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Chapter 1716: Mysterious old man

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! &&&& These three people actually arranged a three-hour killing formation outside his door. Their movements were indeed very light, but Xia Xia was speechless The thing is, what they have arranged is actually a secondary killing formation. ▼●.ww.◆

&&&&, the second-level killing array.

&&&& When I saw the secondary formation in the summer, I almost collapsed.

&&&& The opponent actually used a secondary formation to attack him.

&&&& This is too funny.

&&&& Attack Xia, the master of the formation, with a secondary formation.

&&&& But it's really embarrassing for these people. They need to arrange the formation at the door in summer, and they must be very careful.

&&&& Summer is not in a hurry to go out at this time.

&&&& He is waiting, waiting for the other party to complete the arrangement of the formation, no matter what, they have been working hard for half a night, how could he destroy it in the middle.

&&&& Finally, after half an hour, the small secondary killing formation of those few people was finally arranged.

&&&& "It's done.▼" The faces of the three of them suddenly lit up with joy.

&&&& "Haha, this time I see how this kid died, so let's hide it next to him. He definitely didn't expect us to set up a formation here. The formation will definitely work. It would be best if he could be killed directly, even if he couldn't. It will definitely be able to injure him, once he is injured, we will go up and kill him, and then **** his storage bag away, if it fails, then we will go directly." The person who was beaten by Xia Xia before ordered.

&&&& "Don't worry, since when have we suffered a loss? As long as we rob others, it will never be our turn to bully us."

&&&& "Okay, get ready."

&&&& Xia Xia heard their words and almost died of laughter. It turns out that these people are professional, professional robbers, but unfortunately they chose the wrong object. If they choose an ordinary Yiding fourth-order master, then they will definitely succeed. , but they are targeting the summer.


&&&& When the door was opened in the summer, the eyes of those people were all looking there with anticipation.

&&&& However, there was calm and nothing happened. ■▼

&&&& "Well? What's going on?" said the person who was beaten by Xia Xia in confusion.

&&&& "You chose the wrong opponent." Xia Xia's body instantly disappeared in place, and then a voice like a devil descending appeared behind the man.

&&&&boom! boom! boom! boom!

&&&& The four figures were directly thrown out by Xia Xia from the window in the corridor, and at the same time, all the storage bags on the four of them fell into Xia Xia's hands: "Want to rob me?"

&&&& It has always been summer to rob others, but today someone actually robbed summer.

&&&& Xia Tian didn't even look at what was in the storage bags of the four of them, and put them directly in his arms.

&&&& "Wei Guang, accompany me to meet someone." Lord Bingfeng just came out of the room.

&&&& "En." Xia Xia waved at Ling'er.

&&&& Lord Frozen already knew that Xia Xia and Linger had a very good relationship, so he didn't say anything.

&&&& Lord Frozen took Xia Xia to the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, but he stopped before reaching the City Lord's Mansion. This is also a house, but the house is not big at all, and there are no guards around the house.

&&&& doesn't look like a place where the big guys live.

&&&& Lord Frozen did not knock on the door, but broke in directly.

&&&& Xia Xia and Linger followed behind the Frozen Lord, and he came to the backyard with ease. At this time, an old man in the backyard was sitting there and playing Go. The old man was playing by himself. look up.

&&&& Lord Frozen stood there and said nothing.

&&&& "It's dead again." The old man shook his head helplessly, and then he raised his head: "Why are you here, can't we meet tomorrow?"

&&&& "Sir, I'm just here to ask." Lord Frozen attacked in a tone.

&&&& "Needless to say, I will talk about the specific things tomorrow." The old man said.

&&&& "But I don't hold back. The Bada Shanmen's counter-offensive has been hit recently. It will take him less than half a month to hit us. Although our people are strong, we are outnumbered. There are only a few million people in total, and they add up to billions of people. ▼.ww.◆” said Lord Frozen.

&&&& "That's not what you want to ask." The old man said casually.

&&&& "Mr. understand me." Lord Frozen gave a thumbs up.

&&&& "Come here and break this game," the old man said.

&&&& "Okay." When Lord Frozen heard the old man's words, he sat excitedly opposite the old man. This was an opportunity the old man gave him. As long as he got through this endgame, the old man could tell him what he wanted to know. .

&&&&This old man is no ordinary person.

&&&& When the Frozen Lord sat down, he threw himself into the game of Go. In the summer, he discovered that this game of Go is an enlarged version of the game on Earth. There are four times more pieces than there are on Earth.

&&&&This chess game is more magnificent and bigger.

&&&& At this time, the pieces on the chessboard are ambush from all sides, and the black pieces are surrounded and killed everywhere, completely trapping the white pieces.

&&&& White is completely dead.

&&&&There are more than 800 pieces on the whole chess board, which makes people look like an earth-shattering siege.

&&&& Lord Frozen picked up a white stone, and just like that, he sat there for an hour, and then his hand wanted to reach down, but it stopped in the air again, a little time the past.

&&&&Two hours, three hours.

&&&& at the fourth hour.

&&&& Someone else came to the yard.

&&&& Flame Queen also came. When she saw Xia Xia, her face was full of anger, but she didn't do anything. It didn't take long for more and more people to come in the yard.

&&&&Except for Xia Xia and Linger, there are a total of eighteen people.

&&&& Of these 18 people, I know a few in the summer.

&&&&Flame Enchantress, Bull King and Black Robe.

&&&& At this time, these eighteen people are the eighteen masters of the Demon Cult Alliance, and all these eighteen masters have gathered in this small courtyard.

&&&& Xia Xia is more curious about who the old man is, why are all the eighteen masters of the Demon Alliance gathered here, is he the so-called leader?


&&&&The **** falls.

&&&& Lord Frozen's body fell directly backwards, and he was covered in cold sweat at this time.

&&&& Whoosh!

&&&& Xia Xia hurriedly caught the Frozen Prince, and then he wanted to take out the medicine pill to help him heal, but he didn't take it out for a long time: "Uh, forget, Xiaoding is still in the city lord's mansion."

&&&& "I can't solve it." Lord Frozen stabilized his body, he seemed to be caught in a chess game just now, and his spirit was very weak.

&&&& Lord Frozen's chess skills are already good, but seeing his end, the people around didn't dare to step forward for a while.

&&&& "If no one comes forward, then let's go and talk to the City Lord's Mansion tomorrow." The old man said lightly, he knew the purpose of these people here.

&&&&"I come!"

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