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Chapter 1813: Immortality

Battle of Vengeance.

here we go.

Along the way, they all came with the determination of revenge.

For Linger, Wei Xiao can do everything. He has always held Linger in the palm of his hand. The reason why he does not let Linger out of the wild beast area is because he is worried that Linger will have an accident, but everything is too late, Linger is dead. , When he heard the news, he forcibly terminated his cultivation.

At this time, his white hair was blowing in the wind, and he looked more bleak and heroic.

He finally arrived at Tianling Mountain.

"My lord, the mountain road was destroyed by them." A desolate beast stepped forward and reported.

Tianling Mountain is very sharp, it is almost impossible to climb up, and there are many wild beasts that are not suitable for climbing, so they can only watch it in summer.

"When will the flying troops arrive?" Wei Xiao asked blankly.

"It will take a day for the flying troops to arrive," said a wild beast.

"No wait, I'll go up by myself." Wei Xiao said.

"Sir, no, there is that terrifying formation on it. It's the kind of big formation that drops the thunder. Even if our wild beast's body goes up, it will be killed directly." A wild beast said hurriedly.

"I'll go up by myself, none of you are allowed to follow." Wei Xiao said.

"grown ups."

"Don't you listen to what I said?" Wei Xiao said in a cold tone.

No one spoke this time, and dozens of super wild beast masters all kept silent. Their speed was the fastest among the wild beasts, so they were the first to arrive here.

The second child of Tianling was not nearby. At first, he wanted to find Linger's brother and tell him that Linger was not dead, but he thought about it carefully. If he went directly like this, he would probably die in the end. It's miserable, because he can't see Ling'er's brother at all. Those wild beasts kill people when they see them, and who can ignore him.

So he could only hide first.

After Linger's brother and the others capture Tianling Mountain, they will save Xia Xia by themselves, and then let Xia Xia find a way.

"Boss, please don't have any trouble, this time they will succeed." The second child of Tianling knows the horror of these wild beasts.

Not to mention the number and morale, there are quite a few super experts among those wild beasts. The two wild beasts who protected Linger at the beginning, each of the experts who dealt with Sanding alone had no trouble.

among the mountains.

"The vanguard of those wild beasts has already attacked Tianling Mountain, and this battle will directly change the fate of the Great Wilderness," said the fifth elder.

"I remember our master told us when we were young that the most dangerous place in the Great Wilderness is the Wilderness Beast area, and the wild beasts living there are beyond the level of the Great Wilderness. If they hadn't had leaders, then the Great Wilderness would have long been a wasteland. It's the summer of the beast. Because of that leader, there won't be any trouble with the wild beast outside the wild beast area. But now it's different. This time, the sister of the leader of the wild beast was killed by A Bao, and disaster is about to come. " said the mountain master of Tianling Mountain.

Everyone has been very nervous these days.

Because they don't know how Xia Xia is now, or what happened over there, whether A Bao killed Xia Xia or not.

They are now waiting to save people even after the wild beast has swept the Tianling Mountain.

On Tianling Mountain.

"They're here." Yu Wentao said nervously.

"Don't be afraid, they don't dare to come up. Last time they saw the power of the Demon Extermination Formation, and even if Tianling Mountain is not so good, even if they are the elites in the wild beasts, they will definitely be bruised and bruised when they come up. "A Bao said confidently.

"Yeah." Yu Wentao nodded.

"Wait here for me for a while, I'm going down to do something." After A Bao finished speaking, he went straight to the dungeon.

Yu Wentao knew what he was going to do. At this tense moment, no one knew what would happen next, so A Bao went down to kill Xia Xia. Although he also hoped to see Xia Xia continue to be tortured, at this moment It's time to understand.

Because in case they lost, he was worried that Xia Xia would be rescued, so before the decisive battle, he wanted Xia Xia to die.

When he came down, Xia Tian was just beaten by the old lunatic and lay there motionless.

"Xiamen, I'm here to see you." A Bao looked at Xia Xia and said.

Summer did not speak.

"Are you still angry? Because I killed your sister? But then again, your sister really caused me a lot of trouble, her brother is actually the leader of the wild beast area, and now he leads the wild beast All the wild beasts in the area are attacking our Tianling Mountain. Before the decisive battle, I specially came to see you and give you a ride, so that you can reunite with your sister." After A Bao finished speaking, a long spear appeared in his right hand. .


The long spear pierced the heart of Summer directly.


The old lunatic didn't stop him, he just watched all this quietly. The little snake was held in the hands of the old lunatic. At this time, the little snake was completely crazy, and he kept biting the old lunatic's hand~www.wuxiaspot .com~ But the old maniac just won't let go.

"Actually, I really don't want to kill you like this, but I don't know if I can win this battle today." After A Bao finished speaking, he turned and left, walking to the ground.

After A Bao left, the old madman let go of the little snake, and the little snake ran back to Xia Xia's body, as if wailing.

"Boy, this is a great gift from me, I'm really old. With my strength, it took me almost three months to get through your nine orifices, to be reborn after death, and to stand up after being broken. It's the real immortality, and I'm done too, it's time for a good night's sleep." The old madman walked back to the wall, then sat cross-legged and fell asleep.

On Tianling Mountain.

Under the Tianling Mountain, which is said to be impossible to climb.

Suddenly, a figure stepped on the stone wall and jumped up to Tianling Mountain.

"Someone's coming up." The master who had been watching below shouted hurriedly.


As soon as his voice fell, his head had already rolled to the ground.

"Uh!" Seeing such a scene, Yu Wentao was stunned for a moment. Someone came up. The sharpness of Tianling Mountain is unimaginable, but now someone can climb up from below. It's incredible. The most important thing It was this man who was not injured at all.

In other words, he didn't climb up, but came up abruptly with his body technique.

"Abao! He's here." Yuwentao hurriedly shouted.


Abao just came up from the dungeon when he heard Yuwentao's voice, he hurried over.

At this moment, a heroic man appeared in front of the two of them, and this man had fluttering white hair.

"Just him? Hmph, just kill the Demon Extermination Formation." A Bao said very casually.

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