The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1692: special task


When they heard Xia Xia's words, everyone realized that they were all arranged, but Xia Xia hadn't yet.

Not only in summer, but also Anjie.

Dan Ling, Qi Yu, Xiao Qin followed the Mountain Master, the Fourth Elder and the Elder Liu respectively, and the other four red-clothed disciples were also assigned different tasks. They all led the elites to carry out sneak attacks, but now Xia Xia and An Jie have not been assigned. what.

"An Jie, you and the fifth elder are responsible for guarding the mountain gate. Remember, the mountain gate will be closed immediately after we leave. No matter who comes back, no one will be allowed to enter.

"Yes!" An Jie said.

"The three of us each bring fifty yellow-clothed disciples, two thousand blue-clothed disciples and thirty thousand white-clothed disciples. There are not many left for you, but they are all elites, and all the veteran masters in the mountain gate obey your orders. After we leave the mountain, all trading markets will be closed, the task office will be closed, the materials office will be closed, and they will be ready to fight at any time as fighters, and the mountain gate will be handed over to you." The mountain owner looked at An Jie and said.

"Don't worry, Mountain Master, An Jie will definitely live up to his expectations." An Jie patted his chest and assured.

Xia Xia didn't speak, he knew that it should be him next.

"Summer." The mountain master looked at the summer.

"Yes." Xia Xia's face lit up with joy, and it was finally his time.

"Have you seen the purple arrow on the map?" the mountain master asked.

"I see." Summer said.

"I want you to plunge directly into the enemy's heart, and when we get there, one hit will kill you." The mountain master said directly.

special task.

The mountain master gave Xia a special task.

That is to sneak into the enemy's base camp, and then come to a one-hit kill at the most critical moment.

"How many people did the mountain master give me?" Xia Xia asked curiously.

"Just yourself." The mountain master said.

"What? Just me?" Xia Tian was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, just yourself. If you can complete this task, I will give you a big gift. If you can't complete it, I guess you will die," said the mountain master.

"Uh!" Xia Tian was slightly taken aback: "Then let me try it."

"What I want is not to try, but to complete it. This place is now completely occupied by demons. This is a fourth-tier city, and all its residents are enslaved. What I want you to do is to rescue the people inside, and then come here. The inside and the outside should be combined, and then I will open the gate at the right time, and I will lead the people from the Eight Great Mountain Gates to enter there together." The mountain master said directly.

"The task must be completed." Xia Xia said directly.

"Well, let's go back and rest. After seven days, we will set off separately." The mountain master ordered directly.

Xia Xia and others left the hall directly.

"This time we are going to be separated." An Jie said depressedly.

"En." Summer nodded.

"Dan Ling, if you are lonely when I'm not by your side, you can think about me." An Jie looked at Dan Ling affectionately.


"You die for me." Dan Ling slapped An Jie out.

"Hahahaha." Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became active.

"Master, your old man's task is the most important, you must be careful about your body and bones." An Jie stood up and ran to Xia Xia's side.


"Go to hell, I'm only nineteen, yet you call me an old man." Xia Xia also slapped An Jie out.

An Jie also became more and more frustrated, stood up again, and walked towards Qiyu.

Qiyu looked at An Jie vigilantly: "What do you want to say?"

"Uh, it's alright, after you meet, just help me look at your senior sister. If any guy who doesn't open his eyes dares to have any intentions with Dan Ling, you can tell me, and I promise to remove that guy's arms and legs." Anjie said unceremoniously.

Everyone believed that he could do it.

Because that was the case when Xia Xian met him for the first time.

Usually An Jie is a rational and easy-going person, but when he encounters Dan Ling, his head is short-circuited. At that time, he attacked Xia Tian by surprise.

"Is it any good?" Qiyu looked at An Jie with a smile and said.

"I will package your future refining materials." An Jie said directly.

"Deal." Qiyu said excitedly.

"Qiyu, you actually betrayed me in front of my face." Dan Ling was completely speechless.

"Senior sister, in fact, senior Anjie is really good, but don't rush to promise him, otherwise my future benefits will be gone." Qiyu said without shyness.

Hearing her words, black lines all over everyone's face.

"Xiamen, what are you doing?" Dan Ling asked in confusion when he saw Xia Xia's turn.

"Going to the trading market, I am a local tyrant now, and I want to spend." Xia Xia said bluntly, indeed, he suddenly had 100,000 contribution coins, which is not a small amount.

"Uh, if you say that, I seem to have to go too. I just got 50,000 contribution coins, just to buy some good things before departure." Dan Ling said.

"I have it too." Qiyu jumped out.

"I didn't." An Jie said depressedly.

"Neither do I." Xiao Qin also said very It's okay, we have nothing to do with it, it doesn't matter if you two are okay, you can see what you like in a while, but watch it carefully, Also watch us consume. "Summer said directly.

When they heard the first half of Xia Xia's sentence, the two thought Xia Xia was going to bleed heavily.

But when they heard the last half sentence of Xia Xia, they were completely speechless.

But they still followed.

The shopkeepers of the Tianlingshan Free Trade Market are all veterans of Tianlingshan, and many of them are even former red-clothed disciples. Their strength could not improve again, and they were unwilling to leave Tianlingshan. In the end, they set up shop here to help maintain The development of Tianling Mountain, while trying to get anything good.

"The last time I came here, I asked the price of the things here, and then I went straight away, because I only had a few hundred contribution coins in my pocket, but this time is different, I want to spend." Xia Xia walked directly into a medicine pill material store.

When the shop owner saw that several red-clothed disciples were coming, he hurried forward to greet them.

This is the treatment. If the white clothed disciple and the blue clothed disciple come, let alone the shopkeeper, even the service staff will not pay attention to it. Even if the yellow clothed disciple comes, the shopkeeper will not greet them in person.

The service staff also came over.

An Jie and others are all looking at Xia Xia, they want to see what materials to buy in Xia Xia. .

Does Xia Xia go directly to those materials, the service staff has been following behind him.

"This, this, this, and this." Xia Tian pointed to a few materials.

"Is it all wrapped up?" the service staff asked respectfully.

"No, none of these." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

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