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Chapter 1801: An old monster that has lived for decades

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> Need for all-rounders

> Chapter 1809 Old Monsters That Lived for Thousands of Years Catalog Bookmark Comments Chapter 1809 Old Monsters That Lived For Thousands of Years

Novel: The Need for All-rounder Author: Huadu Number of Words: 2588

? When the word attacking the mountain is exported.

Drums sounded.

The tens of millions of residents were driven to Tianling Mountain like livestock. The number of people was very large. Tianling Mountain was very high and the aisle was very wide. I will only take the teleportation array, because the aisle is very difficult to walk, but it is still better than climbing a mountain.

After all, only one person climbs to the top of the mountain in summer.


The mighty crowd began to rush upwards.

Very large number of people.

"Hahahaha, I want to see what they can do with their Demon Extermination Formation. Kill so many people." A Sanding expert laughed loudly.

"Hmph, killing so many people will be punished, and their Demon Extinguishing Formation can't be without restrictions. As long as the Tianlei Formation is useless, then we can attack Tianling Mountain in one fell swoop. There are only two or three above. Ding master, we have nine here, and we will win if we fight for the number of people."

For a time, the momentum of the Heaven Destruction Alliance was high.

The leader of the Demon Alliance has never spoken. He is very low-key, because he understands that these people are friends at this time, but they may become enemies in the next second. When they face common interests, there will definitely be differences. Whoever gets the most attention at that time may be the first to be killed.


Shouting and killing.

"Boss, wait for me, after they go up the mountain, I will follow them, and then I will find a way to rescue you." Tianling said excitedly, for him, it is the rescue of Xia Xia. His biggest wish, as long as he can rescue Xia Xia, then he has fulfilled his big wish, because Xia Xia helped him too much.

On Tianling Mountain.

"They're coming up." Yu Wentao said, looking at the people who came down the mountain.

"Tell all the disciples to step back, it turns out that the mountain road, let them go up, and wait for them to come up" A Bao's face showed a sinister smile.


For him, killing is the best solution.

And he wants to make the following **** on earth.

Tens of millions of people, when he saw so many people, A Bao was also a little stunned. He didn't expect these people to play so big, but even with so many people, his A Bao could play.

Heaven and earth are not benevolent and regard all things as cud dogs!

In A Bao's eyes, as long as he can achieve his goal, what if he ends up in the entire Great Wilderness? He is the favored son of heaven, the child of God, these people are destined to be just his stepping stones.

"Well, but I'm afraid it can only destroy a few million people at most once." Yu Wentao said, after all, the mountain road is so long, and the millions of people who come up are already full.

"Don't worry, when the explosion occurs, there will be a scene of people stepping on people. Cannibalism is the best result." A Bao said.

"Yeah." Yu Wentao nodded.

The big battle is finally about to begin.

In the Great Wilderness, only their wave of three tripods is allowed, and the rest should be damned.

This is Po's character.

in the dungeon.

Summer lay there, the old lunatic sitting there, not beating him, but looking at something.

"Old lunatic, what are you looking at?" Xia Xia asked. He was almost beaten to death by the old lunatic a few days ago. He didn't understand it at the time, but he realized it later. The old lunatic must have found out that Bao was here, so he didn't understand. He will give him such a heavy hand, not to kill him, but to protect him. If all his injuries are healed, then it will be his death.

Bao will never allow him to get better.

Since I figured out this matter, Xia Xia no longer complained about the old lunatic.

"How many people have you killed at most once?" The old madman surprisingly didn't fight Xia Xia, but asked Xia Xia.

"I don't remember, there should be hundreds of people." Xia Xia said.

"I've killed three billion people at most once," said the old lunatic.

"Three billion." Xia Xian was stunned when he heard this number. It was too terrifying. Even if these three billion people put their heads in front of him one by one, he would be cut softly. Bar.

"Don't be so surprised, the people I kill are definitely not the most murderers in the spiritual world," the old lunatic said.

"Is there anyone who has killed more than you?" Xia Xia said very puzzled.

"If it's a one-off, it should be me, but if it's accumulated together, I'm definitely not." The old lunatic said.

"How did you kill so many people? Aren't you afraid of retribution?" Xia Xia asked in surprise.

"Isn't it still a curse?" The old madman asked Xia Xia with a smile on his face.

"Uh, how long have you been detained?" Xia Tian asked.

"I don't remember, but there should have been eight masters here, and each master came in about two or three hundred years ago," the old lunatic said.

"One two or three hundred years, eight, three eight twenty-four, you have lived for more than two thousand years." Xia Xia said with great surprise.

"What's so surprising, as long as I don't want to die, then even if I live for another two thousand years, there will be no problem." said the old lunatic.

"What kind of monster are you!" Xia Xia looked at the old lunatic in surprise.

"I'm not a monster. Back then, there were many masters like me in the spiritual world. Later, they went to that place. I don't remember, but none of them came back. They should all be dead. There are fewer and fewer people who have cultivated to my level." The old madman has been locked up for too long, and he no longer remembers the names of those places.

"Damn it!" Xia Xia looked at the old lunatic again. The old lunatic said very simple words, but what he meant was that people who were almost as powerful as him and more powerful than him died, and he was the strongest in the spiritual world. people.

This is too shocking.

"Boy, you are weak and pitiful in my eyes," said the old lunatic.

"That is, how many years have you lived? I'm only nineteen years old this year, and it's only been over a year since I started cultivating." Xia Xia was arrogant when the old madman said this.

The days when he is not beaten are very good, but Xia Xia also understands that this old lunatic might have a convulsion at some time, and he may not survive.

"Oh, not bad." The old madman said casually.

"What is good, what level of strength were you when you were my age?" Xia Xia asked in dissatisfaction.

"You can't understand what I said, because my realm is different from yours." The old lunatic said.

"Oh, yes, you have lived for thousands of years, and I have a question that I am very curious about." Xia Xia looked at the old lunatic seriously: "How can you speak Chinese?"

"What is Chinese? Is it a language? The entire spiritual world uses this language, but the characters between tribes are different," said the old lunatic.


When he heard these two words, Xia Xia finally believed that the old lunatic had lived for thousands of years, because now there are no tribes outside, all are cities.

"I'm more curious, you are so powerful, who locked you up?" Xia Xia asked hurriedly.

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Previous Catalog Next Chapter 1809 An old monster who has lived for thousands of years - MTL Novel

? When the word attacking the mountain is exported.

Drums sounded.

The tens of millions of residents were driven to Tianling Mountain like livestock. The number of people was very large. Tianling Mountain was very high and the aisle was very wide. I will only take the teleportation array, because the aisle is very difficult to walk, but it is still better than climbing a mountain.

After all, only one person climbs to the top of the mountain in summer.


The mighty crowd began to rush upwards.

Very large number of people.

"Hahahaha, I want to see what they can do with their Demon Extermination Formation. Kill so many people." A Sanding expert laughed loudly.

"Hmph, killing so many people will be punished, and their Demon Extinguishing Formation can't be without restrictions. As long as the Tianlei Formation is useless, then we can attack Tianling Mountain in one fell swoop. There are only two or three above. Ding master, we have nine here, and we will win if we fight for the number of people."

For a time, the momentum of the Heaven Destruction Alliance was high.

The leader of the Demon Alliance has never spoken. He is very low-key, because he understands that these people are friends at this time, but they may become enemies in the next second. When they face common interests, there will definitely be differences. Whoever gets the most attention at that time may be the first to be killed.


Shouting and killing.

"Boss, wait for me, after they go up the mountain, I will follow them, and then I will find a way to rescue you." Tianling said excitedly, for him, it is the rescue of Xia Xia. His biggest wish, as long as he can rescue Xia Xia, then he has fulfilled his big wish, because Xia Xia helped him too much.

On Tianling Mountain.

"They're coming up." Yu Wentao said, looking at the people who came down the mountain.

"Tell all the disciples to step back, it turns out that the mountain road, let them go up, and wait for them to come up" A Bao's face showed a sinister smile.


For him, killing is the best solution.

And he wants to make the following **** on earth.

Tens of millions of people, when he saw so many people, A Bao was also a little stunned. He didn't expect these people to play so big, but even with so many people, his A Bao could play.

Heaven and earth are not benevolent and regard all things as cud dogs!

In A Bao's eyes, as long as he can achieve his goal, what if he ends up in the entire Great Wilderness? He is the favored son of heaven, the child of God, these people are destined to be just his stepping stones.

"Well, but I'm afraid it can only destroy a few million people at most once." Yu Wentao said, after all, the mountain road is so long, and the millions of people who come up are already full.

"Don't worry, when the explosion occurs, there will be a scene of people stepping on people. Cannibalism is the best result." A Bao said.

"Yeah." Yu Wentao nodded.

The big battle is finally about to begin.

In the Great Wilderness, only their wave of three tripods is allowed, and the rest should be damned.

This is Po's character.

in the dungeon.

Summer lay there, the old lunatic sitting there, not beating him, but looking at something.

"Old lunatic, what are you looking at?" Xia Xia asked. He was almost beaten to death by the old lunatic a few days ago. He didn't understand it at the time, but he realized it later. The old lunatic must have found out that Bao was here, so he didn't understand. He will give him such a heavy hand, not to kill him, but to protect him. If all his injuries are healed, then it will be his death.

Bao will never allow him to get better.

Since I figured out this matter, Xia Xia no longer complained about the old lunatic.

"How many people have you killed at most once?" The old madman surprisingly didn't fight Xia Xia, but asked Xia Xia.

"I don't remember, there should be hundreds of people." Xia Xia said.

"I've killed three billion people at most once," said the old lunatic.

"Three billion." Xia Xian was stunned when he heard this number. It was too terrifying. Even if these three billion people put their heads in front of him one by one, he would be cut softly. Bar.

"Don't be so surprised, the people I kill are definitely not the most murderers in the spiritual world," the old lunatic said.

"Is there anyone who has killed more than you?" Xia Xia said very puzzled.

"If it's a one-off, it should be me, but if it's accumulated together, I'm definitely not." The old lunatic said.

"How did you kill so many people? Aren't you afraid of retribution?" Xia Xia asked in surprise.

"Isn't it still a curse?" The old madman asked Xia Xia with a smile on his face.

"Uh, how long have you been detained?" Xia Tian asked.

"I don't remember, but there should have been eight masters here, and each master came in about two or three hundred years ago," the old lunatic said.

"One two or three hundred years, eight, three eight twenty-four, you have lived for more than two thousand years." Xia Xia said with great surprise.

"What's so surprising, as long as I don't want to die, then even if I live for another two thousand years, there will be no problem." said the old lunatic.

"What kind of monster are you!" Xia Xia looked at the old lunatic in surprise.

"I'm not a monster, there were a lot of masters like me in the spiritual world back Then they went to that place, I don't remember, but none of them came back, they should all died. Since then, there have been fewer and fewer people who can cultivate to my level." The old madman has been locked up for too long, and he no longer remembers the names of those places.

"Damn it!" Xia Xia looked at the old lunatic again. The old lunatic said very simple words, but what he meant was that people who were almost as powerful as him and more powerful than him died, and he was the strongest in the spiritual world. people.

This is too shocking.

"Boy, you are weak and pitiful in my eyes," said the old lunatic.

"That is, how many years have you lived? I'm only nineteen years old this year, and it's only been over a year since I started cultivating." Xia Xia was arrogant when the old madman said this.

The days when he is not beaten are very good, but Xia Xia also understands that this old lunatic might have a convulsion at some time, and he may not survive.

"Oh, not bad." The old madman said casually.

"What is good, what level of strength were you when you were my age?" Xia Xia asked in dissatisfaction.

"You can't understand what I said, because my realm is different from yours." The old lunatic said.

"Oh, yes, you have lived for thousands of years, and I have a question that I am very curious about." Xia Xia looked at the old lunatic seriously: "How can you speak Chinese?"

"What is Chinese? Is it a language? The entire spiritual world uses this language, but the characters between tribes are different," said the old lunatic.


When he heard these two words, Xia Xia finally believed that the old lunatic had lived for thousands of years, because now there are no tribes outside, all are cities.

"I'm more curious, you are so powerful, who locked you up?" Xia Xia asked hurriedly.

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