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Chapter 1527: with full force

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! &&&& Xia Xia and Qi Gongzi both understand that this time it is definitely impossible to escape. .ww.◆

&&&& "Brother Qi, Brother Mu, you two help me delay the three of them, and I will deal with the younger one first." Xia Xia pointed at Fifth Young Master and the three of them.

&&&& "Three? Isn't it four?" Mu Jianying asked in confusion.

&&&& "The other one is trash, don't pay attention to him." Xia Xia pointed to the ninth son and said.

&&&& Hearing Xia Xia's words, Jiu Gongzi's face turned ashen.

&&&& Summer actually ignored him so much, saying he was a waste.

&&&& They were obviously four brothers together, but Xia Xian actually let these people hold three of them and left him out, which was a shame for him, Xia Xian was insulting him.

&&&& "Summer, you're courting death." Jiu Gongzi shouted angrily.

&&&& "I advise you to keep the cat in the crowd, otherwise I can't help but kill you first." Xia Xia looked at Jiu Gongzi and said.

&&&& Hearing Xia Xia's words, Jiu Gongzi became even more angry. ●■.ww.●

&&&& "Old Ninth, don't be impatient." Fifth Young Master shouted. Hearing Fifth Young Master's words, Ninth Young Master gritted his teeth and retreated to the back. He understood what Fifth Young Master meant. If he was restrained by Xia Xia, then this battle Most likely it will end.

&&&& Xia Xia really didn't want to touch the ninth son, because he didn't want the seventh son to bear the honor of killing his brother.

&&&& So today he planned to beat the four brothers seriously and let them fend for themselves.

&&&& But among the four brothers, apart from Lao Jiu, the others are masters of the masters, especially the fifth son, who is very powerful. He is a master who can be tied with Li Yuanba.

&&&& The strength should not be underestimated.

&&&& "Leave this guy to me." Mu Jianying pointed to Fifth Young Master and said.

&&&& "Be careful, he is the strongest among these people." Seventh Young Master reminded, and then he set his eyes on the eldest son: "Big brother, your opponent is me."

&&&& "Leave the rest to my four unruly men. ▲▼▲.ww.▲" Mu Jianying said.

&&&& Assignment ends.

&&&& Mu Jianying vs Wu Gongzi.

&&&&The eldest son vs the seventh son.

&&&& Mu Family Guard vs Fourth Young Master.

&&&& Xia Xia vs. the remaining 100 people and Jiu Gongzi.

&&&& Mu Jianying's strength is very strong, even stronger than the seventh son, so he chose the fifth son who is the strongest among the opponents; although there was no life and death duel between the first son and the seventh son, everyone knows that the first son is not Seventh Young Master's opponent; Fourth Young Master's strength is the third rank of a cauldron, and he will soon break through the strength of the fourth rank of a cauldron. The four guards of the Mu family are all of a certain third-rank strength, so the four of them will shoot at the same time, and there will be no what difficulty.

&&&& The last thing left is summer.

&&&& Summer pressure is not small.

&&&& The strength of these subordinates brought by the brothers of the Zhao family are not weak, especially those who can survive so much suffering, none of them are weak, especially there are twelve first-order cauldrons here 's master. ▼●.ww.▼

&&&& are their core subordinates.

&&&&Although Xia Xia didn't take Ninth Master in his eyes, he was also a top-ranking expert.

&&&&So there is definitely a lot of pressure to face in summer.

&&&& "I will kill you." Fifth Young Master looked at Mu Jianying and said with a cold tone, at the same time he waved his right hand, and a soul-snatching hook appeared in his hand.

&&&& "Really? I haven't been active for a long time." Mu Jianying smiled, and at the same time, a spear appeared in his advantage, and soon something like a branch appeared around the spear. All the pistols are covered.

&&&& "Elemental, not bad!" Fifth Young Master said with admiration, and flames also appeared on the hook in his right hand.

&&&& "You're not too bad." Mu Jianying praised.

&&&& "Brother, you are not my opponent, I don't want to kill you, stop it." Seventh Young Master looked at Eldest Young Master and said.

&&&& "Shut up? If you quit, how can I be a candidate for the head of the family?" The eldest son looked at the seventh son and continued: "So, my dear brother, for my future, you should die.▼ .ww.▲”

&&&& "Let's fight!" Xia Xia clenched his fists with both hands, and then rushed directly to the opponent's crowd.

&&&&here we go.

&&&&The moment the summer shot, their battle started.


&&&& When Xia Xia rushed into the crowd, he punched them one at a time, sending two people flying. At the same time, those people also reacted and hurriedly attacked Xia Xia.


&&&& Summer seems to have a layer of defense around it.

&&&& Earth Spirit Pearl!

&&&& After possessing the Earth Spirit Orb, Summer is equivalent to acquiring the ability of elemental substances.

&&&& Elemental Artifacts are normally only awakened by masters of Tier 1 and 5, but generally people with excellent talent will awaken this ability at Tier 4. Fifth Young Master and Mu Jianying are the kind of people with excellent talent.

&&&& Of course, so is the seventh son.

&&&& Those people's attacks did not break through the layer of earth element armor around Xia Xia at all.

&&&&At the same time, Xia Xia punched directly in the direction with the most people.

&&&& Earth Wall!


&&&& The powerful earth wall directly knocked those people out.

&&&& "What?" In the back, Young Master Jiu looked at Xia Xia with an unbelievable face, Xia Xian actually used the power of elements, but Xia Xia was only the strength of the Great Perfection at the Earth level. When will the strength of Great Perfection at the Earth Level be able to use the elements? power?

&&&&At least five or six people did not escape Xia Xia's attack and died instantly.

&&&& And then another punch in the summer.


&&&& is still an earthen wall.

&&&& The reason why he has been using the earth wall is to test the limit of the earth spirit Every spiritual tool has its own limit, how many times it can be used, or how long it can last.



&&&& With every Xia Xia shot, there are people around him dying, but Xia Xiandi Wall can allow him to use the unearthed elements, but he is not at the level of heaven, so using it like this consumes a lot of earth spirit beads.

&&&&When the eighth punch was played in the summer, the earth spirit bead automatically entered the corrected state.

&&&& "Eight hits, with my current strength, I can hit eight hits. I should be able to hit a lot more when I break through to the heaven level. If I can still awaken the earth element, then there will be more." Xia Xia understood that the earth spirit If a treasure like a bead is used by people of the earth attribute, it is like a duck to water, equivalent to one plus one equals four, or even equals five.

&&&&At least 40 people died under his fists during the eight hits just this summer.

&&&& "He must have used some kind of secret treasure to be able to use the power of the elements. Let's go together, he can't use it now, kill him for me." Jiu Gongzi shouted loudly.

&&&& When Xia Xia's realm broke through to the half-step heaven level, he could use the power of elements, and the earth attribute was just one of them.

&&&& Next, he will use the water attribute.

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