The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1515: Bibi look


The scene at this time is obviously very unfavorable for them in the summer.

Normally, it is a smart person, and it is definitely showing weakness, but Xia Xia not only did not show weakness at all, but also behaved very strongly, as if he was actively provoking things.

In the face of such a terrifying and powerful enemy, he was still able to do this.

Seventh Young Master and the people behind him couldn't help but admire him even more.

However, the way of finding faults in summer is really incomprehensible to them. They have heard of various ways of finding faults, such as 'I see you are not happy', 'What are you worried about', etc., but they have never heard of this method of finding faults.

Tell people directly: You are ugly, so you are unhappy.

Is it wrong to be ugly?

"Uh!" Even that person was blocked by Xia Xia's way of finding faults.

"Uh what, you are very powerful. It's amazing to fight ten beasts. By the way, what's your name?" Xia Xia's attitude was still forced.

"My name is Kill Lan Zi!" said the man.

"Sure enough. Basket. Zi." Xia Xia said.


This time, all the people at the scene didn't know what to say, but this man's name was a bit weird, but if Xia Xia went up to scold him directly, I'm afraid this battle was inevitable.

"Are you scolding me?" Killing Lanzi looked at Xia Xia strangely.

"Sure enough. Basket. Zi, I didn't scold you, I was calling your name." Xia Xia said with a wicked smile.

"Oh." Kill Lanzi nodded.

"Fuck! You actually believed it!" Xia Xia was speechless this time, and the other party actually believed that he was calling the other party's name, which was too funny.

"I'm very curious, what kind of capital do you use to talk to me like this, I saw through your realm at a glance, you are just a person with great perfection at the prefectural level, and the beast I casually kill is better than you. I don’t know how much stronger it is.” Killing Lanzi’s face finally cooled down, this time everyone knew that the battle should be indispensable.

"So what? Are you going to kill me with your tough methods? Then kill me, I won't accept you anyway." Xia Xia said.

When Xia Xia said something against you, everyone didn't understand what he meant.

"Then how do you agree to accept me?" Kill Lanzi asked.

When they heard this sentence, everyone finally understood that Xia Xia's sentence was against your purpose. Obviously, he saw through the thought of killing Lan Zi.

"Let's compare the two!" Xia Xia said.

"Better than what?" Kill Lanzi asked.

"It's about who can get the first place in the heart of Songyuan this year's ranking." Xia Xia said.

"What about the bet?" Kill Lanzi asked.

"Whoever loses will cut off one of his own arms with his own hands." When Xia Xia said this, all the Naxi people around involuntarily took a breath. Xia Xia's bet was too cruel.

He actually wanted to do it himself.

And this game obviously doesn't have any advantages for him, so everyone doesn't understand what he thinks, it's no different from courting death.

Killing Lan Zi is a super master who can defeat even so many beasts.

And he's just a person of Earth-level Dzogchen.

"Well, add another condition." Kill Lanzi said.

"What conditions?" Xia Tian asked.

"I want to know why you are hostile to me. You have been hostile to me since you saw me." Killing Lanzi said.

"Okay, as long as you win, I'll tell you." Xia Xia said.

"That's good, it's a deal." Killing Lanzi disappeared and disappeared.


"You idiots. Basket. Son, let's go." Killing Lanzi waved to the younger brothers and said.


Everyone thought it would be a big battle, but the result was so simple, and it was easily resolved. Seventh Young Master really admires Xia Xia so much, Xia Xian is very good at trying to figure out people's hearts.

Just like when he was dating Li Yuanba, he seemed to be able to control everything in his hands.

The same goes for Li Yuanba who came out to help them outside the city.

Xia Xia knew that he would meet Fifth Young Master and the others when he left the city, but he still looked confident. Did he know that Li Yuanba would definitely arrive in time?

"It is said that you were going to fight with us just now?" Xia Xia asked, looking at Sun Changyun.

Sun Changyun was very embarrassed at this time.

He just wanted to make friends with that person, and he also wanted to take the opportunity to kill Xia Xia, but he didn't expect that person to ignore him at all, so he just left, leaving him in the wind and messy, although his current There are many people, but his people have suffered heavy casualties, even those who are not dead are also injured.

"Humph! Let's go." Sun Changyun snorted angrily, and then said, he didn't want to go shopping with Xia Xia, but he wasn't afraid of Xia Xia, after all, there were more people here than Xia Xia.

"Did I let you go?" Xia Xia asked while looking at Sun Changyun.

Sun Changyun stopped his footsteps.

His anger could no longer be suppressed. As the saying goes, a dog would jump over the wall when he was in a hurry. Of course, he didn't think he was a dog.

It's also a bit deceiving in summer.

He has already lost 2,000 low-grade spirit stones, what else do you want in summer?

There is no bottom line in being a person in the summer. If he doesn't look down on anyone, he will bully him to the death. I don't care if you jump off the If you jump off the wall, then I have an excuse to beat the underdog.

And Xia Xia likes to bully a person serially, if you want to bully you will bully you to death.

"Are you going to fight with us?" Sun Changyun asked Xia Xia.

"Don't get me wrong, it's not us, it's me, and I don't want to fight with you, I just want to kill you." Xia Xia said with a smile.

"You're courting death!" Sun Changyun looked at Xia Xia coldly.

"I'm sorry, it wasn't me who was courting death." Xia Xia said, his body quickly backed away, and at the same time the people behind him also backed up.

His hands clapped on the ground.

to make!


A formation appeared around Sun Changyun and the others.

No, it's two arrays.

"Enjoy it." The corner of Xia Tian's mouth slanted slightly, and then the Tianhan Sword appeared in his right hand.

Wan Jian returns to the ancestors.

Tens of thousands of cold lights appeared around Xia Xia, and those cold lights looked biting, giving people an infinite terrifying power.

call out!

Tens of thousands of cold beams shot directly into the formation. At the same time, everyone outside the formation saw the changes in the formation. There are two formations. The first is the trapped formation. trapped inside.

The second is the Phantom Array.

After those Hanmang entered the formation, they became ten times bigger.

In just a moment, the formation was full of sword beams, and some people didn't have time to resist, and their bodies were directly blocked by ice.

"Let's add more ingredients!" Xia Tian clenched the airflow beads in his left hand.


The second level of profound meaning of the Eight Qi Techniques is gravity.

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