The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1783: Fighting Po again


The real man of influence in the entire Great Wilderness has been famous for more than ten years.

His reputation is really playing out.

Known as the first genius in the Great Wilderness, his strength was already at its peak long ago.

This trip outside the Great Wilderness is even more of an adventure, with extraordinary strength, and two treasures, Wuji Gloves and Wuji Battle Boots.

He is a man of great luck.

He has always considered himself to be the favored son of the sky, the real king, and the top fighting force in the Great Wilderness. What about Summer? Before, he was just a white-clothed disciple, and although he became famous later, he was only a third-order cauldron at that time. It has only been a few months. How many ranks can he become at most?

It's just so different from him.

He has wanted to abuse Xia Xia for a long time, and today finally let him catch Xia Xia, how could he not be excited.

If he wins Xia Xia, that's 100% sure, he can win 100%, he doesn't want to leave Xia Xia with others, saying that he brought people together to subdue Xia Xia, so even if he wins, he will not have the slightest sense of existence .

He is going to win.

And must win the summer convincingly.

So he agreed to take Xia Xia's punch. In his opinion, if Xia Xian offered to punch him, it must have some trump cards, but even if Xia Xia had a trump card, Xia Xian was still just an ant, and the size of the ant could be bitten off by another blow. Elephant's toes?

Summer said that he does not use weapons.

It is almost impossible to hurt him without using a weapon, so he is confident that he can easily take Xia Xia's punch. When he receives Xia Xia's punch, then Xia Xia will definitely not be able to. said.

"Okay, as expected of A Bao, he is indeed domineering." Xia Xia praised.

"Hey, don't compliment me, no matter what you say, I will never let you go. I will make you kneel down and beg me for mercy, and I will stomp you underfoot." A Bao's face was full of confidence .

"Well, as long as I punch you, the two of us will be fair. I don't believe that I can't beat you one-on-one." Xia Xia continued.

"Haha, you're just too arrogant, I'll let you know what real strength is." A Bao stood there and was ready to defend. Although he didn't attack or dodge, he didn't say anything. Do not defend yourself.

Yu Wentao never spoke, because he hated A Bao's arrogant character.

If he were Po, he would definitely not talk nonsense with Xia Xia and just kill Xia Xia here.

Even if you want to torture, you must defeat it first. The winner is the king and the loser is Kou. Who cares about how you won? As long as you win, nobody cares about the process.

However, Bao insisted on giving Xia Xia justice.

The people around them all swallowed their saliva involuntarily. This battle is a super battle.

Both sides of the battle are powerful figures in the Great Wilderness.

One is the peerless genius ten years ago, and the other is the current star of the sound of nature.

An Jie and the others escaped very fast, they didn't dare to stop at all, otherwise once they were caught up by A Bao's people, it would be troublesome. If the people who Xia Xia desperately rescued could not be rescued, then they would be ashamed. It's summer.


The body of Tianling's second child fell in front of several people.

"Senior, are you Xia's friend?" Xiao Qin asked, just now she saw Tianling's second child resisting the attack for them. Although the person in front of her was the evil corpse king who fought Xia Xia just now, she thought that this person Maybe it's a summer treat.

"Can I see the three of them?" said the second child of Tianling.

"Of course you can," Xiao Qin said.

The second child of Tianling came to the Tianling Mountain Mountain Master and others. When he observed the three of them so closely, tears fell involuntarily. He was three or four hundred years old, but he still couldn't control his emotions. , how could he feel better when his brother was beaten like this for so many years.

"Senior, you." Xiao Qin and the others were taken aback when they saw Tianling's second child crying.

The three of them, the owner of Tianling Mountain, also discovered this situation: "You are."

"Seven brothers, never betray or leave, and are invincible in all directions." The second son of Tianling said their seven vows of the year.

"What? Who are you? Why do you know the sworn vows of our seven brothers?" The mountain owner of Tianling Mountain was taken aback and asked hastily.

"Why did you become so embarrassed? It's all my fault. If I hadn't been too greedy, the boss wouldn't have been hurt, and the seventh wouldn't have died. With the boss here, how could someone bully us." Tianling The more he talked, the more excited he became. For two hundred years, he had never admitted his mistake, but today, he did.

Everything before was because of his greed, so they would just leave him in that deserted place and ignore him.

"You are the second brother." The owner of Tianling Mountain said in surprise.

The second child of Tianling nodded.

"Second brother, you are really the second brother." Tianling's fourth brother also cried out excitedly. Several old people add up to more than a thousand years old. He just hugged his head and cried, and the tears had completely stopped. I can't stand it any longer, the gap in my heart for two hundred years is completely opened at this moment.

Two hundred years have passed, and there is still nothing that can't be solved, and at the moment when the brother died, they really understood what family love is.

In the past two hundred years, all they have left is each other.

If the brothers are gone, what's the use of their cultivation being stronger?

Still alone?

When there are brothers, they may be competing with each other, competing with each other to win, and chasing each other to cultivate every day. Whoever is stronger will be very proud, but the moment the brothers are gone, even if they cultivate better. Strength is also useless.

An Jie and the others looked at the people who were hugging their heads and crying, and they didn't know what to These people are the people they have always respected the most, but now they are all like children cried.

"Mountain Master, we have to leave. If the delay is too long, I'm afraid that A Bao's people will catch up." An Jie said.

"Okay, let's go, second brother, let's go back and talk." said the mountain owner of Tianling Mountain.

"No, let's go first, I promised Xia Xia to help him complete one thing, but I may go to you, just tell me the address." Tianling said.

"Do you remember the place we used to go when we were young?" said the owner of Tianling Mountain.

"It's actually there, well, I know." The second child of Tianling nodded.

Under Tianling Mountain.

"After I punch you, the two of us will be even." Xia Xia said and rushed directly to A Bao.


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