The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1885: start to fight back

The Chief and the Five Elements Ghosts fought for a while, neither of them thought to really fight hard, but just wanted to vent their anger, so they stopped after fighting for a while.

"Tell me, what's going on this time?" the Five Elements Ghost asked.

"Hmph, how do you count, you haven't told me until now what you want, I don't even know that he has so many trump cards on him, so he was able to escape, now you must put what you want Tell me what you get." The master was also very curious about what the Five Elements Ghost wanted to get.

Although Xia Xia escaped this time, he was sure that Xia Xia was definitely using an ability like Blood Escape, and it was not an ordinary Blood Escape. After using this ability, Xia Xia was definitely in a weak period now.

So as long as they keep searching, they will definitely find summer.

"The thing we're looking for is a bead, but we don't know its specific function right now. This thing was stolen by Murong Bai as soon as we got it, and then it was transferred to this kid named Xia Xia." Jin Gui didn't say anything. To be honest, he had already learned from Murong Bai how powerful the Ghost Spirit Pearl was, but he absolutely couldn't tell the boss, otherwise the boss would also be tempted by the Ghost Spirit Pearl.

"Well, well, in that case, we can temporarily join forces, so that on the one hand, we can find treasures in the underground palace, and on the other hand, we can continue to track down Xia's whereabouts. I have tens of thousands of elites here, and I will arrange for them to disperse. Looking for, as long as we find the summer, then we can catch up with the fastest speed." The chief said.

"Okay!" The Five Elements Ghosts also fought against the Chief Master just now, and they have also seen the power of the Chief Master, so they also plan to temporarily alliance with the Chief Master.

After all, no one knew what was in the palace of King Qi.

If they really come across any treasures, they can take care of them. After all, the master is still a master of the four cauldrons, and the five of them together are equivalent to the masters of the four cauldrons.

The chief's subordinates began to search in a scattered manner. They all have something that sends a signal. As long as they send it, all the nearby chiefs and chiefs can sense it.

The current summer is not good. Although the pain is not so bad after a sleep, the injury on his body is not light. He has not been able to move in the past few days, so he can only hide here to recuperate.

"The reversal of the nine orifices is indeed powerful, but it's a pity that I only used it once." Xia Xia used the reversal of the nine orifices this time to save his life, but the nine orifices can only be used nine times in a lifetime, and once he used the ninth time, he saved his life. , he will die, this is the biggest secret of the Undead God.

He had never thought about using the Nine Apertures before because he planned to keep them for later use.

After all, this life is very long, and he doesn't want to waste a chance to reverse his nine orifices.

But this time, if he doesn't use it, he will die here. He doesn't want to really die here.

Each time the Nine Apertures Reversal is used, the bonus will be doubled again.

This summer, his speed has increased by five times, and his strength and overall strength have also increased by about five times. That is to say, the next time he uses it, his speed and strength will be increased by ten times, but the more the increase, the better for him. The stronger the backlash, just like this time, there was an injury in the first place, and with the backlash, it was a real suffering.

It is impossible not to be attacked by using power that does not belong to you.

"I really didn't expect the reversal of the nine orifices to be so powerful." Xia Xia said with emotion, the reversal of the nine orifices was so powerful that he could improve him so much after using it for the first time. The only shortcoming was the time. It's too short. If he uses the reversal of the Nine Apertures again in another hundred years, I am afraid that this reversal will last for at least half an hour.

The increase in the reversal of the Nine Apertures is the same, but the time is different.

It depends on how long you have been cultivating and how much you have learned about the Nine Apertures. Xia Xia just learned the Nine Apertures, so he persisted for a very short time.

This training, Xia Xia rested for a full ten days. With his recovery speed and medicinal herbs, he still rested for so long. It can be seen that the injury is how heavy this time. When he came out, the place had changed greatly. Now, there are many more people than before, but these same people came in late.

As for the master, they should have already entered the palace of King Qi.

King Qi's underground palace is really big, even if you are allowed to walk in a straight line, you will probably have to walk for a month, not to mention that it is now 20% off.

"n, n, d, I'm back in Xia Xia." Xia Xia shouted in his heart, this time he came back, that is to start revenge. The master's people are regarded as prey, he is a hunter, and he is about to start a big reversal battle.

Originally, he thought that the master's people had already entered, but soon Xia Xia discovered that the master was a greedy person.

He kept his men at many important levels, and then bullied the newcomers and asked them to take money, but this gave summer a chance.

"Boy, stop for When the other party saw that Xia Xia was alone, he shouted directly.

"Huh?" Xia Xia looked at the man suspiciously.

"We are the chief's people. It is very dangerous inside. Without our people to guide you, you will die miserably." The man said.

"I don't need it." Summer said lightly.

"I don't need it, I can't. Fifty low-grade spirit stones, you can leave after you hand it in." The way the man said at the beginning was just a name. His real purpose was to ask for money. Seeing Xia Xia, he said he didn't need it , then he will naturally come hard.

"Ask me for money!" Xia Xia's mouth twitched slightly. He hadn't gone to trouble with these people, and they sent the **** here by themselves.

boom! boom!

Xia Xia punched one, directly knocking down the two people in front of him. His fist strength is very large, and he can instantly kill them.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.

Last time, if the boss had killed Xia with all his strength as soon as he came up, then he would not have given Xia Xia a chance to escape. At this time, what Xia Xia had to do was to go all out, do it, and kill these people.

The eight people behind saw that something happened here, and all ran over.


Xia Xia's eyes flashed fiercely, and then he directly killed all the eight people. After collecting their storage bags, Xia Xia began to move forward quickly, and all the people around them were blinded, but they knew that the people in Chief were not. It's so annoying, but now these people are all killed by Xia Xia so easily.

"Master, it's not good, our people are dying fast." A subordinate ran over and reported.

"What's the matter?" The boss frowned suddenly.

"I heard from others that it was killed in the summer."

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