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Chapter 1850: Thousands of hunters

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> Need for all-rounders

> Chapter 1858 Ten Thousand Hunting Team Directory Set Bookmark Comments Chapter 1858 Ten Thousand Hunting Team

Novel: The Need for All-rounder Author: Huadu Number of Words: 2468

"Okay, I'll tell you." said the leader of the gang.

Xia Xia stared at the man. It was the first time he was so close to his father. At that time, he thought his father was dead, but later learned that his father was not dead. I don't know how happy he was. His father had been separated for so long, and this time he was finally going to see his father.

"No, I'm still not at ease. You have to use your soul to inspire you, you can't kill me, and you can't hurt me." The leader of the gang was worried that Xia Xia wouldn't kill him, but if he crippled him, it would be no different from killing him. After all, there are many people who pass this road every day. Once those people see him injured, they will not be so kind to rescue him.

"I inspired by my soul, I will not kill you." Xia Xia said coldly.

Hearing Xia Xia's oath, the leader of the gang was really relieved: "There are a total of four people who came from the demon world. They appeared in the right Linshan yesterday, and now tens of thousands of hunting teams have gone to round them up."

"What exactly is a hunting party?" Xia Xia asked again.

"The hunting team is a hunting team consisting of tens of thousands of elites from all the cities under the command of the sixth-level city Ju Niu City. Each team consists of 15 people, a total of 150,000 people. They are responsible for hunting the four who came from the demon world. Personally, I'm just a fake, a liar, that's all I know." said the leader of the gang.

"Then why do people in Cancer City believe in you so much?" Xia Xia asked inexplicably. Those people in Cancer City believed in these people very much before, and they especially protected them.

"That was all set up by the chief. He deliberately led people to burn, kill, loot and loot everywhere, under the banner of people from the demon world, so that it would be convenient for us to act." The leader of the gang said.

"Who is the chief?" Xia Xia heard these people mention this chief just now.

"Master is the master of our seven-day twelve caves," said the leader of the gang.

"Okay, I already know everything I need to know." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Then I can go, right." The leader of the gang said excitedly.

"When did I say you could go?" Xia Xia said with a smile at the gang leader.

"You swore that you would let me go." The leader of the gang looked at Xia Xia with a panicked expression and said, "If you dare to kill me, then you will definitely have a demon."

"I said I wouldn't kill you, but I didn't say they wouldn't kill you." More than a dozen ghosts flew out of Xia Xia's body instantly: "Eat him."

"You must not die!" The leader's body fell down.

Xia Xia did say that he would not do anything to him or kill him, but Xia Xia did not say that he would not let ghosts kill him. Flash Dance Novel Network

"A team of 150,000 people really looks down on my father." Xia Xia's eyes turned cold, and then he looked into the distance: "Father, wait for me."


Xia Xia's body disappeared in place in an instant. He was going to find his father and others. He hadn't seen his father for a long time. He can still remember his father's kind and stern appearance. At the beginning, his father had the greatest hope for him. Just study hard and finish university, but he didn't finish university in the end.

He also didn't know if he would be spanked by his father.

Inside Cancer City.

"Finally caught you, you can run very well, hand over your things, I'll give you a good time." One of the Five Elements Ghosts said, the man standing opposite them was the one who bumped into Xia Xia before. man.

"I'm not as skilled as others, you can kill or cut as you please," the man said viciously.

"Search!" The golden ghost among the five elements waved his hand, and the other four ghosts all began to search.

"Boss, no." The wooden ghost looked around this person twice.

"How could there not be? He must have been hiding it. Hit me until he says." Jin Gui said angrily.

boom! boom!

A few of them started punching and kicking.

"Hahahaha." The man suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" the earth ghost asked.

"I laugh that the five of you are just a bunch of lonely ghosts. Is that all you need? It's not enough to tickle Grandpa." The man said with great disdain.

"Hmph, then I'll let you taste the taste of carnivorous ants, second child." Jin Gui snorted coldly.

"Okay." The wooden ghost directly took out a small bottle on his body. The small bottle was filled with dense ants. He carefully opened the mouth of the bottle, and then released three carnivorous ants, and then quickly emptied the small bottle. It was sealed. He did this set of moves very quickly, but he was afraid of doing too much.

The carnivorous ants crawled directly onto the man.


The carnivorous ants crawled directly into the man's skin and began to gnaw in his flesh. This feeling was painful and itchy, and it was itchy inside, so no matter how hard you scratched it, you couldn't scratch it.

"Ah!" A scream came from the man's mouth.

"Boy, as long as you tell us where the things are, we will spare your life." Jin Gui looked at the man and said.

"Bah, it's all about you five ghosts and wild ghosts, right? If you five are one-on-one, who is Lao Tzu's opponent? Isn't it because of the number of people? Sooner or later, Lao Tzu will kill you directly." The man shouted angrily .

"Second, don't let him die, torture him slowly, you guys go get some food and wine, let's eat something first." Jin Gui said.

"Boss, don't worry, his leg has been broken by me, and the storage ring is also with me. I see how he can escape." Wooden Ghost said confidently.

After a while, they brought a bunch of food and wine, and then a few people started eating directly, and said, "Second brother, go get the food to seduce him."

"Okay." The wooden ghost stood up directly, but when he walked inside, he hurried out: "No, big brother, he's gone."

"What? Gone?" The other three were also taken aback.

"If it's gone, it's gone. If there is anything to make a fuss about, continue drinking." Jin Gui said very casually.

"But I already broke his leg." Mu Gui said with an incredible face. He was very confident in his technique, and he had clearly heard the sound of the other party's bones breaking. He really didn't want to. Understand how a man with a broken leg escapes silently.

"I knew for a long time that he could escape." Jin Gui said very casually.

"Have you known it for a long time?" The other four looked at Jin Gui with great puzzlement.

"This guy is a tough guy, he won't say it if he is tough, then I will give him a chance to escape. After he escapes, he will definitely go to get that thing, and I have planted gold on him. Gui Yin, I will find him wherever he goes." Jin Gui said confidently.

Novel recommendation: is the protagonist me The marriage of non-gods and demons is sultry: the wife of the major general is too hot with the doctor and is reborn in the sky 100 days: Ye Shao, addicted to the pet and reborn Xiao Qiao Daughter-in-law: Chief, good morning! The god-level master of the female president

Chapter 1858: Ten Thousand Hunting Squad

"Okay, I'll tell you." said the leader of the gang.

Xia Xia stared at the man. It was the first time he was so close to his father. At that time, he thought his father was dead, but later learned that his father was not dead. I don't know how happy he was. His father had been separated for so long, and this time he was finally going to see his father.

"No, I'm still not at ease. You have to use your soul to inspire you, you can't kill me, and you can't hurt me." The leader of the gang was worried that Xia Xia wouldn't kill him, but if he crippled him, it would be no different from killing him. After all, there are many people who pass this road every day. Once those people see him injured, they will not be so kind to rescue him.

"I inspired by my soul, I will not kill you." Xia Xia said coldly.

Hearing Xia Xia's oath, the leader of the gang was really relieved: "There are a total of four people who came from the demon world. They appeared in the right Linshan yesterday, and now tens of thousands of hunting teams have gone to round them up."

"What exactly is a hunting party?" Xia Xia asked again.

"The hunting team is a hunting team consisting of tens of thousands of elites from all the cities under the command of the sixth-level city Ju Niu City. Each team consists of 15 people, a total of 150,000 people. They are responsible for hunting the four who came from the demon world. Personally, I'm just a fake, a liar, that's all I know." said the leader of the gang.

"Then why do people in Cancer City believe in you so much?" Xia Xia asked inexplicably. Those people in Cancer City believed in these people very much before, and they especially protected them.

"That was all set up by the chief. He deliberately led people to burn, kill, loot and loot everywhere, under the banner of people from the demon world, so that it would be convenient for us to act." The leader of the gang said.

"Who is the chief?" Xia Xia heard these people mention this chief just now.

"Master is the master of our seven-day twelve caves," said the leader of the gang.

"Okay, I already know everything I need to know." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Then I can go, right." The leader of the gang said excitedly.

"When did I say you could go?" Xia Xia said with a smile at the gang leader.

"You swore that you would let me go." The leader of the gang looked at Xia Xia with a panicked expression and said, "If you dare to kill me, then you will definitely have a demon."

"I said I wouldn't kill you, but I didn't say they wouldn't kill you." More than a dozen ghosts flew out of Xia Xia's body instantly: "Eat him."

"You must not die!" The leader's body fell down.

Xia Xia did say that he would not do anything to him or kill him, but Xia Xia did not say that he would not let ghosts kill him. Flash Dance Novel Network

"A team of 150,000 people really looks down on my father." Xia Xia's eyes turned cold, and then he looked into the distance: "Father, wait for me."


Xia Xia's body disappeared in place in an instant. He was going to find his father and others. He hadn't seen his father for a long time. He can still remember his father's kind and stern appearance. At the beginning, his father had the greatest hope for him. Just study hard and finish university, but he didn't finish university in the end.

He also didn't know if he would be spanked by his father.

Inside Cancer City.

"Finally caught you, you can run very well, hand over your things, I'll give you a good time." One of the Five Elements Ghosts said, the man standing opposite them was the one who bumped into Xia Xia before. man.

"I'm not as skilled as others, you can kill or cut as you please," the man said viciously.

"Search!" The golden ghost among the five elements waved his hand, and the other four ghosts all began to search.

"Boss, no." The wooden ghost looked around this person twice.

"How could there not be? He must have been hiding it. Hit me until he says." Jin Gui said angrily.

boom! boom!

A few of them started punching and kicking.

"Hahahaha." The man suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" the earth ghost asked.

"I laugh that the five of you are just a bunch of lonely ghosts. Is that all you need? It's not enough to tickle Grandpa." The man said with great disdain.

"Hmph, then I'll let you taste the taste of carnivorous ants, second child." Jin Gui snorted coldly.

"Okay." The wooden ghost directly took out a small bottle on his body. The small bottle was filled with dense ants. He carefully opened the mouth of the bottle, and then released three carnivorous ants, and then quickly emptied the small bottle. It was sealed. He did this set of moves very quickly, but he was afraid of doing too much.

The carnivorous ants crawled directly onto the man.


The carnivorous ants crawled directly into the man's skin and began to gnaw in his flesh. This feeling was painful and itchy, and it was itchy inside, so no matter how hard you scratched it, you couldn't scratch it.

"Ah!" A scream came from the man's mouth.

"Boy, as long as you tell us where the things we will spare your life." Jin Gui looked at the man and said.

"Bah, it's all about you five ghosts and wild ghosts, right? If you five are one-on-one, who is Lao Tzu's opponent? Isn't it because of the number of people? Sooner or later, Lao Tzu will kill you directly." The man shouted angrily .

"Second, don't let him die, torture him slowly, you guys go get some food and wine, let's eat something first." Jin Gui said.

"Boss, don't worry, his leg has been broken by me, and the storage ring is also with me. I see how he can escape." Wooden Ghost said confidently.

After a while, they brought a bunch of food and wine, and then a few people started eating directly, and said, "Second brother, go get the food to seduce him."

"Okay." The wooden ghost stood up directly, but when he walked inside, he hurried out: "No, big brother, he's gone."

"What? Gone?" The other three were also taken aback.

"If it's gone, it's gone. If there is anything to make a fuss about, continue drinking." Jin Gui said very casually.

"But I already broke his leg." Mu Gui said with an incredible face. He was very confident in his technique, and he had clearly heard the sound of the other party's bones breaking. He really didn't want to. Understand how a man with a broken leg escapes silently.

"I knew for a long time that he could escape." Jin Gui said very casually.

"Have you known it for a long time?" The other four looked at Jin Gui with great puzzlement.

"This guy is a tough guy, he won't say it if he is tough, then I will give him a chance to escape. After he escapes, he will definitely go to get that thing, and I have planted gold on him. Gui Yin, I will find him wherever he goes." Jin Gui said confidently.

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