The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1611: The mountain gate competition begins

He drank seven bowls of wine in one go.

More and more people came around.

At this time, the eighth bowl has been picked up in the summer.


drink it.

Seeing that Xia Xia actually drank eight bowls in one go, all the people at the scene extended their thumbs. At this time, they all looked at Xia Xia with admiration, and at the same time, they looked at Xia Xia even more.

Because the slogan here is: drink up to nine bowls, I don't care if you drink to death.

In the summer, I drank eight bowls in one go.

One more bowl is nine bowls.

And drink it in one go.

At this time, the person opposite Xia Xia is also looking at Xia Xia.


The ninth bowl goes into the stomach.

clap clap clap!

There was warm applause from the scene. Here, everyone admires not the masters, but the people who can drink, because this is the wine grave, and everyone here only admires the wicked who drink well.

"Okay, good." The man across from Xia Xia said, "Brother, what's your name?"

"Summer!" Summer said.

"My name is Cao Yaqian, brother, can I still drink?" the man asked.

When I heard the question of whether I could drink it, everyone around looked at Xia Xia, because the wine here is different, there are at most nine bowls, and after drinking it, the body will be on fire.

When normal people drink here, they are afraid, and they must not dare to drink. Some people who dared to drink also paid the price. Some people drank to death, and some people were seriously injured and rescued after drinking.

"Of course there's no problem," Summer said.

"Well, how about we compare the two?" the man asked.

"Okay, but."

When Xia Xia said this, the people around him thought that he might be afraid and wanted to go back.

"But what?" Cao Yaqian asked.

"But I don't like drinking from a bowl, let's just use a jar." Xia Xia said.

"A jar? Alright." Cao Yaqian was also interested.

Hearing the words of the two of them, the people around them thought that the two of them must be crazy, and actually said that they should drink from a jar.

And now I have drank nine bowls in summer.

The two directly picked up the jar on the ground.


Afterwards, the two of them drank directly at the jar. At this time, everyone on the second floor was watching, and they were all dumbfounded. These two people are simply wine masters. The amount of alcohol completely shocked everyone.


The two broke the empty wine jar.


"Aren't you going to get the wine?" Cao Yaqian looked at Xiao Er and said.

"Go, I'll go right now." Xiao Er hurriedly ran out, and all the people around looked at these two people with admiration.

"Brother, do you see your clothes are the white-clothed disciples of Tianling Mountain?" Cao Yaqian asked, there is no wine now, waiting for the second to take it, so he and Xia Xia also chatted.

"En." Summer nodded.

"It's your mountain gate competition soon, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to participate in the competition if you drink too much?" Cao Yaqian asked.

"Drinking too much? It doesn't seem to have happened." Xia Xian can't remember when he drank too much. Now he only drinks when he drinks for a moment of stimulation, and then when the wine enters his stomach, it will be swallowed by small insects. .

"Oh? Is that so? Then the two of us won't be drunk today." Cao Yaqian said.

Soon, Xiao Er called a helper, and they brought over a dozen jars of wine.

"The wine is coming." Xia Tian picked up a wine jar and drank it directly.



The empty wine jars, jar after jar, were shattered, and the people around them all stood there watching, they didn't dare to drink, and they didn't dare to brag about how good they were.

When she finally drank the ninth altar, Cao Yaqian fell directly.

He is drunk.

When he was worrying about how to send him back in the summer, two people in silver armor came up from the side. War armor, but the material of this war armor is very good.

"Who are you?" Xia Xia looked at the two of them suspiciously. Although the two seemed to be taking care of him, Xia Xia still had to ask clearly.

"Tianjiying!" One of them spit out these three words.

When they heard these three words, everyone around was stunned.

Sky Camp.

The most powerful special forces in Tian Lai City.

The number is very small, but each of them is an elite of the elite, a genius of the genius, and they only obey the orders of the Tianlai City Lord.

At this time, these two people actually came to pick up Cao Yaqian.

"Oh." Xia Tian nodded. He had also heard the name Tianjiying. He believed that no one would dare to pretend to be Tianjiying in Tianlai City, so he was relieved: "I should go too."

The people around gave way.

They really admire dead summer.

To be able to walk so smoothly and in such a good state after drinking so much Huoxiongjiu is simply inhuman.

Of course, summer can't be without it.

After he went back, he slept for two days.

In the end, An Jie woke him up.

"Master, today is the Mountain Gate Competition, so don't sleep." An Jie said.

"Oh." Summer sat up.

"You are really a pig, you can sleep like this." Dan Ling said.

"The world, he is a pig, look at him, he has no other hobbies than eating and sleeping every day, and he doesn't even dare to be interested in a beauty as big as Xiao Qin." Qiyu said.

"It's okay, I'll marry him whenever he wants." Xiao Qin never shied away from this matter.

On the other hand, Zhao Yushu is very sensitive. Although her father gave her this engagement contract and became engaged to Xia Xia, to be honest, she could see that Xia Xia treated her as her sister, so she was really embarrassed to say anything.

"Don't make Pack up and get ready to go, today is the battle of the white-clothed disciples, it should be four consecutive battles, all performed well." The fifth elder looked at Xia Xia and the prince and Tang San and the others. said.

"Don't worry, we can't lose if we can't win." Xia Xia said very casually.

"Damn it!" Hearing his words, the fifth elder couldn't hold back his scolding, but he was still very relieved about this battle, because he knew that with Xia Xia around, the battle shouldn't be a problem.

Although there are not many points that can be obtained from the battle between the disciples in white, when these points are added together in the end, it may have a great impact, so he still values ​​this first game more.

"Where to compare?" Xia Tian asked.

"City Lord's Mansion, there is the biggest and best arena there," said the fifth elder.

"It's finally about to start." The prince clenched his fists. Although Xia Xia did not accept his challenge, he did not change his life goals. He wanted to become an existence beyond A Bao.


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