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Chapter 1700: Demon Kill Guard

Genius to remember the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! &&&& summer turned around and looked. ◆

&&&& He was stunned for a moment.

&&&&Aren't these people the same people who colluded with Zhen Yuanyuan to kill him?

The person who &&&& Wei Wei was very impressed with Xia Xia. He was a master of the second tier and eighth-order. The five elders did not get any advantage in the battle against him. It can be seen that this person is not just an ordinary master of the second-tier eighth rank.

&&&& This person was originally from the Demon Realm, so Xia Xia was not curious about why he appeared here. What he was more curious about was why Linger knew these people. He didn’t remember seeing Linger when he escaped.

&&&& "Linger, how do you know that these people chased me?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

&&&& "I saw it with my own eyes." Ling'er said very casually.

&&&& "Where did you see it?" Xia Xia asked in confusion. At this moment, he suddenly noticed that the team was very panicked and anxious: "Linger, let's talk about it later, let's follow it first.▼"

&&&& "Well." Ling'er said very obediently.

&&&& Xia Xia followed and found that these people were heading for the teleportation array. Xia Xia just wanted to find the teleportation array, but he did not plan to go directly to the teleportation array for the time being, because he had not yet figured out the situation of Tiger Leap City, and the teleportation array The array is definitely not for anyone who wants to sit.

&&&& "This is the closest city to Tiger Leap City, and the people here are definitely different, so I have to be a little more cautious." Xia Xia knew that he planned to inquire about the news first.

&&&& Wherever you go, the best place to get news is in a pub.

&&&&Because that kind of place is the most lively, and people who drink too much like to talk about such trivial things the most, the more gossip things are, the more people like to hear them. Although they can't believe everything they hear there, they can't believe it either.

&&&&After Xia Xia and Linger came to the tavern, the place was full of smog. .ww.▼

&&&&Linger obviously dislikes it very much.

&&&& Xia Xian directly found a place and sat down, but no one entertained him, Xia Xia didn’t ask for anything, just sat there.

&&&& "What you said is wrong, what the eighteen demon sects, isn't it still the strongest guard of demon killing?" One person directly patted the wine table and said.

&&&& "Aren't you talking nonsense? Of course the Demon Killing Guards are the strongest. I heard that those people are all masters of the second and fifth tiers. Although there are only ninety-nine people, they are a symbol of invincibility. We say The strongest point is to point out people other than the Demon Killing Guards." A Demon Sect person said while drinking with a pot of wine in his hand.

&&&& "I think the strongest is the Frozen Lord. All of his subordinates are masters, and it is said that his Frozen World is an invincible skill in team battles."

&&&& "No, I think the strongest is the Flame Queen. Her flame is not an ordinary flame, but a purple flame. It is said that the temperature of that flame can instantly burn a person to slag. ▼▲●.ww.▼"

&&&& "What you said is wrong. I think the strongest person is King Li. I have seen him knock down the city wall of a second-tier city with one punch."

&&&& Those people started arguing, and the summer was very boring to listen to your words.

&&&& "Hmph, you said these topics are the most boring, I heard something, it is said that Tiger Leap City is going to hold a grand event recently. At that time, anyone who thinks that they are strong can go there, no matter what mountain gate you are. The sect master is still a knight in the world of sword fighting, as long as you feel that you are strong, you can participate, it is said that this event is a major event to discuss." At this moment, the man at the table opposite Xia Xia said with a cold snort.

&&&& Hearing his words, those who were noisy and uproar all stopped the movements in their hands and looked at him.

&&&& "Are you bragging? Tiger Leap City is not easy to enter. ▼●◆" Someone said suddenly.

&&&& Xia Tian's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he finally got the topic he wanted to hear.

&&&& "Usually, Tiger Leap City is indeed not allowed to enter casually, and even people from the Eighteen Great Demon Sects cannot enter or leave casually, but this time is different, the teleportation formations in all cities will be opened, as long as they are powerful people. Entering Tiger Leap City, but there is a condition." The man said.

&&&& "What conditions?" Everyone looked at the man expectantly.

&&&& "Fifty thousand low-grade spirit stones, this is the entry fee." The man explained.

&&&& "Ah? This is too dark, who has so many spiritual stones?" Everyone said very upset.

&&&& "These 50,000 low-grade spirit stones are also to prove whether you have strength. It is impossible for a truly powerful person to get 50,000 low-grade spirit stones. If you don't have 50,000 low-grade spirit stones, it proves that If you don't have that ability, then you are not qualified to go to Tiger Leap City." The man explained.

&&&& Hearing that person said this, everyone felt that it was very reasonable.

"&&&&", I want 50,000 spirit stones per person, and Linger and I are 100,000 pieces. It seems that we have to find a way to get some spirit stones, but then again, one person needs 50,000 low-grade spirit stones. There are millions of people at least, there are thousands out of so many people, tens of thousands of people must have, one person is 50,000, this adds up to an extremely terrifying number." Xia Xia secretly thought.

&&&& These demons attacked so many cities, they burned, killed and looted a lot. They have already obtained so many treasures, so I am afraid they can get more wealth this time.

&&&& "If you let me find out where your treasure house is, then Lao Tzu will immediately empty all your treasure house." Xia Xia secretly said in his heart that these demon sect people searched a lot. The wealth they have accumulated at this time It must be a terrifying 50,000 low-grade spirit stones, I am afraid that only the bosses of the mountain gates can take out, and it is necessary to collect all the wealth that all the disciples in the mountain gate searched for. so much money. "The people in the tavern felt very powerless.

&&&& "If you don't have money, don't underestimate others. I tell you that there are no less than 50,000 people in the Demon Cult Alliance who can come up with 50,000 yuan of low-quality spirit stones. There must be many people who are interested in this conference. I guess In the end, 10,000 people will have to participate." The man said.

&&&& "10,000 people, 50,000 low-grade spirit stones per person, that's 500 million quick low-grade spirit stones!" When they heard this number, all the people on the scene were stunned. This is too scary, right? This number They have never heard of it.


&&&&At this moment, a light footstep came. Although the footstep was very light, it attracted everyone's attention, because the other party's clothing made them have to pay attention.

&&&& "Devil Killing Guard." The faces of those who were making a fuss changed at the same time.


&&&& The Demon Killing Guard walked in directly, his eyes were always on the person who told everyone about the Tiger Leap City just now, but he did not sit directly at that person's table, but came to This table in Xia did not even look at Xia, and said coldly, "Go away."

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