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Chapter 1618: Summer VS Po

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> Need for all-rounders

> Chapter 1626 Summer VS Po Catalog Set Bookmark Comments Chapter 1626 Summer VS Po

Novel: The Need for All-rounder Author: Huadu Number of Words: 2586

? The appearance of the red-clothed disciple is absolutely shocking. 35xs

Not to mention the yellow-clothed disciples, even the judges bowed to A Bao, which shows the status of the red-clothed disciples in the hearts of this group of people.

And when everyone heard that this red-clothed disciple was the legendary A Bao, everyone was stunned.

A Bao.

Red list first.

The strength is unfathomable, and the object worshipped by all Tianling Mountain disciples is extremely powerful.

For them, Po is a legendary figure.

Normally, no one should interfere with the matches between the yellow-clothed disciples, otherwise they would be dealt with by the Law Enforcement Hall.

But Po is a special existence.

In the entire Tianling Mountain, no one dared to punish Abao except the mountain owner, and Abao's status in the mountain owner's mind is also very high, so generally speaking, no matter what Abao did, mangosteen would protect him.

This is genius, the treatment that the strong should have.

The red-clothed disciples were originally treated very high, and A Bao was number one on the red-clothed list. He was above everyone on the red-clothed list.

So after A Bao said that Zhao Yushu would not be allowed to participate, the referee directly stood up: "Zhao Yushu is eliminated, Yuntu is promoted."

After hearing the referee's words, everyone understood what it means to be strong.

A Bao's words are not discussions, but orders, which even the referee must obey. 35xs

"It's not fair, obviously I'm going to win." Zhao Yushu said angrily.

"Fairness? There is no fairness in front of me. I said, you are my woman, and I will marry you when the time is right, so you just need to stay in the mountain gate honestly, and don't need to walk around. "A Bao said coldly, his tone was not negotiating.

is the command.

Although he said that he wanted to marry Zhao Yushu, he also used the tone of command.

overbearing! Strong.

This is synonymous with Abao.

Everyone in Tianling Mountain has heard of his strength. It is said that some red-clothed disciples dared to disobey him, and they were all killed by him in the end.

No one is in charge, and the mountain owner only symbolically shut him down for a period of time.

And it was Bao who was going to retreat.

So this is equivalent to no penalty.

This created Po's strong reputation.

At this time, he wanted Zhao Yushu to marry him, which was also a direct order.

These people present today saw A Bao's strength with their own eyes, and they all feared him even more. No one dared to offend him, and no one dared to speak at this time.

"I won't marry you." Zhao Yushu looked at A Bao with fiery eyes.

She refused. This was the first time he personally refused. She didn't know where she got the courage. She used to be afraid of A Bao, but now she has figured it out.

Anyway, he died.


Zhao Yushu actually rejected A Bao.

When they heard this, all the people on the scene took a deep breath.

No one dared to reject A Bao, but now Zhao Yushu actually rejected A Bao.

"No one can refuse me." Bao said coldly.

"I just don't agree, either you will kill me or I will die here today." The sword in Zhao Yushu's hand was placed on his neck.

"You can't die without my permission." A Bao waved his hand to the air.


The sword in Zhao Yushu's hand fell directly to the ground.

"I don't believe you can keep looking at me. I'll die when you're not around." Zhao Yushu has made up her mind to die, and she will never succumb to Po's lewd power.

"I said, if I don't allow you to die, you won't die. I remember that you came out of Tianyong City. If you dare to die, I will **** Tianyong City." Bao's voice was very cold, no one was there Will doubt the authenticity of what A Bao said.

Because he definitely has that strength, his words are definitely not just casual words.

He will do what he says.

What is strength? What is domineering?

This is absolute power, absolute domineering. If I ask you to marry me, then you must marry me. If you don't marry, then I will kill your whole family and slaughter your entire city.

This is Bao, who is number one on the red list.


Tears flowed from Zhao Yushu's eyes.

She is not afraid of death, but she has her own family.

She was afraid, she was really afraid that A Bao would go to massacre the city. She believed that A Bao could definitely do it.

"No matter what the reason is, making a woman cry is the biggest mistake." At this moment, a voice came. When they heard this voice, all the people at the scene were stunned, because now Bao is talking, there is actually someone Dare to speak, this is undoubtedly provoking A Bao.


A figure fell directly on the ring.

"Summer!" Xuechang's expression suddenly changed, he never dreamed that the summer would pass.

This is courting death.

At this time, all the people on the scene thought that the summer was over. He was provoking A Bao. A disciple in white dared to provoke A Bao. This was no different from courting death.

Not to mention that he was a little white-clothed disciple, even a red-clothed disciple who dared to provoke A Bao would still be dead.

"Xiamen!" Zhao Yushu's expression changed when he saw Xiaxia: "A Bao, it has nothing to do with him."

Apparently, A Bao ignored Zhao Yushu and looked at Xia Xia.

He looked at summer as if looking at a toy.

He really couldn't understand why a white-clothed disciple dared to stand up and say such things to him. Is it really enough to live?

"Courage is commendable." A Bao said admiringly, but his tone was obviously not admiring, and his eyes seemed to be looking at a dead man.

"Your name is Bao, right? I heard that you are very good. b." Xia Tian looked at Bao and asked.

"Haha, hahaha!" A Bao laughed loudly, as if he had heard a big joke. It was definitely a joke that a white-clothed disciple dared to talk to him like that.

"I heard you want to marry her?" Xia Xia pointed at Zhao Yushu and asked.

"That's right." A Bao put away the smile on his face and returned to being cold again.

"I don't agree." Summer said lightly.

"You don't agree? What right do you have to disagree? Just because you're a disciple in white?" A Bao looked at Xia Xia with great interest.

He had been in retreat for too long, and it had been a long time since no one had made him feel so interesting.

"White clothes, red clothes, it's just clothes. In my eyes, the difference is not big. I heard others say that you are a strong person. You can marry whoever you want to marry, but I am also relatively strong. I won't let you marry. , then you can't marry." Xia Xia looked at Bao with a smile.

"One move, one move, I can kill you, so why don't you let me marry?" A Bao looked at Xia Xia coldly.

The atmosphere at the scene completely solidified, and everyone's hearts were suspended.

Novel recommendation: is the protagonist me The marriage of non-gods and demons is sultry: the wife of the major general is too hot with the doctor and is reborn in the sky 100 days: Ye Shao, addicted to the pet and reborn Xiao Qiao Daughter-in-law: Chief, good morning! The god-level master of the female president

Chapter 1626 Xia Xia VS A Bao - MTL Novel

? The appearance of the red-clothed disciple is absolutely shocking. 35xs

Not to mention the yellow-clothed disciples, even the judges bowed to A Bao, which shows the status of the red-clothed disciples in the hearts of this group of people.

And when everyone heard that this red-clothed disciple was the legendary A Bao, everyone was stunned.

A Bao.

Red list first.

The strength is unfathomable, and the object worshipped by all Tianling Mountain disciples is extremely powerful.

For them, Po is a legendary figure.

Normally, no one should interfere with the matches between the yellow-clothed disciples, otherwise they would be dealt with by the Law Enforcement Hall.

But Po is a special existence.

In the entire Tianling Mountain, no one dared to punish Abao except the mountain owner, and Abao's status in the mountain owner's mind is also very high, so generally speaking, no matter what Abao did, mangosteen would protect him.

This is genius, the treatment that the strong should have.

The red-clothed disciples were originally treated very high, and A Bao was number one on the red-clothed list. He was above everyone on the red-clothed list.

So after A Bao said that Zhao Yushu would not be allowed to participate, the referee directly stood up: "Zhao Yushu is eliminated, Yuntu is promoted."

After hearing the referee's words, everyone understood what it means to be strong.

A Bao's words are not discussions, but orders, which even the referee must obey. 35xs

"It's not fair, obviously I'm going to win." Zhao Yushu said angrily.

"Fairness? There is no fairness in front of me. I said, you are my woman, and I will marry you when the time is right, so you just need to stay in the mountain gate honestly, and don't need to walk around. "A Bao said coldly, his tone was not negotiating.

is the command.

Although he said that he wanted to marry Zhao Yushu, he also used the tone of command.

overbearing! Strong.

This is synonymous with Abao.

Everyone in Tianling Mountain has heard of his strength. It is said that some red-clothed disciples dared to disobey him, and they were all killed by him in the end.

No one is in charge, and the mountain owner only symbolically shut him down for a period of time.

And it was Bao who was going to retreat.

So this is equivalent to no penalty.

This created Po's strong reputation.

At this time, he wanted Zhao Yushu to marry him, which was also a direct order.

These people present today saw A Bao's strength with their own eyes, and they all feared him even more. No one dared to offend him, and no one dared to speak at this time.

"I won't marry you." Zhao Yushu looked at A Bao with fiery eyes.

She refused. This was the first time he personally refused. She didn't know where she got the courage. She used to be afraid of A Bao, but now she has figured it out.

Anyway, he died.


Zhao Yushu actually rejected A Bao.

When they heard this, all the people on the scene took a deep breath.

No one dared to reject A Bao, but now Zhao Yushu actually rejected A Bao.

"No one can refuse me." Bao said coldly.

"I just don't agree, either you will kill me or I will die here today." The sword in Zhao Yushu's hand was placed on his neck.

"You can't die without my permission." A Bao waved his hand to the air.


The sword in Zhao Yushu's hand fell directly to the ground.

"I don't believe you can keep looking at me. I'll die when you're not around." Zhao Yushu has made up her mind to die, and she will never succumb to Po's lewd power.

"I said, if I don't allow you to die, you won't die. I remember you came out of Tianyong City. If you dare to die, I will **** Tianyong City." A Bao's voice was very cold, and no one was there. Will doubt the authenticity of what A Bao said.

Because he definitely has that strength, his words are definitely not just casual words.

He will do what he says.

What is strength? What is domineering?

This is absolute power, absolute domineering. If I ask you to marry me, then you must marry me. If you don't marry, then I will kill your entire family and slaughter your entire city.

This is Bao, who is number one on the red list.


Tears flowed from Zhao Yushu's eyes.

She is not afraid of death, but she has her own family.

She was afraid, she was really afraid that A Bao would go to massacre the city. She believed that A Bao could definitely do it.

"No matter what the reason is, making a woman cry is the biggest mistake." At this moment, a voice came. When they heard this voice, all the people at the scene were stunned, because now Bao is talking, there is actually someone Dare to speak, this is undoubtedly provoking A Bao.


A figure fell directly on the ring.

"Summer!" Xuechang's expression suddenly changed, he never dreamed that the summer would pass.

This is courting death.

At this time, all the people at the scene thought that the summer was over. He was provoking A Bao. A disciple in white actually dared to provoke A Bao. Even if the red-clothed disciple dared to provoke A Bao, he would still die.

"Xiamen!" Zhao Yushu's expression changed when he saw Xiaxia: "A Bao, it has nothing to do with him."

Apparently, A Bao ignored Zhao Yushu and looked at Xia Xia.

He looked at summer as if looking at a toy.

He really couldn't understand why a white-clothed disciple dared to stand up and say such things to him. Is it really enough to live?

"Courage is commendable." A Bao said admiringly, but his tone was obviously not admiring, and his eyes seemed to be looking at a dead man.

"Your name is Bao, right? I heard that you are very good. b." Xia Tian looked at Bao and asked.

"Haha, hahaha!" A Bao laughed loudly, as if he had heard a big joke. It was definitely a joke that a white-clothed disciple dared to talk to him like that.

"I heard you want to marry her?" Xia Xia pointed at Zhao Yushu and asked.

"That's right." A Bao put away the smile on his face and returned to being cold again.

"I don't agree." Summer said lightly.

"You don't agree? What right do you have to disagree? Just because you're a disciple in white?" A Bao looked at Xia Xia with great interest.

He had been in retreat for too long, and it had been a long time since no one had made him feel so interesting.

"White clothes, red clothes, it's just clothes. In my eyes, the difference is not big. I heard others say that you are a strong person. You can marry whoever you want to marry, but I am also relatively strong. I won't let you marry. , then you can't marry." Xia Xia looked at Bao with a smile.

"One move, one move, I can kill you, so why don't you let me marry?" A Bao looked at Xia Xia coldly.

The atmosphere at the scene completely solidified, and everyone's hearts were suspended.

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