The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1797: Participate in the study of the wordless scripture

The Tathagata Palm Summer at the end of the Wordless Heavenly Book had studied it, and he even tried to use it.

But in the end, he couldn't use his full power.

He didn't know whether he had insufficient understanding of Buddhist scriptures or insufficient spiritual qigong skills.

Back then, the greedy wolf relied on the wordless scripture to use a variety of internal forces to release it. This is the power of the wordless scripture, and at the beginning, the greedy wolf only relied on the simplest few stunts. The most amazing thing in the wordless scripture is the back The Tathagata's palm, but the mystery of the Tathagata's palm has not really been discovered until the summer.

"Let's discuss something, can I take a day off today?" Xia Xia asked the old madman.


"Are you admitting cowardice?" The old madman punched Xia Xia with a punch, and it's been more than a month since he stepped down, but Xia Xia didn't admit cowardice, but today he actually admitted cowardice.

"Go to Nima." As soon as Xia Xia heard the old madman's words, he got angry and cursed directly.

He wanted to rest just to study the wordless scriptures, but when he heard the old madman say that he confessed, he couldn't help it. He had been beaten by the old lunatic for so long, how could he confess now.



The old lunatic continued to fight like this, and finally the old lunatic got tired and squinted.

And Xia Xia also took out the wordless scripture while the old madman was asleep. Although he couldn't move his body now, Xiaoding could control it with his mental power. He directly took the wordless scripture out of Xiaoding and manually If he wanted to read the Wordless Heavenly Book, he could only rub it with his body, rubbing the pages open little by little.

And he has to be careful not to wake the old madman, otherwise it will be broken if the old madman finds out that he is reading a book.

Xia Xia started from the first page this time. He wanted to study the Wordless Book, so he had to start from the beginning and study it again.

Buddhist scriptures!

The beginning of the Wordless Book is full of things like Buddhist scriptures and some great Buddhist principles. Under normal circumstances, summer would never have the time and energy to read such things, but now he is already bored. Well, now his daily spare time is getting beat up.

Knowledge is the primary productive force.

This sentence is always true.

Live and learn.

Here are the famous quotes of summer.

He is now a good boy who loves to learn.

Even with such inconvenience, he is still trying his best to learn.

After reading it for about an hour, Xia Xia hurriedly put away the book. He didn't dare to let the old lunatic find out that he was reading, otherwise he would still be beaten to death with the old lunatic's character.


The old lunatic woke up on time. After waking up, he didn't let Xia Xia down, but started the fight directly.

"Stop hitting, rest for a while, and then hit after dinner," said the food delivery person.


The old lunatic beat Xia Tian out of breath with one punch, and then started to eat.

"Xiamen, do you feel good now?" The food delivery person asked Xia Xia with a smirk.

"It's cool!" Xia Xia said through gritted teeth. Anyone who was beaten like this might not be happy, but he still insisted on gritting his teeth.

The body can be cowardly, but the ambition must not be cowardly.

"Summer, when you're about to die, just say it. I'll give you a good meal before you go on the road, and it's not in vain for you to scold me for so long." The person who delivered the meal said sarcastically.

"It's a bitch, I scold you and you have to feed me." Xia Xia scolded.

"Looking at you being beaten so badly, I love to hear you scold me." The food delivery man looked at Xia Xia with a smile on his face.

"s, b." Xia Xia was about to go to sleep after saying that.


"Did I let you sleep?" The old madman punched him again.

"Nima!" Summer cursed.

After the old lunatic finished eating, he continued to fight, and once again beat Xia Xia to no one. After beating the old lunatic, he went to sleep, and Xia Xian dragged his tired body and began to read the book without words.

Day by day, over and over again.

Every day in the summer, I study the Wordless Book of Heaven.

Every summer is tough.

After Linger was brought back to the barren land, she began to think of a way to escape, but she escaped for a long time and was stopped. Now her brother is in retreat, and these wild beasts in the great wilderness have completely overwhelmed her. , not giving her any chance to escape.

"Brother Tian, ​​you must wait for me." Ling'er said anxiously.

among the mountains.

"Second brother has news again. He said that the gang of masters under Tianling Mountain have formed some kind of sky-destroying alliance, and they are secretly gathering people. They may be about to start soon." Tianling fifth said.

"These people are finally going to do it. Now there is no news of Xia Xia's death on Tianling Mountain, which means that Xia Xia should be alive now." said the mountain owner of Tianling Mountain.

"I guess he must have used some method to temporarily save his life, but I don't know how he is now." Tianling fifth said worriedly.

"Don't worry, we should believe him, the current situation is turbulent in the Great Wilderness, and even Tianlai City is closed. No one knows what big things will happen." The mountain owner of Tianling Mountain said.

"Don't mention that ungrateful guy. It was Xia Xia who saved him, and we helped him defeat the Demon Sect Alliance, but he actually named Abao the mountain owner of Tianling Mountain." Is very angry, they worked so hard and finally no one cares about them.

Let Bao run wild there.

"Forget it, don't mention him, by the way, tell Xia Xia's wife the news. Her mental state has been getting worse and worse recently. Let her hear the news and maybe she will get better." The mountain owner of Tianling Mountain said. .

"Well, I'll go right now." Tianling fifth said.

"I just said that his Jiren has a natural appearance, and he is a legend in our place." Dong Weng said proudly.

"By the way, I never asked, where are you from?" The mountain owner of Tianling Mountain asked curiously.


On Tianling Bao, these guys are getting more and more restless recently. They actually started recruiting troops. It looks like they will attack our Tianling Mountain soon. "Yuwentao said.

"Hmph, there is the Demon Extinguishing Formation, and I will kill as many as they come." A Bao said disdainfully. Now A Bao has completely relied on the Demon Extinguishing Formation. In his opinion, the Demon Extinguishing Formation belongs to Tianling Mountain. Barrier, no one can pass through, no matter who, enter is to die.

"Well, I'm still worried, I'll send someone to check." Yu Wentao said.

in the dungeon.

Xia Xia is studying the Book of Words without Words. Recently, he has been very fascinated by the Book of Books without Words. Sometimes the things on the Book of Words are very attractive to him, which makes him understand a lot of truth. Even if he does not believe in Buddhism, he will I am gradually comprehending the true meaning of the Buddhist scriptures.

"What are you looking at?" At this moment, a cold voice appeared in Xia Xian's ear, and at the same time, the book in his hand was directly snatched away.


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