The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1507: kill blue purple


The eldest son and the others have surrounded Xia Xia and the seventh son, and the men behind them have also surrounded the seventh son.

The atmosphere at the scene was very tense for a while.

But summer did not get down from the sedan chair.

Instead, he continued to sit there, looking fearless.

"Xia Xia, this time I will make you die ugly." Ninth Young Master looked at Xia Xia angrily. He really wanted to kill Xia Xia. What happened last time made him feel very embarrassed, and he saw him in Xia Xia. He said it once, only by killing Xia Xia could he wash away his shame.

"You are a defeated general, why did you kill me?" Xia Xia looked at Ninth Young Master with disdain and said.

"You." The last thing Ninth Young Master didn't want to hear was Xia Xia talking about it, but Xia Xia said it anyway.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it." Fifth Young Master said coldly.

"It's a pity you don't have a chance, my bodyguard is here." Xia Xia sat up straight and shouted loudly, "Big man, someone here is going to kill me. If I die, Miss Qin Xiao will not go to the game."



A figure fell directly in front of Xia Xia. When they saw this figure, Fifth Young Master and the others' expressions changed at the same time. They didn't expect that the bodyguard Xia Xia said was actually this person.

Li Yuanba!

Seventh Young Master finally understood why Xia Xia was always full of confidence.

It turned out that the bodyguard he had been talking about was Li Yuanba. Indeed, with Li Yuanba as a bodyguard, no one could really kill him. Li Yuanba's strength was known to everyone in Tianyong City.

"Li Yuanba, what do you want to do?" Fifth Young Master looked at Li Yuanba angrily and asked.

"No one can touch him." Li Yuanba said very domineeringly.

For Li Yuanba, Xia Xia is a dispensable person, but he must not die now. He must wait for Xia Xia to compete with him before he can let Xia Xia die, otherwise the only chance for him and Miss Qin Xiao will disappear.

This is the only opportunity for communication between Miss Qin Xiao and Li Yuanba, so he must not miss it, which means that he will never let Xia Xia die.

"Li Yuanba, don't think I'm really afraid of you, I must kill him." Fifth Young Master said with a cold expression, he is not an ordinary person, he is the fifth son of the Zhao family, once on the Songyuan Heart Ranking People who have left their names.

"I'm here, then no one can touch him." Li Yuanba stared at the fifth son of the Zhao family.

"Li Yuanba, you are forcing me." The fifth son of the Zhao family waved his right hand, and a hook appeared in his hand. This was his weapon, a high-grade spiritual tool, a soul-snatching hook. He took out the hook to intend to do it.

"Just fight, it just so happens that I have never fought with you before, so this time I can give it a try." In Li Yuanba's right hand there appeared a war knife, a very large one. Totally attracted to it.

This is what the seventh son said about the Bright Moon Sword, which weighs 1,700 catties.

These two people are the two recognized young powerhouses in Tianyong City, but they have never played against each other.

"Hey, if the two of you fight, you'll lose both, right? How long will it take to recover? I'm really curious whether you two will be able to enter the rankings this time." Xia Xia said lightly when he saw the stalemate. .

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the fifth son of the Zhao family waved his right hand, and the hook disappeared in his hand: "Xia Xia, I promise, I will definitely kill you."

"Hahaha, then it depends on whether you have that ability." Xia Xia said with a big smile.

Just now, he said that Fifth Young Master was in his heart. Fifth Young Master is going for the ranking list this time. He doesn't want to lose the big because of the small. Once he fights against Li Yuanba, he will never be able to retreat. In other words, both sides are hurt, and even he is not Li Yuanba's opponent.

"Let's go!" Fifth Young Master said lightly.

"Boy, I can protect you for a while, but I can't be by your side all the time, you must never die." Li Yuanba said looking at Xia Xia.

"Don't worry, I can't even die if you die." Xia Xia's words were really ugly. Li Yuanba saved his life just now, but he actually talked to Li Yuanba like that.

"You kid, there is something. After I finish fighting with you, I will send you to the fifth Zhao family and let him clean you up." Li Yuanba was also very upset when he saw Xia Xia, but he just couldn't kill Xia Xia now.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to stand up after the fight with me." Xia Xia said confidently.

"Humph!" Li Yuanba really couldn't stand summer anymore, so he turned around and left.

"You're so brave, how dare you talk to Li Yuanba like that." Seventh Young Master really admired Dead Summer.

"Anyway, no matter how I talk to him, he won't kill me, so what else can I say? I talk to him respectfully and scold him, and the result is the same, so why should I deliberately try to please him? ?" What summer pays most attention to is results.

"Although I don't agree with your, it does make sense." Seventh Young Master said helplessly.

let's go.

Now that they have escaped the calamity of Fifth Young Master and the others, they will be safe for the time being in the summer, and they can set off normally.

at the same time.

in a forest.

"You idiots. Basket. Zi, I told you to beat it's stomach, but you went to beat its feet. Did the donkey kick your head." A man scolded the people around him angrily.

"Kill Lanzi, it's not that we don't want to beat it in the stomach, he is too fast." Those people said helplessly.

"You idiots. Basket. Son, look at me." Killing Lanzi disappeared directly in place after finishing speaking.


At the same time, the belly of a beast in front of him was directly torn open by him.

"It's amazing!" Although the people around him already know how powerful he is, every time they see it, they feel that it is really amazing.

"You idiots. Basket. Zi, learn from me." Killing Lanzi taught him a lesson.

"Brother Kill, teach us both hands." Those people looked at him with admiration.

"You idiots. Basket. Zi, I like it, follow my brother to learn, and guarantee that you will all be masters at the city lord level in the future." Kill Lanzi patted his chest and said.

"Killing brother is so handsome." Those people said with admiration.

At this time, they have entered the jungle in summer, and they are moving very fast, because those who can enter the heart of Songyuan first have a chance.

"Stop!" Summer suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong?" Seventh Young Master asked.

"We are surrounded." Xia Xia jumped directly from the sedan chair.

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