The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1835: kill

That person was kicked out by Xia Xia's punch, which is a shameful thing.

Just now he boasted how powerful he was.

Because he thinks that even if the people in the Great Wilderness are promoted to Sanding, they must be dominated by the power of elements and supplemented by strength, but he did not expect that Xia Xia's power would be so great, and he would be knocked away with one punch. Going out, the breath of the ultimate spiritual tool death mask is wrapped around his claws.

Xia Xia obviously did not use any spiritual tools or treasures, and it looked as if he had just punched it out.

But it was such a casual punch that knocked him out so far.

"Damn, I'm going to let you die this time." After Leng Li finished speaking, a strong black gas appeared from his entire mask, and the black gas instantly wrapped around his hands, and at the same time, all the power on his mask disappeared. His hands were also covered with two black qi, and the two black qi were all filled with the breath of death.

He now represents darkness.

And Xia Tian's hands are full of bright look.

Because all of his palms are filled with golden light, the breath of the Tathagata's palm.

Buddhism represents light.

Ghostly claw.

Buddha light first appeared.


When the two forces, one light and one black, collided, the dark light was instantly swallowed up.


The cold and stern figure disappeared directly in front of everyone's eyes.


Xia Xia successfully killed Leng Li.

"What!" The female city lord looked at Xia Xia with an unbelievable face. She had already checked Xia Xia's affairs. Before Xia Xia was obviously just a kid who couldn't even reach Erding, she thought that the reason why Xia Xia could win A Bao was actually because of It's the so-called wild beasts, it's just a misinformation by others.

But she didn't expect that summer could be so powerful.

Leng Li, but she took a lot of hard work to get it back, just to check and balance Xia Xia, although she also thought about tearing her face off with Xia Xia, but she didn't expect this day to come so early, and she didn't expect to be there all the time. The man who was very powerful in her heart was coldly killed by Xia Xia.

On their wedding day, summer kills the groom.

I have to say this is not a good thing.

But those elders of Tian Lai City were obviously relieved.

"Xia Xia, what do you mean? It's a shame that I called you uncle. You actually killed my husband on my wedding day." The female city owner looked at Xia Xia angrily. Although she was dead cold, Xia Xia's approach was very inappropriate Well, now she is going to put on this big hat for summer.

"I didn't let you call again." Xia Xia said very casually.

"Don't think that you can do whatever you want with your strength. You must give me an explanation for today's matter, give us an explanation for Tianlai City, and give an explanation to Dahuang. If you are the kind of guy who bullies others in the summer, then I admit it, but I Let the people of the Great Wilderness see your face." The female city owner said angrily.

"Enough." At this moment, a loud shout came from Bishop Cao. When they heard this voice, everyone at the scene was stunned.

Bishop Cao's status in Tianlai City is very high. He is a person who was respected by the previous Tianlai City Lord.

The female city lord was frightened by his loud shout.

"All the elders and patriarchs of Tianlai City will come out to me." Bishop Cao shouted loudly.

The elders and patriarchs of Tianlai City all came out: "See Bishop Cao."

"She's ignorant, so aren't you sensible? What is that coldness? Can't you see the wolf's ambition? You just let her be so foolish? I know that you are all die-hard. But you also have to divide the situation. I am friends with her father, and I am also half her elder. Her father is disgusting to himself because of her reputation, or why did he kill himself? Did her father do this just to see Will her children destroy the Great Wilderness in your hands?" Bishop Cao asked the elders and the family's patriarch.

The scene was silent.

"I don't care what you thought before, but now I want to tell you, if you want to annihilate together with Tianlai City, then I can't control you, but you must let those innocent people in the city go." Bishop Cao said here When I looked at the female city lord and asked: "What is your father's reputation for thousands of years? To make you avenge? Even if you want to take revenge, do you know who your enemy is? Your enemy is not Xia Xia, he is your savior, not his words. , you have already let Bao kill, it is right for your father to die in front of him, but for your father, death is a kind of relief, and you? What are you thinking about all day long If it wasn't for me begging for the summer, do you think he would come to be your officiant? Do you think he would watch you play him like a monkey? As long as he wants, how many of you can escape?"

Bishop Cao's words are indeed ugly, but they are reasonable.

Xia Xia is the No. 1 expert in the Great Wilderness. Even a Sanding expert can be killed so easily by him. If Xia Xia is really angry, who else is his opponent?

How many people can escape here?

The spiritual world is a place where people with big fists Xia Tian's fists are big, so who will judge them after they die?

What's more, now summer is standing in front of righteousness.

"Bishop Cao, we knew we were wrong," said the elders and patriarchs.

"The current Tianlai City has lost the people's hearts. Although the scale of your city is still there, does anyone still dare to trade in your city? The major mountain gates and forces have withdrawn the business in your city, and everyone is also They dare not pay you money, why is this? Because they don't believe you." Bishop Cao's words were very direct and harsh.

The female city lord stood there with a very ugly face, but she couldn't say a word.

"It's time to change the position of the city lord of Tianlai City, and it's time to change the ruler of the Great Wilderness." Bishop Cao said such a sentence.

Although the elders of Teana City are very unwilling, they have nothing to do. Now their trade and transactions in Teana City are very bleak. If this continues, it will not be long before the city guards will be disbanded, and Even those big families have to starve to death. After all, there are many people in their family waiting to eat with their mouths open. There is no trade, no business, where will their money come from?

"He wants his daughter to live carefree, not full of interests, so I hope you can fulfill his last dream for him, let his daughter live safely, find a good man to marry, and She is not a person older than her father. The city lord should vote among several major families. As for business and trade, if you want to resume business, then you have to ask Xia Shan lord yourself, because now Tianling City is a great wasteland. Trade center." When Bishop Cao finished saying this, everyone looked at Xia Xia.

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