The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1622: Tier 5 cities

fifteen days later.

In the past fifteen days, Xia Xia never came out once, and Xue Chang sent someone to deliver food to Xia Xia.

Summer's door never opened at all.

He retreated for fifteen days.

fifteen days later.

Four red-clothed disciples appeared in the first courtyard, and the four of them entered the hundredth group.

The four of them are An Jie, Dan Ling, Qi Yu and Xiao Qin.

"Why hasn't Master come out yet? If he doesn't come out, he will set off." An Jie said anxiously.

"Wait and see." Dan Ling said.

The number of people who set off this time is not large, because they are going to participate in the competition, not the exorcism conference. The exorcism conference is held after the mountain gate competition, so this time only the three white-clothed disciples will participate in the mountain gate competition. People, three disciples in green clothes, three disciples in yellow clothes, and three disciples in red clothes, of course, An Jie and Xiao Qin all followed along to join in the fun, not to participate in the competition.

The three red-clothed disciples participating were Dan Ling, Qiyu and Zhen Yuanyuan.

The only red-clothed disciples who followed this time were An Jie and Xiao Qin, because almost all the other red-clothed disciples were doing tasks outside, so they couldn't watch the fun.

The competition between the red-clothed disciples is no longer a battle.

Because the strength of the red-clothed disciples is too strong, once they start a battle, the small arena cannot withstand their attacks, and if there is any casualty, it will be a huge loss for the mountain gate.

Therefore, the organizer, the fifth-tier city of Teana City, advocated that the competition among the red-clothed disciples was like alchemy, formation and weapon refining.

In this way, it can reflect the strength of the red-clothed disciples, and it can be less violent.

If there is no good disciple of alchemy master, disciple of alchemist, or disciple of magician in a mountain gate, then people will look down on them, thinking that their mountain gate has no talents in this area.


The door to the summer cave opened.

Everyone looked towards the door.

"Hahaha!" A series of laughter came from inside the cave.

"Master, you are finally out." An Jie said excitedly.


Xia Xia's figure fell directly beside An Jie and the others.

This summer's upgrade is a jumping upgrade, and he has now directly become a master of the fourth rank. This is the effect of his devouring those medicinal pills, and his whole body has been nourished.

"En." Summer nodded.

"You broke through again?" Xiao Qin looked at Xia Xia in surprise.

"It's the fourth rank of a tripod now," Xia Xia said.

"Monster, your leveling speed is too fast. Even if others are fast, it will take a year and a half. You have been promoted to "three-level" in less than a month." Xiao Qin really feels that summer is a big monster.

living monster.

"Uh!" Xia Xia scratched his head in embarrassment.

"You are indeed a monster." In Xia Xia's sea of ​​consciousness, Tianling's second child said: "You actually took so many medicinal pills and did not explode to death, but rose to two levels, you know that those medicinal pills are all What are they doing? There are all kinds of things, but you actually swallowed them all."

Xia Xia ignored the second child of Tianling, who had already been subdued by Xia Xia, and now he looks at Xia like a monster.

"It's almost time, let's go, this is my master leading the team, then you can just call the elder." Tianling said.

The person leading the team this time is Tianling fifth.

In the summer, a few of them walked directly to the meeting place.

"Where is our mountain gate competition this time?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"A fifth-tier city, Teana City." An Jie said.

"A fifth-tier city? What will it be like?" Xia Xia was also a little longing for it. After all, he only came out of Tianyong City, a first-tier city, so he didn't know what a fifth-tier city was like.

"It's big, it's very big, the fifth-tier cities are the managers of the Great Wilderness, and the 80,000,000-mile area in the Great Wilderness is all managed by this fifth-level city," An Jie explained.

"With a range of 80 million miles, the Great Wilderness is so big." Xia Xia was very surprised.

"Well, the Great Wilderness is full of various opportunities and dangers. In the entire Great Wilderness area, there are eight large mountain gates like our Tianling Mountain, twenty medium-sized mountain gates, more than one hundred small mountain gates, and five fourth-tier cities. , there are fifty "three-level" cities, and there are no statistics below the second level." An Jie said.

"It's so amazing, it seems that this Tianlai City is really a very good place." Summer is also a little longing for a fifth-tier city.

"Well, there are good things everywhere, the only place in the entire wasteland where you can buy absolutely good things, there are sometimes even ninth-level medicinal pills, and I heard that there are legendary treasures there. , There are countless good things, but it depends on whether you have the money or not." An Jie said.

"Have you been to Teana City?" Xia Xia asked.

"I've been there, a few of us have been there, but last time we went there, a few of us didn't dare to walk around, so we didn't take a good stroll in Tianlai City. Master said that it's best not to offend the people there~ Because there is no telling what level of old monsters you will encounter there." An Jie said.

"Okay, you must have a good stroll this time." Xia Xia is considered a small fortune now, after all, the wealth of Tianling's second child is all with him.

Level 9 medicinal pills, treasures.

These are all legendary treasures.

The ninth-level medicinal herb Xianxia dared not imagine that this level of medicinal pill could already be used to empower the top, and the treasure Xianxia now has one, and that is the wrist guard on his wrist.

This treasure is very, very powerful.

Summer is also starting to look forward to other treasures.

After possessing the treasure, he is equivalent to possessing the ability to leapfrog challenges.

After they came to the meeting point in the summer, everyone else had already arrived.

Seeing the arrival of Xia Xia, the prince looked at him very qualitatively. The prince always wanted to compete with Xia Xia.

And Zhen Yuanyuan glared at Xia Xia, she still can't go back to her mansion, no one can break the fourth-level trapped formation, and no one among the disciples in Tsing Yi knows Xia Xia.

But those yellow clothed disciples all knew Xia Xia. After all, fifteen days ago, Xia Xia made too much noise in the Third Courtyard.

When Zhao Yushu saw that summer was coming, he also ran up directly.

"Everything is ready, remember, our journey this time is not short, if you want to go to a fifth-tier city, you must go to a fourth-tier city to take a teleportation array, so we have to travel a lot, and no one should be left behind on the road. , There are crises everywhere in the Great Wilderness, and there are people from the Demon Cult who have appeared recently, and once they fall behind, they are likely to die in the Great Wilderness." Tianling said with a grim expression.

"Yes!" Everyone said respectfully.

"Okay, let's go now." Tianling Laowu waved his hand, and everyone was ready to go.

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