The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1777: Who dares to stop me

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> Need for all-rounders

> Chapter 1785 Who dares to stop me Directory Bookmark Comment Chapter 1785 Who dares to stop me

Novel: The Need for All-rounder Author: Huadu Number of Words: 2401

"You must have read it wrong, that kid is now being wanted by A Bao, and he might be hiding somewhere." Tianling Lao Liu said.

"No, I saw it too." The mountain owner of Tianling Mountain said suddenly.

Hearing his words, Tianling Lao Liu hurriedly looked at the crowd. At this time, a person was gradually coming out of the crowd. This person was none other than Xia Xia. Xia Xia actually came to save them, which was too unbelievable for them. Well, they never dreamed that Summer would come to save them.

They originally thought that only the fifth Tianling could save them, but they were forced by the owner of Tianling Mountain to make a poisonous oath.

Then no one can come to save them, but now summer has come.

And he came to save them when A Bao wanted him.

What is the truth of adversity?

This is called seeing the truth in adversity.

Xia Xia and A Bao formed a stark contrast. One is the wolf's ambition, and they don't care about their goodness at all, and the other is that they only give Xian's dripping favor, but Xia Xian is now repaying it.

But they really don't want to see summer now.

Because summer is coming and dying is no different.


Summer is moving forward step by step.

"Hey, what are you doing? If you hit someone, go to the left and get something to hit. 35xs" a guard walked directly to Xia Xia and said.

Summer did not speak.

"What about you." After the guard finished speaking, he went straight to Xia Xian, and at the same time his left hand grabbed Xia Xia's neck directly, he wanted to throw Xia Xia out.


At this moment, the man's body fell to the ground ruthlessly. He was a master of the second tier and sixth rank, but he was knocked to the ground with a punch. Seeing such a scene, all the people next to him were stunned. Hiding far away, and his guards also looked at Xia Xia at the same time.

"Who dares to stop me." Xia Xia shouted, looking at the guards in front of him.

Full of momentum.

The people around were all stunned by Xia Xia's momentum. They didn't understand who the guy in front of them was, why he was so domineering, and he actually dared to make trouble under Tianling Mountain. Isn't this courting death?

"Boy, who are you?" the second-tier eighth-order master asked Xia Xia.

"Summer!" When these two words came out of his mouth, everyone around was shocked. Everyone knew that the owner of Tianling Mountain, Abao, was looking for Xiaxia, but he still dared to come to die. It's enough to live.

The masters on the opposite side also looked at Xia Xia as if they were looking at idiots.

"Boy, you are giving us credit. Flash Dance Novel Network" The master of the second and eighth order looked at Xia Xia with great interest. Xia Xian made it clear that he was giving them credit, as long as they put If they take it back in the summer, then A Bao will definitely reward them with something, but A Bao is a baby with a lot of names.

He is a person with great luck, and the most important thing for such a person is treasure.

They all knew that Bao had worked so hard to find Xia Xia, but now he really has nowhere to go after stepping through the iron shoes, and it took no effort to get it.

"Summer, leave us alone, run." The mountain owner shouted loudly.

"You still have the strength to shout." The second-tier eighth-order master directly picked up a rotten egg and smashed it in the mouth of the mountain master. He used a bit of strength and smashed the mountain master's mouth directly, blood flowing. .

"I will make you die ugly." Xia Xia looked at the guard of the second-order eighth-order with cold eyes.

"Let us die ugly? Hahahaha, you really laughed at me." The second-tier eighth-order master laughed loudly. In their opinion, Xia Xia is not a person, but a treasure, the ultimate spiritual weapon. As long as they take Xia Xia back, then Po will definitely reward them with the ultimate spiritual weapon.

All those people around don't understand whether Xia Xia is crazy or what's wrong, and he still dares to send it to the door.

"He's crazy, now people in Tianling Mountain are looking for him everywhere, he still dares to come to the door, and it seems that he should be here to save the three old guys, those three old guys are now cripple, Even if he is rescued, he is just waiting to die, without any value, is he going to die just for the so-called loyalty?"

"This kind of person is an idiot. Who cares about loyalty these days? Everyone sees ability. Whoever has the ability can live. If these three old guys are still worth using, it's okay for him to save them, but Even if he can successfully save him now, he will only save three crippled people."

"How could he be saved? These guards here are all first-class super experts, and there are ultimate experts like A Bao on Tianling Mountain. He is here to die today, although he didn't know what method he used just now. Downed a guard, but that guard is the weakest here, and he must have used some kind of trump card to deceive people, trying to make people mistakenly believe that his strength is really that strong."

The people around said that they all thought that Xia Xia was an idiot, a complete idiot, and they also believed that Xia Xia's attack just now was definitely not their own strength, but was used to bluff people.

At the back of the crowd stood three people. At this time, all three of them looked at Xia Xia with worried expressions. These three were An Jie, Xiao Qin and Qiyu. Xia Xia negotiated, An Jie originally came to stop Xia Xia, but in the end he not only failed to stop Xia Xia, but was also persuaded by Xia Xia.

In the summer, let them meet in the crowd. After a while, he saved the three mountain masters, and they ran away with the three mountain masters at the fastest speed.

This is the summer battle plan.

Anjie and the others knew that they couldn't stop Xia Xia, so they could only agree to Xia Xia's crazy idea.

"I really didn't expect that it was him who came to save us." The fourth Tianling never dreamed that it was Xia Xia who came to save them, because they didn't have any deep friendship with Xia Xia, although they took care of Xia Xia, But that's for their eldest's sake and the summer talent's sake.

But at this time of summer, they have seen what is called the grace of dripping water, which should be repaid by the spring.

It is because of their kindness to the summer that today's scene that moved several of their old guys to tears.

"It seems that our old guys are not completely blind. Although we have cultivated a white-eyed wolf, we have also cultivated a person who really values ​​love and righteousness." Man did not cry when he broke all the bones, but at this moment, he cried.

In the sea of ​​knowledge in summer.

"Damn, I'm going to kill them, boss, I beg you, help me kill them." The second child of Tianling roared angrily.

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Chapter 1785 Who dares to stop me

"You must have read it wrong, that kid is now being wanted by A Bao, and he might be hiding somewhere." Tianling Lao Liu said.

"No, I saw it too." The mountain owner of Tianling Mountain said suddenly.

Hearing his words, Tianling Lao Liu hurriedly looked at the crowd. At this time, a person was gradually coming out of the crowd. This person was none other than Xia Xia. Xia Xia actually came to save them, which was too unbelievable for them. Well, they never dreamed that Summer would come to save them.

They originally thought that only the fifth Tianling could save them, but they were forced by the owner of Tianling Mountain to make a poisonous oath.

Then no one can come to save them, but now summer has come.

And he came to save them when A Bao wanted him.

What is the truth of adversity?

This is called seeing the truth in adversity.

Xia Xia and A Bao formed a stark contrast. One is the wolf's ambition, and they don't care about their goodness at all, and the other is that they only give Xian's dripping favor, but Xia Xian is now repaying it.

But they really don't want to see summer now.

Because summer is coming and dying is no different.


Summer is moving forward step by step.

"Hey, what are you doing? If you hit someone, go to the left and get something to hit. 35xs" a guard walked directly to Xia Xia and said.

Summer did not speak.

"What about you." After the guard finished speaking, he went straight to Xia Xian, and at the same time his left hand grabbed Xia Xia's neck directly, he wanted to throw Xia Xia out.


At this moment, the man's body fell to the ground ruthlessly. He was a master of the second tier and sixth rank, but he was knocked to the ground with a punch. Seeing such a scene, all the people next to him were stunned. Hiding far away, and his guards also looked at Xia Xia at the same time.

"Who dares to stop me." Xia Xia shouted, looking at the guards in front of him.

Full of momentum.

The people around were all stunned by Xia Xia's momentum. They didn't understand who the guy in front of them was, why he was so domineering, and he actually dared to make trouble under Tianling Mountain. Isn't this courting death?

"Boy, who are you?" the second-tier eighth-order master asked Xia Xia.

"Summer!" When these two words came out of his mouth, everyone around was shocked. Everyone knew that the owner of Tianling Mountain, Abao, was looking for Xiaxia, but he still dared to come to die. It's enough to live.

The masters on the opposite side also looked at Xia Xia as if they were looking at idiots.

"Boy, you are giving us credit. Flash Dance Novel Network" The master of the second and eighth order looked at Xia Xia with great interest. Xia Xian made it clear that he was giving them credit, as long as they put If they take it back in the summer, then A Bao will definitely reward them with something, but A Bao is a baby with a lot of names.

He is a person with great luck, and the most important thing for such a person is treasure.

They all knew that Bao had worked so hard to find Xia Xia, but now he really has nowhere to go after stepping through the iron shoes, and it took no effort to get it.

"Summer, leave us alone, run." The mountain owner shouted loudly.

"You still have the strength to shout." The second-tier eighth-order master directly picked up a rotten egg and smashed it in the mouth of the mountain master. He used a bit of strength and smashed the mountain master's mouth directly, blood flowing. .

"I will make you die ugly." Xia Xia looked at the guard of the second-order eighth-order with cold eyes.

"Let us die ugly? Hahahaha, you really laughed at me." The second-tier eighth-order master laughed loudly. In their opinion, Xia Xia is not a person, but a treasure, the ultimate spiritual weapon. As long as they take Xia Xia back, then Po will definitely reward them with the ultimate spiritual weapon.

All those people around don't understand whether Xia Xia is crazy or what's wrong, and he still dares to send it to the door.

"He's crazy, now people in Tianling Mountain are looking for him everywhere, he still dares to come to the door, and it seems that he should be here to save the three old guys, those three old guys are now cripple, Even if he is rescued, he is just waiting to die, without any value, is he going to die just for the so-called loyalty?"

"This kind of person is an idiot. Who cares about loyalty these days? Everyone sees ability. Whoever has the ability can live. If these three old guys are still worth using, it's okay for him to save them, but Even if he can successfully save him now, he will only save three crippled people."

"How could he be saved? These guards here are all first-class super experts, and there are ultimate experts like A Bao on Tianling Mountain. He is here to die today, although he didn't know what method he used just now. Downed a guard, but that guard is the weakest here, and he must have used some kind of trump card to deceive people, trying to make people think that his strength is really that ~ The people around said that they all thought that Xia Xia was an idiot, a complete idiot, and they also believed that Xia Xia's attack just now was definitely not their own strength, but was used to bluff people.

At the back of the crowd stood three people. At this time, all three of them looked at Xia Xia with worried expressions. These three were An Jie, Xiao Qin and Qiyu. Xia Xia negotiated, An Jie originally came to stop Xia Xia, but in the end he not only failed to stop Xia Xia, but was also persuaded by Xia Xia.

In the summer, let them meet in the crowd. After a while, he saved the three mountain masters, and they ran away with the three mountain masters at the fastest speed.

This is the summer battle plan.

Anjie and the others knew that they couldn't stop Xia Xia, so they could only agree to Xia Xia's crazy idea.

"I really didn't expect that it was him who came to save us." The fourth Tianling never dreamed that it was Xia Xia who came to save them, because they didn't have any deep friendship with Xia Xia, although they took care of Xia Xia, But that's for their eldest's sake and the summer talent's sake.

But at this time of summer, they have seen what is called the grace of dripping water, which should be repaid by the spring.

It is because of their kindness to the summer that today's scene that moved several of their old guys to tears.

"It seems that our old guys are not completely blind. Although we have cultivated a white-eyed wolf, we have also cultivated a person who really values ​​love and righteousness." Man did not cry when he broke all the bones, but at this moment, he cried.

In the sea of ​​knowledge in summer.

"Damn, I'm going to kill them, boss, I beg you, help me kill them." The second child of Tianling roared angrily.

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