The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1678: 1 group of waste

"Last night, I watched the sky at night, and then there will be an s and a b in front of me." Xia Xia said very casually while standing there.


As soon as his voice fell, the elder of Miaodan Mountain appeared in front of him.

At this time, everyone compared what he just said, and all of them almost laughed.

In the summer, the ability to curse people is really no one.

He knew that the elders of Miaodan Mountain would definitely appear in front of him, so he said this.

"Why are you all laughing? A bunch of useless people just pointed at your foreheads and scolded you, none of them dared to stand up. Although he is a short-lived ghost, at least he still has a little bit of courage." Xia Xia pointed at the young master. Muroyama's elder cursed.

The elder of Shaoshi Mountain was scolded by Xia Xia, and his face became even more ugly.

Today, summer is still the protagonist.

He actually wants to compete with the elders of Miaodan Mountain in alchemy, which is courting death in the eyes of others.

But what everyone is more curious about is where did the Spirit Gathering Pill next to it as high as a mountain come from. One billion Spirit Gathering Pills, I am afraid that there are not so many Spirit Gathering Pills in the entire Great Wilderness.

But Xia Xia actually took out so many Spirit Gathering Pills by himself.

and also.

What exactly is the storage equipment in summer, how can it hold so many Spirit Gathering Pills, and it can be stored and stored freely, which is too scary.

The fifth elder's brows were furrowed, and he didn't speak the whole time, which didn't mean he didn't worry about Xia Tian.

While he was worried about Xia Xia, he also believed in Xia Xia. He knew that Xia Xia was definitely not the kind of person without brains, and he would not be so impulsive directly. Since Xia Xian did this, he must have his confidence.

"Trash, a bunch of trash, what kind of elders, in the eyes of others, you are high above, but you were scolded by me, the white-clothed disciple of Tianling Mountain, don't you just listen?" Xia Xia looked at them and said.

"Boy, what nonsense, don't you want to make pills?" said the third elder of Miaodan Mountain.

"Of course it's going to be alchemy. For your stupidity, you say what kind of medicine is to be made, and you decide the time." Xia Xia said, looking at the third elder of Miaodan Mountain, his words were for your stupidity. Thunder knocked down those present again.

"Is your kid comparable?" The elder of Miaodan Mountain said angrily.

"Bi, didn't I say it all? For the sake of your brain, let you choose." Xia Xia said again.

This time, it's crazy again.

"You are courting death." The elders of Miaodan Mountain were about to be mad at Xia Xia.

"Everyone has said that I don't want to be the second. B's fool is not a bad idiot. It looks like this today." Xia Xia said with a smile on his face.

"I killed you." The elder of Miaodan Mountain raised his hand directly.

"Stop!" At this moment, a loud shout came, and everyone was shaken by the loud shout, but those who were refining alchemy were not disturbed in any way.

Everyone looked at the podium.

It was Bishop Cao who was sitting beside the city lord who spoke.

"You are competing in alchemy. If you want to break the rules, I can't stand it, and don't think about losing, because the person who competes with you is my friend." Bishop Cao said coldly.

Hearing Bishop Cao's words, everyone at the scene was stunned.

Xia Xia is actually a friend of Bishop Cao. Bishop Cao is someone who even the Lord of Tian Lai should respect, but he actually said that Xia Xia was his friend. Now everyone finally understands why Xia Tian dared to be so arrogant.

He actually has such a strong background.

With Bishop Cao backing him, no one would dare to touch him. Even some of the people who had hit him just now had no such idea. The fifth elder looked at Xia Xia with a strange expression. The more contacts in the summer, the more mysterious the summer becomes.

"This." The elder of Miaodan Mountain suddenly didn't know what to do. What if he won this moment?

"Don't worry, if he loses, he will naturally cut off his head, I won't care, but if you lose and don't admit it, then I will help you." Bishop Cao said lightly.

The elders of Miaodan Mountain were relieved to hear Bishop Cao's words. He thought that he would definitely win, but he was still afraid that he would offend Bishop Cao after winning the summer. After all, Bishop Cao's identity was too much. fear.

Even if he was the elder of Miaodan Mountain among the Eight Great Mountain Gates, he would not dare to offend Bishop Cao.

"Boy, what are you talking about, stop talking nonsense." The elders of Miaodan Mountain wanted a quick solution.

"Okay, since you asked me to tell me, let's have a little more fun. The two of us are also refining the third-level medicinal pill Guiyuan Dan. No one has a piece of material, so we will compete for who has the highest pill rate and who has the highest quality. Well, who is faster." Xia Xia said, looking at the elder of Miaodan Mountain.

"Boy, since you are courting death, then I will fulfill you." The elder of Miaodan Mountain said with great disdain, Guiyuan Dan is his best medicine pill, and this kind of test question is like a free gift to him~www Come here, the last two materials. "The nine elders shouted loudly.

At this time, the arena has become the largest. The disciples of the Eight Great Mountain Sect are alchemy in the eight corners, while the elders of Xia Xia and Miaodan Mountain are in the middle.


A huge alchemy furnace appeared in front of the elders of Miaodan Mountain.

"Boy, take out your alchemy furnace," said the elder of Miaodan Mountain.

"I still need an alchemy furnace for alchemy?" Xia Xia scratched his head awkwardly: "I don't have one."

Hearing his words, everyone's face was black, but they immediately thought that something was wrong. Now those people around are using alchemy furnaces. Xia Xia should have seen it.

"Prepare another alchemy furnace." Nine elders shouted.

"Forget it, I'm not used to it." Xia Xia said.

"Not used to it? Boy, are you crazy? You don't need an alchemy furnace for alchemy. Do you want to concoct alchemy in the air?" The elder of Miaodan Mountain said with great disdain. In his eyes, Xia Xia is a layman, a complete layman, what Outsiders who don't understand.

Xia Xia is simply the fat delivered to the door, and the one billion Spirit Gathering Pills will belong to him this time.

"The materials are here, you can start." The nine elders said.

"Boy, I'll see how you die this time." The elder of Miaodan Mountain thought that he had already finished the summer, and now he even thought that the billions of Spirit Gathering Pills had already entered his pocket.

"s, b, if you don't get scolded for a minute, your stomach will hurt." Xia Xia scolded the elder Miaodanshan.

"Be tough, I'll make you regret it." The elder of Miaodan Mountain gritted his teeth.

"Really?" The corner of Xia Tian's mouth slanted slightly, and then he threw all the materials up. Seeing his technique, everyone was very disdainful, but the next scene made everyone's eyes widen.

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