He understood from Xia Xia's words that Xia Xia must know Bagua Zhang very well, otherwise he would not have known so much.

"Since you said that no one at the same level can break your defense, then I will break your defense and see." Xia Xian pointed out with **** on his left hand, and then his body seemed to follow the fingers and rushed out.

Lingxi pointed to the third.

To break the face.

Everyone saw that Xia Xia's body was actually taken away by his two fingers.


Xia Xia's **** directly touched Xu Taiyi's absolute defense.

At the same time, a huge force exploded above the ring.


Xu Taiyi's body was blown away directly.


Xia Xia won again, and in Xu Taiyi's most confident defense, Xia Xia broke his defense.

"Beautiful!" Qijun praised.

Xia Xia's shot just now was not useless at all. He would use the gossip step, so how could he not understand the gossip?

If he wants to win, then he can easily defeat Xu Taiyi.

However, even if he beat Xu Taiyi like that, Xu Taiyi would not be convinced, so Xia Xia chose an upright way and used an attack to break Xu Taiyi's absolute defense.

"Not bad, not bad!" At this moment, a loud voice came, and then a figure fell on the ring.

"Ninth Young Master." The three examiners hurriedly bowed.

Seeing that the three examiners all bowed and called him Ninth Young Master, as long as those present were not stupid, they would be able to guess the identity of this person. He must be the oldest of the nine sons of the Zhao family.

There are nine brothers at the main entrance of the Zhao family, known as the nine sons of the Zhao family, who are very famous in Tianyong City.

"Ninth Young Master!" All the people at the scene bowed together, and Xia Xia also bowed slightly.

"En!" Ninth Young Master nodded with satisfaction, and then he walked slowly towards Xia Xia. He didn't go very fast, and everyone didn't know what he was going to do.


When he walked up to Xia Xia, his right hand directly patted Xia Xia's shoulder. This slap, which seemed to be greeting, was actually very Everyone present heard a big one. sound.


Xia Xia sighed, the ninth son was not light at this time, Xia Xia had already determined at this time, this ninth son was the legendary master of heaven.

But summer did not dare to say anything.

After all, this is the territory of the Zhao family, and the person in front of him is the ninth son of the Zhao family. As long as the other party wants him to die, he will never escape in the summer.

"Yes, you can fight well, weren't you very powerful just now?" As soon as Young Master Jiu said this, everyone present understood that Young Master Jiu didn't come to praise Xia Xia, but to find fault.

"Ninth Young Master!" Qijun hurriedly stepped forward and wanted to say something.

"Shut up, what are you?" Ninth Young Master glared at Qijun directly.

Qijun frowned suddenly, and then he quietly crushed a jade talisman.

Ninth Young Master turned his head to look at Xia Xia: "Why, are you not convinced? Go ahead, aren't you very good at fighting? Aren't you specializing in other people's strengths? Come and fight with me."

"How dare I." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Although he said he didn't dare, everyone could tell that he was contradicting Ninth Young Master.

"Broken!" Qijun's face changed greatly, he understood that what the Ninth Young Master was waiting for was this opportunity, and what he was waiting for was this excuse, this excuse to take action.


Today's update, the group management lion is promoted to protect the law, and it is added for him.

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