The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1574: alchemy

As soon as the people at the mission said this, everyone opened their mouths wide.

Senior Sister Dan Ling is the most famous alchemist on Tianling Mountain. To assist her in alchemy, this shows that there is a chance to learn the craft by stealth.

At this time, all the people around were looking at Xia Xia with envy and hatred.

They are really jealous of summer at this time.

This is where the quest is done in summer, this is clearly to enjoy it, it is said to help Senior Sister Danling and assist in alchemy. In fact, this quest is too good to complete, so looking at it, their F-level quest will be tomorrow. It's going to be soup.

The chances of this task being completed in the summer are definitely very high.

Being with Senior Sister Dan Ling, and then stealthily learning alchemy skills, and also getting two hundred sect contribution coins, this is really too easy.

"Auxiliary alchemy? Then don't go." Xia Xia said directly.

"Don't go?" Everyone was stunned when they heard Xia Xia's words, because the quest reward this time was like a free gift, but Xia Xia actually said that he wouldn't go unless he was a brain-dead person.

"Well, the reward is too small, don't go." Xia Xia said.

Two hundred contribution coins, too little.

Those people around can't wait to strangle Xia Xia.

They feel that the summer is really full and the man does not know that the hungry man is hungry.

"Less rewards!!!" The person at the task had a black line on his face.

"You tell her, I will go with four hundred contribution coins." Xia Xia said.

"Uh!" Hearing Xia Xia Shi's big mouth, the people around him really admired him. Senior Sister Dan Ling is notoriously hot, but Xia Tian dared to provoke Senior Sister Dan Ling so much.

Isn't he afraid that Senior Sister Dan Ling will be angry and kill him directly?

"Okay, I'll help you ask." The person at the mission released a communication crane.

Xia Xia also stood there and waited patiently. At this time, everyone here was waiting to see a good show. They thought Xia Xia would definitely suffer this time, because he was just provoking Senior Sister Dan Ling. The hot temper will definitely kill.

At that time, Xia Xia will at least be beaten, and even Senior Sister Dan Ling can kill him. After all, the red-clothed disciples have special privileges in Tianling Mountain.

Just now these people were still envious, jealous and hated Xia Xia, but at this time, they all turned their envy and hatred into mockery. They had to wait for Xia Xia to be beaten for a while, so they made fun of Xia Xia.

This way they can balance their minds.

About ten minutes later, the communication crane came back.

When the person at the mission opened the communication crane, there were only two words on it: "Yes!"

Everyone looked forward to the people at the mission. They thought that Senior Sister Dan Ling must have written on it that I would go over and teach this ignorant boy well.

"Dan Ling said"

Everyone looked at him.

"She said yes."

When I heard this sentence, the people at the scene almost went crazy. Xia Tian made such a rude request, but Senior Sister Dan Ling actually agreed in the end. This is too incredible. What is Senior Sister Dan Ling thinking?

In their opinion, Xia Xia was simply too much, but Senior Sister Dan Ling actually agreed.

"Oh, I'll go right now." Xia Xia picked up the quest token and walked directly outside.

"This kid has some tricks." The person at the mission said looking at Xia Xia's back.

The eyes of those around him also turned into envy and hatred again.

Xia Xia was already familiar with it this time. He walked directly to the fourth courtyard. At this time, the gatekeeper had changed. Xia Xia handed over his mission token directly, and then entered the fourth courtyard.

"The fourth courtyard still looks good." Xia Xia would feel this way every time he came to the fourth courtyard. He felt that the environment and aura of the fourth courtyard were too good to say, just a big flower bed. It will be larger than the area of ​​their hundredth group.

After a while, he came to the yard with three written on it, and then he pushed the door and went in directly. When he entered, Dan Ling was sitting in the yard looking at the medicinal herbs.

"You're here." Dan Ling was still dressed as yesterday.

"En!" Summer nodded.

"Then don't waste time, let's start, you can help me, and you can help me find whatever materials I need." Dan Ling said lightly.

"En." Summer nodded again.

For an alchemist, no material is usually prepared before alchemy, but Dan Ling is a sloppy person, otherwise she couldn't throw away a whole room of materials. Those materials are that she takes too much every time, and then It's all still there.

Dan Ling took Xia Xia directly to the backyard, where he concocted pills. As soon as he entered the backyard, Xia Xia saw all kinds of pill concocting furnaces. These pill concocting furnaces were of different sizes and grades.

"Accompany me to refine the first-order second-order elixir." Dan Ling walked to the position of a small furnace.

Xia Xia stood there Dan Ling waved his right hand, and the flames began to burn directly under the alchemy furnace. Seeing his actions, Xia Xia finally understood why she often fried the furnace. She Although such a high-temperature de-burning furnace can instantly refine the medicinal materials, at the same time, the danger of frying the furnace is also very high. As long as some mixed materials are put in, it will definitely fry the furnace.


Dan Ling saw that the temperature of the stove was almost the same, so he poured water. After the water entered the stove, it directly turned into water vapor.

"The pile of materials on the left." Dan Ling hurriedly shouted.

Xia Xia was stunned when he saw the large material on the left. Dan Ling actually wanted to throw these materials directly into it. There are two materials with extremely strong spiritual energy in it.

"Hurry up." Dan Ling shouted again.

"It's a pity." Xia Xia shook her head helplessly, and then handed the materials to Dan Ling. Dan Ling saw Xia Xia shaking her head, but she didn't say anything. After all, most of her current thoughts were on alchemy.

When Dan Ling put the herbs out of the furnace, she was still there to switch the flame.

Xia Xia was hiding far away. Just as Dan Ling quickly switched the flame, her complexion suddenly changed, and then her body began to retreat quickly.


The Dan furnace exploded.

All the materials in this furnace are ruined.

"It doesn't make sense, it's always refined like this every time." Dan Ling turned her head to look at Xia Xia. When she saw Xia Xia hiding so far away, she suddenly remembered what happened just now. Xia Xia seemed to know that it was going to explode. Like a furnace, it escaped so far.

Dan Ling called Xia Xia here today to find out the truth of Xia Xia. After all, what happened yesterday shocked her too much. At this time, Xia Xia seemed to know that she was going to blow up the furnace.

"You know I can fry ovens?"

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