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Chapter 1568: Senior Sister Dan Ling

Although the Tsing Yi disciple did not speak very nicely, he was considered kind.

In the same way, this is what he must say, otherwise if Xia Xia goes in and rushes in, he will also be implicated.

"I see." Summer nodded.

"This is the guiding crane, just follow it." The disciple in Tsing Yi directly released the guiding crane, which was also a small paper crane: "Remember, no matter what sound you hear, don't walk around, don't look at it, and don't. Nonsense."

"Thank you, Senior Brother." Xia Xia smiled slightly, and then went directly to the Fourth Courtyard.


When he entered the fourth courtyard, he realized what the gap is. The concentration of spiritual energy here is about five times that of the first courtyard. Cultivating here is like lying on a spiritual stone.

Even if an ordinary person lived here every day, it would be absolutely fine to live two or three hundred years old.

"There are so many people with poor treatment at this level." Xia Xia said with emotion. Outside, the houses they lived in were very simple, and they were all made of wood. The facilities should be there, the plants on the roadside are all spiritual medicines, and the fruits on the trees are all spiritual fruits.

The speed of the little paper crane was neither too fast nor too slow, and Xia Xia followed little by little.



Loud noises are often heard from the surrounding mansions.

"The people living here are all monster-level people, super geniuses. I don't know how they cultivated. Is there a special cultivation method in Tianling Mountain?" Xia Xia was very curious, and he followed the little Zhihe for more than ten minutes. I saw the gate with the three engraved on it.

Dan Ling is the third on the red list, so her door is marked with three.

There is no one to guard here.

Because other than the red-clothed disciple, other disciples are not allowed to come in. Of course, those who do tasks can come in.

Xia Tian pushed open the door and walked in. As soon as he entered the yard, Xia Xian felt aura suffocating his nostrils. What caught his eye was elixir. The whole yard was full of elixir. All kinds of elixir were neat and tidy. Alchemy materials above the level, and some "three-level" and fourth-level alchemy materials.

"Is Senior Sister Dan Ling here?" Xia Xia asked.

"Are you the one who took my mission?" A majestic voice appeared, and then a woman in white appeared in front of Xia Xia. The woman's first impression of Xia Xian was long hair, and his hair was almost knee-length. .

Although she is a woman, he speaks very dignifiedly, making people sound like a superior.

"It's me." Summer said.

"It's actually a white-clothed disciple, forget it." Dan Ling was obviously not satisfied with Xia Xia's identity, but she seemed to have no other choice: "Do you understand medicinal herbs?"

"Understand." Xia Xia said.

"Well, there are all kinds of materials in that house, please help me divide it, try to be as detailed as possible, you can only stay in the fourth courtyard for five hours a day, watch the time, leave when it's there, and come back tomorrow. , help me divide the materials, and the task is completed." Dan Ling said expressionlessly.

"It's that simple?" Summer asked.

"Hmph, after you go in, you will know that Jane is not easy, but don't think about those materials, otherwise," Dan Ling said in a warning tone, and she walked to the backyard.

Xia Xia didn't say anything, wouldn't he do such a stupid thing to steal the materials of the red-clothed disciple? It was no different from courting death, and he didn't care about that bit of material at all.

When he pushed open the door, he found that the room was 80 to 90 square meters. At this time, materials were piled up everywhere in the room. These materials were obviously left over from the alchemy process, and some of them might have been thrown into the room because she thought it was troublesome. Here, a little bit here becomes a grocery pile.

"It's said that women are more likely to be buried than men, and it seems to be true." Xia Xia walked in. If a person who did not understand medicinal herbs came in at this time, then these things would probably take him a year to clean up. open.

Because he has no clue at all.

But Xia Xia was different. He had obtained the inheritance of the Pill Emperor, and the Pill Emperor's understanding of medicinal herbs and medicinal materials could be very domineering.

What Dan Huang left for Xia Xia is not only fire control, but also medicine knowledge.

The most domineering part of this medicine knowledge technique is that he can sense whether the medicinal herb in front of him is poisonous, or a big tonic, how old it is, and what properties it is, etc.

Each medicinal material has its own properties. If someone else were to divide it, he would definitely be inseparable, because it was impossible for him to know so many medicinal materials, but Xia Xia knew almost half of the medicinal materials here, even he Can even say names.

Even if he doesn't know it, he can clearly state the properties of this medicinal material.

So for him, it is easy to divide these medicinal There are quite a lot of them, so let's start from here. Xia Xia first cleaned up five places in the house. This is to distinguish materials, put materials with different properties in different positions, and then put materials with the same level and efficacy together.

That's how he started tidying up.

Xia Xia's clairvoyant opened directly, his observational power increased instantly, and his mental power was very large, so he could clearly remember where he separated each medicinal material.

Brush brush!

Others take a year to complete things, so in three hours it is completed by summer.

"Huhu!" Xia Tian let out a long sigh, really tired.

But at this time, he has completely separated these medicinal materials, and the points are particularly clear.

Xia Tian stretched after leaving that room.

"Sigh, the air here is really good. The aroma of herbs inhaled in one breath. I felt a little tired just now, but now all the fatigue is gone." Xia Xian looked at both sides and found that the herbs planted on both sides were all Used to refresh the mind.

Alchemy consumes a lot of mental energy, so Dan Ling deliberately planted these refreshing herbs here, so that he could smell the smell of these herbs when he left the pill room and play a refreshing role.

Just when summer is most intoxicating.


The sudden explosion made Xia Xia jump.

"Damn, what are you doing, demolish the house." Xia Xia was really startled by this sudden rise.

A figure came out from the backyard, it was Dan Ling, but at this time Dan Ling no longer had the majestic feeling it had at the beginning. Several holes were blown out in the white clothes, and the whole person was disgraced.

"Uh!" Xia Xia looked at Dan Ling with a strange expression.

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