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Chapter 1511: The magic of devouring

When this statue appeared, a strong coercion shrouded it.

The body of the wolf emperor, who was still fierce just now, began to tremble, as if he had seen the most frightening thing.

The wolf king, the king of this pack of wolves.

The strength is extremely strong.

But when he saw the phantom behind Xia Xia at this time, he didn't even dare to escape.


The wolf emperor's legs knelt directly on the ground.

The wolf emperor, the king of the wolf clan, actually knelt down for Xia Xia. This is simply incredible. If there was someone next to him at this time, he would definitely not believe what he saw. The wolf emperor actually knelt down for a human being.

This is the power of the power of the sky.

Whether you are a king or a beast at the level of a king, you must surrender when you see the power of the sky.

This is tough.

"Success!" Xia Xia's face lit up with joy, and then he slowly walked towards the Wolf Emperor.

The wolf emperor's face was full of fear, but it just knelt there motionless.

"The power of the sky is indeed the strongest power. I only gained such a little bit to have such great power. How strong would the two statues themselves be back then?" Xia Xia said that it was a gamble, but he I just want to use the power of Tongtian to suppress a bit of the wolf emperor's strength, and then fight the wolf emperor.

But the result surprised him.

There is no war.

The wolf emperor has no ability to resist at all.

This is absolute power.

The power that only the real strong can possess.

"Since you can't resist, then I'm welcome." Xia Xia walked directly to the wolf emperor.

Just when he wanted to kill the wolf emperor with a golden knife, he suddenly had a new idea: "devour, by the way, little bugs can devour all kinds of creatures, can't I? Of course, I can I don't want to eat it, there's so much hair on my body, but I can try other methods."

Xia Tian's hand was placed on the wolf emperor's head.

A terrified look appeared on the wolf emperor's face.

"If you don't kill you, those people have to die, so you have to die." Xia Xia directly used his left hand to use the swallowing skill.

It worked.

He actually succeeded.

In less than ten seconds, the wolf emperor, who was still full of energy just now, fell to the ground.

Its body was several times smaller than before, as if the blood and essence in its body had been absorbed by humans.

"It's so comfortable." Xia Tian closed his eyes and enjoyed this feeling. Every muscle in his body was strengthened. He actually absorbed all the blood of the wolf emperor, and these blood were nourishing his body.

Every muscle, every cell in his body was nourished.

"I feel like I'm full of strength now, and my body is a lot stronger all of a sudden." Xia Xia clenched his fist, and his body was now full of explosive power.


Just then, there was a howling of wolves.

"Damn, I almost forgot about the business." With a flash of gold in Xia Xia's right hand, he pulled his left hand, and the wolf emperor's head appeared directly in his hand. Then he ran back directly, holding the wolf emperor's head in his left hand.


Seeing the head of the wolf king in Xia Xia's hands, all the wolf kings around let out a scream.


The wolves began to disperse.

The wolf emperor is their leader and the pillar of their hearts. At this time, the wolf emperor died, as if the ancient general had been beheaded, and all the wolves had dispersed.

In the formation, the Seventh Young Master and others who were desperately resisting saw the wolves retreat, and they were all stunned: "Success? Did summer really succeed?"

The wolves have all disappeared.

And a figure appeared in the distance.

A figure with a wolf's head.

"Xia Xia, it's really him. He actually succeeded. How did he do it?" Seventh Young Master said in surprise when he saw the figure. Even when Xia Xia went out, he didn't think Xia Xia really can do it.

But now Xia Xia's left hand is holding the wolf's head.

And the retreat of the wolves just now shows that what Xia Xia killed was the wolf emperor, and he was holding the wolf emperor's head in his left hand, and he really did it.

He really wants to rush out to welcome the summer, but he knows that he will definitely be attacked by the formation when he goes out, so he can only stand in place and be anxious.


When Xia Xia returned to the front of the formation, he directly removed the formation.

Seventh Young Master rushed over directly, grabbed Xia Xia and threw it at the crowd, and the crowd caught Xia Xia and threw it up.

There were cheers everywhere.

Today they created miracles and broke legends.

No one has ever been able to survive under the attack of a thousand wolves, but this time they faced two thousand wolves, and they were commanded by the wolf emperor himself, but now they have survived, not a single one died, although every There are more or less injuries on the individual body, but none of the dead are indeed.

The reason why they were able to create this miracle is because of the existence of summer.

Summer helped them create this miracle.

"It's amazing, it's amazing." Qijun looked at Xia Xia with admiration.

" Let me down." Xia Xia said.

This is how everyone put summer down.

"Seventh brother, everyone consumes a lot, let everyone rest well first." Xia Xia said.

"Okay, rest in place, today we will improve the food, eat wolf meat, and everyone will roast the wolf together." Seventh Young Master said.

Meat, not everyone can eat it, especially wolf meat. Eating wolf meat is very good for strengthening the body. Usually, people like them can hardly eat meat, let alone fierce. Wolf meat, but this time they can all eat fierce wolf meat.

And with so many corpses on the ground, this time they can eat enough.

"Bake it up, everyone will work together, and everyone will share the more. You can bring as much as you can, and the materials on these wolves are also yours." Qi Gongzi said, as soon as he heard Qi Gongzi's words, the scene There was another cheer.

You must know that they are the children of the Seventh Young Master. Although they killed the wolves together, the spoils belonged to the Seventh Young Master alone. Now the Seventh Young Master let them share it.

That's obviously a reward for them.

With so much wolf meat, they will definitely be able to sell them for a lot of money after they bring them back, and they can also keep some of them to eat for themselves, which can play a role in strengthening the body.

"Xia Tian, ​​you are really amazing, how on earth did you do it?" Seventh Young Master's face was full of admiration, even his heavenly master worshipped Xia Xia, although he was the master and Xia Xia was the servant.

But in his eyes, Xia Xia is his brother.

"I said, that position is definitely yours, no one else can take it away, this is just the beginning." Xia Tian smiled slightly, then he walked to the side of a tree: "How much has my strength strengthened? Woolen cloth?"


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