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Chapter 1608: 4th level array will update the latest chapters of Need for Almighty Students at the fastest speed.

In the summer, I originally wanted to arrange several three-level formations. w-ww1xi-ao-sh-u-o--co-m

But at this moment, there seemed to be a sense of arrogance in his body.

This arrogance reminded him that on the way to the formation, he must not be looked down upon, so at this moment, a fourth-level formation appeared in his mind, and at this moment, Xia Xia was also a little confused.

He confirmed that he would never be able to arrange a fourth-level formation. With his current strength, although he could arrange a third-level formation, he couldn't do it well, let alone a fourth-level formation.

But the arrogance that suddenly appeared in his body made him have to arrange this fourth-level trap.

This arrogance comes from Po Tian.

Although Potian is dead, he has taught Xia all what he has learned in his life. He is a master of formation, a legendary fifth-level formation mage, and is a very famous existence in the entire spiritual world, a master of the earth list.

At this time, Xia Xia was provoked by Zhen Yuanyuan in the formation, and the arrogance that originated from the sky in his body came out.

Potian is a top-level genius. If he doesn't die, then he has the confidence to become the first mage in the spiritual world. Unfortunately, he died prematurely, but even if his existence is dead, his arrogance will last forever.

So this summer also feels a lot of pressure.

Because he was afraid that his spiritual energy would not be able to supply the consumption of this fourth-level formation.

"It's so weird, what exactly do these gestures mean?" Zhen Yuanyuan looked at Xia Xia's gestures in confusion. She seemed to think of something, but suddenly she couldn't.

An Jie and the others were already shocked by Xia Xia's dazzling gesture.

"No, the internal force consumed by the fourth-level formation is too much, and trying to arrange such a large fourth-level formation will definitely wear me out." Xia Xia wanted to stop the movements in his hands, but he suddenly realized that he Can't stop.

"Damn, how could this happen?" Xia Xian, his hands seemed to be getting faster and faster.

The speed of the knot became extremely terrifying. He hurriedly swallowed all the Spirit Gathering Pill in his mouth, but the recovery speed was still not as good as the consumption speed. Seeing that the spiritual energy in his body was about to be consumed.

Summer is really panicking this time.

If it goes on like this, he will definitely not be able to arrange it when he is tired and vomiting blood.

"So fast, what is he doing?" Dan Ling was completely stunned by Xia Xia's dazzling gesture.

Xia Xia saw that the spiritual energy in his body was being consumed more and more, at this moment.


In the summer, the inner strength was completely restored in an instant.

"What?" This time Xia Tian was blinded, and what happened just now happened too fast, he didn't understand what happened: "Why does the spiritual energy in my body recover instantly."

Xia Xia's movements did not stop. This time, it was still so fast, and the consumption of spiritual energy in his body was also very large.

This summer, I paid close attention to the changes in my body.

When the spiritual energy in his body is about to dry up.


It's like refueling, the aura in summer's dantian is replenished again, this time I see it in summer, it's a little bug, before the little bug swallowed all his spiritual stones, and Xia Tian still felt quite depressed, but now he finally found it. got the trick.

It turned out that the little bug didn't swallow his spirit stone, but helped him digest the spirit stone directly.

Usually he absorbs spirit stones, although the recovery rate of spirit energy is not slow, but it takes an hour to refill his empty spirit energy, but now he doesn't seem to have to absorb spirit stones or take spirit-gathering pills or the like. .

Xia Xia has already discovered, and it only takes ten minutes for his aura to set up this fourth-level formation. At this time, his aura will be replenished every ten minutes. After a few times, Xia Xia found that his aura storage was actually too low. increasing.

Every time you use it up, and then replenish it, you can expand your aura reserves.

But the good times didn't last long. When the little bug helped him replenish for the tenth time, Xia Xian realized that the little bug didn't supplement for him anymore. Fortunately, he arranged a small gathering spirit array, otherwise it would really be a bad thing.


Xia Xia threw all ten mid-grade spiritual weapons into the formation to form the formation.

And the formation has finally taken shape.


When Xia Xia's hands slapped the ground for the last time, there was a jolt on the ground.

to make!


When the formation was completed, the surrounding air solidified, and then a mask visible to the naked eye was formed, which directly enveloped the entire mansion.

"So fast? Doesn't it take at least four or five days to arrange the formation?" Dan Ling asked inexplicably.

"Cut, the simpler the formation, the faster it is. He may have arranged a first-level formation, so it's so fast." Zhen Yuanyuan said with great disdain. In her opinion, Xia Xia's formation was so fast, it must be A low-level array is arranged.

At the beginning, he guessed that the summer must be a fox and a tiger. Here, the pig's nose is inserted with green onions and garlic is pretended to be.

"Huh!" Xia Tian didn't speak, but lay directly on the ground.


He has never been so He feels that he is so tired that he can't tell in all parts of his body. This kind of tiredness makes him just want to rest now, he wants to have a good sleep, who Don't bother him either.

"Don't sleep." At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in Xia Xia's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Why?" Summer asked.

"What kind of formation did you set up? You actually attracted those old guys." Tianling's second child could only see Xia Xia's formation, but he had no idea what level of formation Xia Xia arranged.

"Guess what?" Summer smiled.

"I don't know, but it's definitely not easy, otherwise, the old guys won't be disturbed." said the second child of Tianling.

"Fourth-level formation." Xia Xia said in the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

"What?" Tianling's second child wanted to slap himself directly when he heard the fourth-level formation: "I was wrong, I was really wrong, I actually wanted to take a fourth-level formation mage."

"You didn't succeed anyway." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"There is not a fourth-level array mage in the entire great wasteland. You are the only one. You are still so young. You will definitely grow up to the same level as King Yu in the future." He thought he was only a little short of winning the summer, but now he knows that he was still far behind.

"Master, what level of formation did you set up?" An Jie asked.

"It's just a kid's trick." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Although you are self-aware, you know that what you have arranged is a trick for children to play the house, and I will break your formation now, Dan Ling, next time you have a better memory, no one can win me with the formation. "Zhen Yuanyuan said with great disdain will update the latest chapter of the best all-around student as soon as possible.

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