The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1550: punish

When he heard Xia Xia coughing, the Zhao family head hurriedly squatted down to check.

"A miracle, really a miracle, his body is actually detoxifying on its own." The Zhao family's patriarch said in surprise.

When they heard the words of the Zhao family's patriarch, the faces of the seventh son and others finally eased, while the faces of the second son and others became very ugly.

"Father, is he okay?" Zhao Yushu asked.

"It should be fine. With the speed of his body's detoxification, there should be no serious problems within a day. I'd better deal with the poisoning thing first." Zhao Family Patriarch said.


This term is very sensitive.

Because the reason why summer is like this now is because someone poisoned him.

"Who did it?" Zhao Yushu asked.

"Housekeeper!" The Zhao family's patriarch waved his hand.

"Lord Patriarch, I have already checked. Although the tea has been drunk, there are still residues in the teacup. It is a very poisonous and invisible poison. The price of this poison is very high on the market, and it costs a thousand low-grade spirit stones. One, I also checked, that poison was sold to our Zhao family." The housekeeper said.

"What? Is there poison in the tea? Impossible! I made the tea myself, no one can poison me in front of me." Zhao Yushu kept shaking his head, as if he didn't believe it.

Qi Gongzi and the others did not speak either.

"The second, the third, the sixth, the eighth, get out of here." The Zhao family growled and shouted.

The eight people hurried forward and knelt on the ground at the same time.

Few of the Zhao family were able to take out a thousand low-grade spirit stones, and even fewer were able to poison Xia Xia.

"Patriarch, we didn't do it." Second Young Master killed this matter. He knew that he couldn't do it. Anyway, there is no evidence to prove that they did it. .

"Lao Liu, I'll give you a chance. If you agree, I won't kill you." The head of the Zhao family said with a cold expression. Although he usually did not stop the small friction between these sons, he couldn't tolerate this kind of thing either. It happened, and their mischief almost ruined the Zhao family's future.

"Patriarch, no, father, I was wrong, I was wrong, I said, I said everything." The sixth son was the least timid, and he was so frightened by the Zhao family's patriarch that he couldn't control it.

"Liu Liu!" Second Young Master shouted angrily.

"Father, I was really wrong. It was the second brother who paid attention to let the starling turn off Yushu, and then look for an opportunity to poison." Sixth Young Master's voice trembled, with tears on his face, he was afraid, he was really afraid .


At this moment, the second son knew it was over.

"Second, I tell you, the sixth saved your life, even if he doesn't admit that I know you did it, then I will kill you, although I can't kill my own son, But I will let others kill you, because your actions have exceeded the limit that I can bear." The head of the Zhao family said.

"Father, let them go. The reason why Xia Xia didn't say anything is that they don't want you to embarrass them." Seventh Young Master stepped forward and said.

"Lao Qi, I don't need you to be fake there." The second son looked at the seventh son angrily and said.

"Second, don't you understand? You and I can live with each other only when the seventh is the head of the family. The seventh is a kind person, and he cares about the brotherhood. That's why we obey him." The eldest son stood up and said.

"Brother, you are also a fool. Let me tell you, the seventh is a real ambition. When I am there, he will win over you. Once I fall, your good days will come to an end." The corner of the second son's mouth Slightly tilted.

Zhao Yushu stood there without speaking, her eyes were fixed on the Eighth Young Master, she never dreamed that the person she trusted most would use her.

Eighth Young Master didn't look up, he didn't say a word, he didn't dare to look Zhao Yushu's eyes.

"Second brother, if you only have success or failure in your eyes, then you lose. I don't want to say anything more to you, but I know that I don't feel wrong. We are very happy with Lao Qi during this time, so we plan to assist Him." Fifth Young Master came to Second Young Master and said.

"Fifth, I always thought you were a shrewd person. It seems that I was wrong. You and the eldest brother are both fools. I will wait to see what happens to you." The second son showed a cold smile.

"Abolish the second and the eighth cultivation base, and demote the four of them to the mine. They will not be able to get home for life. If there is trouble, they will be killed." ."

The Zhao family's men took the four of them down.

"Lao Qi, I'll ask you again now, are you the ambitious family in the second son's mouth?" The Zhao family's patriarch looked at the second son very seriously and asked.

"Father, I swear by my soul that I will never know my brothers. Whoever dares to touch them, I will fight with my life." Seventh Young Master knelt directly on the Well, I believe in you, I don't want you Make choices that you regret. " Zhao Family Patriarch turned around and left after finishing speaking.

The seventh son stepped forward and hugged Xia Xia, and then walked to Xia’s residence. Zhao Yushu glanced at the figure of the eighth son who was gone, and then followed the seventh son to Xia’s residence.

The eldest son and the others looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Seventh Young Master just swore that he had no hesitation and was decisive, which proved that he had no ghosts in his heart.

That is to say, the seventh son is not the conspirator that the second son was talking about.

They also all understand that the second son is usually a person with more extreme thoughts. In the eyes of the second son, there are only those who submit to him and his enemies. He will never see peace. They believe that if the second son becomes the head of the family, then he will Will kill everyone, including the third son, the sixth son and the eighth son who have been following him.

Because he is afraid, he is afraid that others will take away his position, and he can only rest assured after he kills everyone.

Old Seven is different.

He has been a symbol of peace from the very beginning. He first came out to fight for the position of the head of the family because of peace. He did not want brothers to kill each other.

Xia Xia didn't know how long he had slept, but when he woke up, he happened to see Seventh Young Master and others staring at him.

"Wake up, wake up."

Qi Gongzi and others said excitedly.

"Any wine? I'm thirsty."

Hearing Xia Xia's words, several people were relieved, and they knew that they were looking for a drink. Xia Xia seemed to be fine.

"I should be fine." Xia Tian sat up.

"Your poison has just been resolved, and your body is still very weak. Don't move around." Seventh Young Master reminded.

"I'm fine." Xia Xia turned to look at Zhao Yushu and said, "After I've drunk and eaten meat, we'll set off."

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