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Chapter 1830: father's message

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? At this moment, Xia Xia was so excited that she wanted to cry.

The person on the image is none other than Xiao Ma.

The person who was rescued from the crevice prison was Brother Xiao Ma, and the clear head portrait was imprinted in his mind.


Only his father Xia Long could use this word.

Because Xiao Ma is the adopted son of Xia Xialong.

At this moment, Xia Xia was in a particularly good mood. He had news about his father and news about Brother Xiao Ma. Before, he always wanted to rescue Brother Xiao Ma, but he didn't know how to get to the prison. Now it's alright, Xiao Ma. Brother Ma was rescued by his father, so he no longer has to worry about Brother Ma's safety.

But he also really misses Brother Ma and his father.

So he plans to go to them directly after a while. After all, so many experts in the Human World are looking for them. When the summer can bring them back to the Great Wilderness, I am afraid that no one will find them.

"Xia Tian, ​​what do you think?" Bishop Cao interrupted Xia Xia suddenly.

"Oh, I didn't think about it, I just thought this person didn't look very good." Xia Xia said.

"It's quite ordinary, but how can it be an ordinary person who can be locked in the cracked prison, especially his adoptive father, who is too powerful to be able to force the cracked prison to release people, I have never heard of this situation. I said, I am afraid that even a master of Jiuding will be kicked back, so everyone thinks that he must have used some special means, and his own strength is definitely not that strong." Bishop Cao said.

"Yeah." Xia Xia didn't think his father was really more powerful than Jiuding Master. His father didn't enter the spiritual world much earlier than him.

Although his father has always been a super genius, Xia Xia also considers himself a genius.

"But don't be careless. People in the demon world are different from us. Everyone in the demon world is a warrior, because they face life and death every day. Although they also have a city, they need money to live in a city. Overhead, almost 90% of people are wandering outside, as long as they are wandering people, they may die at any time, and I also heard that there are many people in the devil who are usually like brothers, but they are sleeping when you After that, I will kill you directly and take away your treasures," said Bishop Cao.

"That's really miserable. Although there are situations like this in the human world, there are definitely not many. Moreover, the city is relatively peaceful, and the small villages outside the city also have their own scale." Xia Xia said.

"Yeah, that's why there are more warriors in the demon world. Most people in the human world live in comfort zones. They don't have a sense of crisis, but the demon world is different. None of them know if they can see the sun tomorrow, and who to see in the demon world. It's very common to kill whoever is upset. The population base of the demon world is also very large. There is an unwritten rule in the demon world. Women are generally not allowed to kill, especially pregnant women. If you find out that you have killed a pregnant woman, then no matter who you are, they will hunt you down. The rule in the devil world is that the more people there are, the more chance there will be geniuses, and their way of eliminating geniuses is very simple. Not all geniuses survive," explained Bishop Cao.

"Well, yes, there are many geniuses, but the chances of surviving are very small. Once they survive, they will definitely be able to become masters in the future." Xia Xia nodded.

"Yes, the Demon World is a master trained in this way, that's why I said that person is not easy. The Crack Prison in the Demon World is a special place. It is said that the owner of the Crack Prison is a woman, and she has always had the Demon World Lord. Cover." Bishop Cao said very gossip.

Demon World Lord - Wang Bao.

This person Xia Xia can remember very clearly, he is the master of Lei Feng.

At the beginning, it was he who almost killed himself with a single word, and it was his power that directly captured Brother Xiao Ma.

"It's really gossipy news." Xia Xia smiled slightly.

"By the way, brother, I heard that your strength is not bad now, come with me in a few days, I will take you there, although we are not trying to catch people and win treasures, but this time the excitement is not small, and it is mixed with Other good things." Bishop Cao said.

"What's so good?" Summer asked.

"I'll tell you later." Bishop Cao said something.

"Okay, drink." Xia Xia didn't ask much.

"I'll drink it later, you haven't said whether to follow me or not." Bishop Cao asked.

"Not for the time being, I have to go back to Tianling City and make arrangements after I go back." Xia Xia couldn't just leave, otherwise Tianling City would be in a lot of trouble. Now Tianling City is a big piece of it. The fat, and now the reason why Tianling City can develop smoothly along the way is because of the existence of the legend of summer.

If summer is not here, then everyone will not believe in Tianling City.

Before leaving in the summer, a Sanding master must also be cultivated, and after the Tianling City has developed steadily.

"Okay, tell me the time, I'll pick you up when the time comes," said Bishop Cao.

"I really can't decide the time. I have to go back and look at it, but I don't think it will take long." Xia Xia said.

"Since it won't take long, then I'll accompany you to go back, otherwise it will cost me a lot to go back and forth," said Bishop Cao.

"A bishop your age still has that money?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"What do you know, if you want to come from me to the Great Wilderness, it will normally take about a year even at the fastest speed. If I am in a hurry, I have to take the super teleportation array to come here. This time I will be alone. It is 5,000 pieces of mid-grade spirit stones, which is still the price of friendship." Bishop Cao said.

"It's so expensive." Xia Xia said in surprise.

A middle-grade spirit stone can be exchanged for 100 lower-grade spirit stones, which means that he will need 500,000 lower-grade spirit stones for one visit, and if he exchanges it with the current popularity of middle-grade spirit stones, it is equivalent to 600,000. Block to about 700,000 low-grade spirit stones.

Even in the summer, he would not be willing to spend so much money to sit in the teleportation formation, even if his family was big now. After a while, the hundreds of thousands of low-grade spirit stones would be gone.

"Well, it's really expensive, so I don't want to go back and forth. The Great Wilderness is the most backward barren land in the eyes of us outsiders, and no one wants to come at all, so most of the areas in the middle are empty. Except for a few transit stations, other places are also bandits occupying the mountains as kings, and going back and forth is also very troublesome." Bishop Cao said.

"The two gentlemen were drinking here. The little girl came to meet the two gentlemen." At this moment, a woman appeared at the entrance of the stairs on the second floor and said.

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