The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1712: It's delicious

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> Need for all-rounders

> Chapter 1720 It's delicious

Novel: The Need for All-rounder Author: Huadu Number of Words: 2547

? Confinement circle.

This is the last trump card of the Flame Queen. At this time, she is not in a hurry, because she wants to play and abuse Xia Xia, she wants to see the fear on Xia Xia's face, she wants Xia Xia to beg for mercy, she wants Xia Xia to regret, regret disobey her.

This is the character of the Fire Queen, Destruction.

She likes to see other people like this, and she likes to see it on a man's face.

Now she can see this right away.

"s, b." These two words popped out of Xia Xia's mouth, and Xia Xia's eyes seemed to be looking at an s, b, and a mental illness.

Hearing what Xia Xia said, everyone around him thought Xia Xia must be stupid.

In this situation, he actually dared to provoke the Flame Queen.

However, some people think that Xia Xia was a broken jar. Anyway, he died. He might just want to die quickly.

"Huh?" The Flame Queen didn't hear the begging for mercy, and didn't see any fear, which made her very unhappy, extremely unhappy, she didn't expect things to turn out like this, and she was very dissatisfied with the result.

This has exceeded her expectations.

"You are courting death, then I will fulfill you." Although the Flame Queen did not see a satisfactory result, she must kill Xia Xia. Even if Xia Xia knelt down and begged for mercy, she would still kill, and the result would be the same.

Seeing that the Queen of Flame was finally about to make a move, all the people around couldn't help but hide away, they were afraid of falling blood on them. 35xs

They have all heard of the power of the confinement circle.

They also understand that now the Flame Queen will definitely use the confinement circle to kill Xia Xia, because only in this way can she not kill Xia Xia with her hands.

After all, she had already promised Magic Fairy Chef.

start up!


No sound.

start up?


Still no sound.

start up! ?

"What's the matter? Why is there no sound."

A surprised look appeared on the Fire Queen's face. She found that no matter what she did, the confinement circle didn't respond at all, as if it was broken.

start up!

start up!

start up!

The Queen of Fire kept starting.

"Can't start it?" Xia Tian put his right hand on his neck and pulled it hard.


The confinement circle was broken.

"Uh!" When they saw this scene, all the people on the scene were stunned. They had all heard of the confinement circle. It was specially made by the Queen of Flame. The material was very special. super stuff.

But now in the summer, the confinement circle has been directly torn off.

This is too blind. Flash Dance Novel Network

It just blinded the eyes of those around him.

"How is this possible?" The Flame Queen was completely stunned by Xia Xia's actions.


Xia Tian directly threw this confinement ring on the ground.

"In your opinion, this thing is used to imprison others and control others, but in my opinion it is an ordinary necklace. I can take it off whenever I want." Xia Xia was very casual. said.

"Damn!" The Flame Queen looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"I heard that you can't kill me with your own hands, right? That is to say, you can only listen when I point at your head and scold you right now?" Xia Xia asked while looking at the Queen of Flame.

At this moment, the flame queen's eyes were on fire.

"Before I met you, I didn't know what it was like for a woman to be perverted, but after I met you, you refreshed my understanding of perversion. You built your home into eighteen layers of hell, tortured people everywhere, and used the most cruel means to those people. , cut off their limbs, blinded their eyes, deaf ears, even cut off their tongues, and then let the two closest people bite each other, tell me how perverted you are, your heart is absolutely There is a problem, your subordinates either lack arms or legs, or have no eyes, and this is the end of the game with you." Xia Xia said while looking at the Queen of Flames.

Hearing these words of Xia Xia, everyone around was stunned.

At this time, they finally understood why the Flame Queen was so perverted, and why she rarely brought guards when she went out.

"You are courting death." The Flame Queen stared at Xia Xia and said.

"I'm looking for death, you come and kill me! Anyway, the magic fairy chef will definitely know." Xia Xia said very casually.

"You." The Queen of Fire gritted her teeth and looked at Xia Xia.

"You sent someone to check the Alliance Leader, saying that the Demon Killing Guard is not here, but to check the treasure, and let someone deliberately spread the news. This method is really vicious. Killing people with a knife is really a hero in the women's middle school." Xia Xia When the news came out, the face of the Flame Queen changed suddenly.

She didn't expect that Xia Xia would even hear such a thing, and as soon as the words came out, all the people around looked at her with strange eyes, because she was calculating the leader of the alliance. If the leader of the alliance knew about this kind of thing, then she It's miserable.

"You are talking nonsense, and it has nothing to do with me at all." The Flame Queen denied it directly, she absolutely could not admit such a thing.

"I'm talking nonsense? Then treat me as nonsense. I think this news will spread throughout Tiger Leap City in two days." Xia Xia's mouth slanted slightly.

"I killed you." The Flame Queen said angrily.

"Come on, kill me, I want to see how you get past the magic fairy kitchen." Xia Xia looked at the Flame Queen provocatively.

The Queen of Flames was about to make Xia Xia angry at this time. When Xia Xia was angry, she was really angry.

"I will definitely find a way to kill you. I will let you live one more day. There is no one to protect you now. Even if I don't take action, it will still be dead." The Queen of Flames said.

Although she can't do it, she can find a master hand.

The big deal is that she spends money to hire outsiders, so it has nothing to do with her.

"Who said no one will protect him, it just so happens that I am missing a subordinate, Wei Guang, would you like to follow me?" The blue enchantress said directly.

"Well?" The Flame Queen looked at the blue enchantress strangely, and then an angry look appeared on her face: "You, you dare to fight against me, are you courting death?"

"I also lack a subordinate, I like it very much, Wei Guang, follow me." Lord Frozen walked out of the crowd, he also saw what happened just now.

"What a coincidence, you are all short of men, and I just happen to be short of one." The Bull King also walked out of the crowd.

One after another, the masters came out of the crowd. Their purpose was summer. An ordinary person deserved so many masters to fight, and he didn't even care about being the enemy of the Flame Queen.

Those people don't understand why summer has such great charm.

Xia Xia did not expect that he would actually become a fragrant pastry, the object that so many people are fighting for.

"Wei Guang, choose someone, no matter who you choose, we will respect your decision." Lord Frozen looked at Xia Xia and said.

Novel recommendation: is the protagonist me The marriage of non-gods and demons is sultry: the wife of the major general is too hot with the doctor and is reborn in the sky 100 days: Ye Shao, addicted to the pet and reborn Xiao Qiao Daughter-in-law: Chief, good morning! The god-level master of the female president

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? Confinement circle.

This is the last trump card of the Flame Queen. At this time, she is not in a hurry, because she wants to play and abuse Xia Xia, she wants to see the fear on Xia Xia's face, she wants Xia Xia to beg for mercy, she wants Xia Xia to regret, regret disobey her.

This is the character of the Fire Queen, Destruction.

She likes to see other people like this, and she likes to see it on a man's face.

Now she can see this right away.

"s, b." These two words popped out of Xia Xia's mouth, and Xia Xia's eyes seemed to be looking at an s, b, and a mental illness.

Hearing what Xia Xia said, everyone around him thought Xia Xia must be stupid.

In this situation, he actually dared to provoke the Flame Queen.

However, some people think that Xia Xia was a broken jar. Anyway, he died. He might just want to die quickly.

"Huh?" The Flame Queen didn't hear the begging for mercy, and didn't see any fear, which made her very unhappy, extremely unhappy, she didn't expect things to turn out like this, and she was very dissatisfied with the result.

This has exceeded her expectations.

"You are courting death, then I will fulfill you." Although the Flame Queen did not see a satisfactory result, she must kill Xia Xia. Even if Xia Xia knelt down and begged for mercy, she would still kill, and the result would be the same.

Seeing that the Queen of Flame was finally about to make a move, all the people around couldn't help but hide away, they were afraid of falling blood on them. 35xs

They have all heard of the power of the confinement circle.

They also understand that now the Flame Queen will definitely use the confinement circle to kill Xia Xia, because only in this way can she not kill Xia Xia with her hands.

After all, she had already promised Magic Fairy Chef.

start up!


No sound.

start up?


Still no sound.

start up! ?

"What's the matter? Why is there no sound."

A surprised look appeared on the Fire Queen's face. She found that no matter what she did, the confinement circle didn't respond at all, as if it was broken.

start up!

start up!

start up!

The Queen of Fire kept starting.

"Can't start it?" Xia Tian put his right hand on his neck and pulled it hard.


The confinement circle was broken.

"Uh!" When they saw this scene, all the people on the scene were stunned. They had all heard of the confinement circle. It was specially made by the Queen of Flame. The material was very special. super stuff.

But now in the summer, the confinement circle has been directly torn off.

This is too blind. Flash Dance Novel Network

It just blinded the eyes of those around him.

"How is this possible?" The Flame Queen was completely stunned by Xia Xia's actions.


Xia Tian directly threw this confinement ring on the ground.

"In your opinion, this thing is used to imprison others and control others, but in my opinion it is an ordinary necklace. I can take it off whenever I want." Xia Xia was very casual. said.

"Damn!" The Flame Queen looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"I heard that you can't kill me with your own hands, right? That is to say, you can only listen when I point at your head and scold you right now?" Xia Xia asked while looking at the Queen of Flame.

At this moment, the flame queen's eyes were on fire.

"Before I met you, I didn't know what it was like for a woman to be perverted, but after I met you, you refreshed my understanding of perversion. You built your home into eighteen layers of hell, tortured people everywhere, and used the most cruel means to those people. , cut off their limbs, blinded their eyes, deaf ears, even cut off their tongues, and then let the two closest people bite each other, tell me how perverted you are, your heart is absolutely There is a problem, your subordinates either lack arms or legs, or have no eyes, and this is the end of the game with you." Xia Xia said while looking at the Queen of Flames.

Hearing these words of Xia Xia, everyone around was stunned.

At this time, they finally understood why the Flame Queen was so perverted, and why she rarely brought guards when she went out.

"You are courting death." The Flame Queen stared at Xia Xia and said.

"I'm looking for death, you come and kill me! Anyway, the magic fairy chef will definitely know." Xia Xia said very casually.

"You." The Queen of Fire gritted her teeth and looked at Xia Xia.

"You sent someone to check the Alliance Leader, saying that the Demon Killing Guard is not here, but to check the treasure, and let someone deliberately spread the news. This method is really vicious. Killing people with a knife is really a hero in the women's middle school." Xia Xia When the news came out, the face of the Flame Queen changed suddenly.

She didn't expect that Xia Xia would even hear such a thing, and as soon as the words came out, all the people around looked at her with strange eyes, because she was calculating the leader of the alliance. If the leader of the alliance knew about this kind of thing, then she It's miserable.

"You are talking nonsense, and it has nothing to do with me at all." The Flame Queen denied it directly, she absolutely could not admit such a thing.

"I'm talking nonsense? Then treat me as I think this news will spread throughout Tiger Leap City within two days." Xia Xia's mouth slanted slightly.

"I killed you." The Flame Queen said angrily.

"Come on, kill me, I want to see how you get past the magic fairy kitchen." Xia Xia looked at the Flame Queen provocatively.

The Queen of Flames was about to make Xia Xia angry at this time. When Xia Xia was angry, she was really angry.

"I will definitely find a way to kill you. I will let you live one more day. There is no one to protect you now. Even if I don't take action, it will still be dead." The Queen of Flames said.

Although she can't do it, she can find a master hand.

The big deal is that she spends money to hire outsiders, so it has nothing to do with her.

"Who said no one will protect him, it just so happens that I am missing a subordinate, Wei Guang, would you like to follow me?" The blue enchantress said directly.

"Well?" The Flame Queen looked at the blue enchantress strangely, and then an angry look appeared on her face: "You, you dare to fight against me, are you courting death?"

"I also lack a subordinate, I like it very much, Wei Guang, follow me." Lord Frozen walked out of the crowd, he also saw what happened just now.

"What a coincidence, you are all short of men, and I just happen to be short of one." The Bull King also walked out of the crowd.

One after another, the masters came out of the crowd. Their purpose was summer. An ordinary person deserved so many masters to fight, and he didn't even care about being the enemy of the Flame Queen.

Those people don't understand why summer has such great charm.

Xia Xia did not expect that he would actually become a fragrant pastry, the object that so many people are fighting for.

"Wei Guang, choose someone, no matter who you choose, we will respect your decision." Lord Frozen looked at Xia Xia and said.

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