The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1790: immortal

On Tianling Mountain.

"Some time ago, a demon alliance appeared in the Great Wilderness, and the leader of that alliance was one of the people who obtained the treasure map, but he found the wrong place and mistook it for the mountain behind Tiger Leap City, so it appeared. After that battle, he was the one who brought people this time." Yu Wentao said.

"How many are there in total?" Bao frowned.

"There were a lot of masters in the past, but they have been disbanded by Xia Xia. Now, except for the leader of the alliance, everyone else is a mob." Yu Wentao said.

"It's summer again." A Bao's face turned cold: "How is he now?"

"I have to say, this kid's vitality is really strong. On the first day he entered, he was beaten by that lunatic. The lunatic thought he was a trick we used, so he deliberately didn't kill him, he just beat him." Yu Wentao said.

"Okay, let's see how hard his mouth is." A Bao gently stroked his hand.

At this time, Xia Xia has been locked in the dungeon for three days, and these three days have been tortured for him.

There were wounds all over him.

He also suffered from the backlash from the medicinal pills, and the feeling of digging bones and breaking tendons was also very painful.

Originally, he was a seriously injured person, but as soon as he was thrown here, he was punched and kicked, and this person shouted while beating: Your tricks are useless to me, and you dare to show off in front of me. .


In the summer, I just want to scold my mother. Is there a bitter plan to be like this? Digging bones and breaking tendons, wounds all over the body.

This is too professional, and Hollywood movie stars can't do it.

these three days.

This man with a big iron chain all over his body can beat Xia Xia badly. His fists are more terrifying than a hammer, and he only hits the most painful places, and he can also guarantee Xia Xia will not die.

On the fourth day, Xia Xia had just fallen asleep for two hours, when his body was punched heavily.

"Fuck Nima!" Xia Tian knew who beat him without looking up.

Must be the lunatic again.

This lunatic isn't beating him endlessly, but beating for a while, letting the summer rest for a while, and then beating again.

If it wasn't for Xia Xia's immortality, he would have been beaten to death long ago.

Although it has only been three days, Xia Xia can already speak. This is all due to his physical recovery ability, and Meteor Tears saved his life.

In the past few days in the summer, the most common thing that has been said is swearing.


The madman punched Xia Xia again: "Boy, hurry up and admit that you are the one they sent."

"Go away!" Xia Xia said to the man.

"It's still stubborn." After that, the man punched Xia Xia again.


Xia Xia was punched in the body again by him.

Abuse, the other party is really cruel.

"Fuck!" Xia Xia glared at the man.





The two were at a deadlock again. The two of them were like this for the past two days, one beating and the other scolding.

It ends this way every time.

"You can, boy, you are better than the first few people, I see how long you can resist." After the man finished speaking, he sat back in place.

"Slot!" Xia Xia glared at the man and went to sleep again. No matter what he was beaten every day, he would immediately fall asleep because he knew that this was his only chance to rest. If he didn't sleep all the time, he would definitely He would die, but he didn't want him to really die. Even now that he had been made a crippled person by A Bao, he still had hope.

As long as you don't die, you can start.

All summer has to do now is to keep himself from dying.

If it was someone else, he would have given up long ago. Living like this is worse than dying, but Xia Xia is different. As long as he has a little hope of living, he will not give up.

Sleep is the best way to recover.

It's the best time to sleep in summer.


He was hit hard again in the chest.

"Damn it!" Xia Xia glared at this person. He now admires this person a little bit. This person is too punctual every day, and he wakes himself up when he sleeps best.

"Boy, don't admit it yet." The man punched Xia Xia one by one.

"I'm still fighting, I've eaten, and I'll fight again when I'm full." Yu Wentao's men brought food.

"He ate all the food you gave me. I don't have any teeth. My joints and bones have been dug out, and my tendons and hamstrings have been broken. What do you want me to eat?" Xia Xia shouted angrily. Said, there is no part of his body that is normal now.

"Don't worry, the above has explained that we will not let you die, we will give you medicine pills to maintain your life." The man said.

"They said they weren't theirs, and they kept you from dying." After that, the man started punching and kicking Xia Xia again.







Every time Xia Xia was punched by that person, he would scold him.

Repeat every day.

The person who delivered the meal laughed.

"The two of you continue, tell me after the fight, and I will feed him the medicine pill." The servant said.

That person would play for an hour or two every time he played in the summer before stopping, UU reading www. But only lasted about half an hour this time, because the meal came, and he wanted to eat. Since Po and the others came, they have been delivering meals to this person every day, but the tool for delivering meals is a wooden board. Mix meals together.

That madman doesn't dislike it either. After all, having food is better than having no food. He had never eaten for nearly two hundred years.

But he wasn't dead either.

This is also the question that everyone has been wondering, how did he survive.

After Xia Xian was beaten, the man fed Xia Xia with an anti-hunger medicine pill, and gave Xia Xia another medicine medicine for healing. This was ordered by A Bao, so that Xia Xia could carry it for a while longer. , the longer the summer carries, the more torture he will suffer.

"Xia Xia, Bao said that as long as you beg him for mercy, he can free you." said the person who delivered the meal.

"Tell Abao that he is Mahler Gobi." Xia Xia scolded directly.

"I don't know whether to live or die, then you can continue." The man left after feeding the Xia Tian medicine pill.

"Act, continue to act, acting is really good, continue to act." The madman said.

"I'll go to your Mare Gobi too." Xia Xia cursed at the lunatic.

After scolding in the summer, he went to sleep again directly.

"Am I finished? You just sleep." The lunatic continued to fight.

somewhere deep in the mountains.

"Five elders, someone is coming outside."

"Who is it?" The fifth elder frowned.

"He said it was Xia's friend. He also brought two men and one woman. He also said it was your old acquaintance."

"Please come in, no, I'll go meet you in person." After the fifth elder said, he went outside directly.

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