The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1705: Frozen Lord


There was a loud explosion in the cave.

A handsome and coquettish man flew out of the cave. When he came out, his face was constantly changing from blue, red, and purple.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

He was at the most critical moment of cultivation, but he was forcibly terminated by him, and now he is suffering from backlash.

"Master Wei Xiao." The fierce beast shouted hurriedly.

"I'm fine." The man opposite said lightly, "What's wrong with Xiaoli?"

"Master Wei Xiao, I only found out today that Princess Li is missing, but he should have been missing for several days. I called her before and she was not there. I thought she was cultivating and didn't dare to disturb her, but now it has been a lot. God, it is impossible for Princess Yi Li to cultivate for such a long time, I went in to check and found that Princess Li was not there at all." The desolate beast said anxiously.

"I'm at the critical moment of my cultivation, I can't move." Wei Xiao frowned, and then he raised his head.


A huge roar shouted from his mouth. It seems that this roar should not have appeared in his own mouth, but from the mouth of a fierce beast, because his roar caused the nearby mountains to vibrate. Instant explosion.


The power of the explosion dissipated.


The trees were broken by the middle of the root.

The ferocious beast was so frightened that it crawled on the ground and did not dare to get up.


An extremely terrifying aura emanated from Wei Xiao's body.

The sound spread throughout the entire wild beast area, some weaker wild beasts in the wild beast area instantly lay on the ground and dared not move, and at the same time, all the ten wild beasts who were retreating opened their eyes.

Whoosh whoosh!

A day later, more than ten figures appeared in front of Wei Xiao, and each of them was out of breath. It was obvious how hard they had been on the road. When they heard Wei Xiao's roar, none of them dared to delay. Came here as fast as possible.

"You guys turn me into human figures, go outside to find Xiaoli, remember, you must protect her safety, if something happens to Xiaoli, I will kill ten of you." Wei Xiao's body emerged in an instant. An extremely powerful killing intent.

Seeing such a situation, ten of them hurriedly said: "Don't worry, my lord, we will definitely get the princess back."

"Go!" Wei Xiao shouted.

The strongest wild beast in the ten wild beast area rushed out directly.

"Xiao Li, don't let anything happen." After Wei Xiao finished speaking, he walked back into the cave.

The desolate beast who notified him only dared to raise his head at this time. What happened just now was too terrifying for him.

Tiger Leap City.

At this time, Xia Xia finally entered Tiger Leap City. He was still thinking about how to infiltrate Tiger Leap City. He never thought that he would walk in swaggeringly, and the guards of the teleportation array had to respect him, because he was a The servants of the Fire Queen.

But what surprised Xia Xia was that even the Flame Queen had to pay the 50,000 low-grade spirit stones.

The Flame Queen handed over several of their spirit stones.

What Xia Xia didn't understand was that the Flame Queen was already a very powerful character, but she actually had to abide by this rule, which shows how terrifying the person who made this rule is.

"It's troublesome now." Xia Neixi secretly said.

"It's really troublesome. A person who can make the Flame Queen obey the rules is not easy. Although there are many masters in the Eight Great Mountain Gates, there are probably no such strong people." Tianling said in the sea of ​​​​knowledge in the summer.

"Fortunately, it's a team battle, not an individual battle, otherwise the chance of losing is even greater." Xia Tian secretly said.

"Well, I can only pray for this now." Tianling's second child responded.

The people around who saw the Flame Queen all hid far away. The Flame Queen is notoriously bad-tempered. If she offends her, the fate will be worse than death, so in the summer there is no one around the three of them. .

"Humph!" The Flame Queen snorted coldly, then continued on.

"My Lady Queen, is there anything I don't like?" Xia Xia hurriedly asked.

"I came here and no one greeted me. I'm so unhappy." The Flame Queen said very unhappy.

"Who do you think you are, and you need someone to pick you up, do you really think you are the leader of the alliance?" A very discordant voice appeared behind the Flame Queen and others. When she heard this voice, the Flame Queen didn't even have a head. Back, shot instantly.


The moment the two fought, a powerful force erupted.


The two were actually tied, and this person who just appeared was actually able to draw a tie with the Flame Queen. From this, it can be seen that this person's identity is definitely an existence of the same level as the Flame Queen.

Just don't know who it is.

"Frozen bastard, my mother has long disliked you, and today I will kill you." The Queen of Flame shouted angrily. At this time, the person standing opposite her was Lord Frozen, the legendary eighteenth super master. one.

"Hmph, you tigress, it's no wonder that you can't get married after living more than 300 years, and your temper is still so hot." Lord Frozen snorted heavily and said calm down, the two adults calm down, you two If the two fight, it will be bad if the teleportation array is destroyed. "The guard at the teleportation array hurriedly stepped forward and said.

The Flame Queen and the Frozen Lord are both super masters. When the two of them make a move, the power they will cause is unimaginable, and once the two of them fight with all their strength, it will be difficult to stop them.

"Go kill him for me." The Flame Queen said to Xia Xia.


After his order was completed, Xia Xia rushed out directly. Seeing such a situation, everyone around was blinded. Could it be that this servant of the Flame Queen is more powerful than the Flame Queen?

Otherwise, why did the Queen of Flame ask Xia Xia to take action?


In the eyes of everyone looking forward to it, Xia Xia did not disappoint everyone, and his body was directly blocked by ice.

In one round, he was directly frozen by the frozen prince.

"Hmph, your subordinates are all trash." Lord Frozen said disdainfully when he walked to Xia Xia's side.

"You are courting death." The Flame Queen looked at the Frozen Lord angrily.

"Am I wrong? I have never believed that your flame can break my ice seal. In my eyes, you are a waste, and your subordinates are also waste. I can't even catch a move." Bing Feng Wangye said very confidently.

"Then let's try it, today I'm going to burn your head, and burn you without leaving any slag." After the flame queen said that her hands were full of flames, he was ready to start.

The ice attribute also appeared on the hands of the Frozen Lord.

The two are ready to fight.


At this moment, the body of Lord Frozen flew out, and at the same time, a sharp blade appeared on his neck, which was only half a centimeter away from Lord Frozen's neck.

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