The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1891: kill all

Summer boxing gloves are useless.

The high-level treasures in the hands of the other two were also scrapped, and all three of them were injured at the same time.

"I'm fine, don't be distracted." Xia Xia fought hard.

Now, the high-level treasures of four masters have been scrapped.

Although high-level treasures are powerful, high-level treasures will be scrapped, that is, when they use their most powerful abilities, their high-level treasures will be dormant or damaged.

There are a total of seven masters with high-level treasures on the opposite side, but two rounds of attack in the summer, there are only three people with high-level treasures left on the opposite side.

However, the high-level treasures of the remaining three people are not attacking, but the same defensive and restorative high-level treasures as Bishop Cao and Liu Shishi. Although their recovery power is very strong, their attack power is not strong. , the three of them are all masters of the first order of the four cauldrons.

"What a strong attack power, but your high-level treasures have been scrapped. There are still three of us here, and I have observed just now that the high-level treasures of the remaining two of you are all recovery and defense types. So the next thing to fight is who has the stronger body attack power, and one of you is a Sanding, no matter how you calculate it, we will win." A master of the fourth and first rank of the opponent said very confidently.

All three of them are of the first order.

So now that he was injured in the summer, Bishop Cao was in the first rank of Sanding, and there was only one Liu Shishi left, so the people on the opposite side thought they had won.


They wrongly estimated Liu Shishi's strength, and they thought that Liu Shishi was also a master of the four cauldrons and the first rank.

"Hmph, just the three of you are worthy of my attack power." Liu Shishi snorted coldly, watching Xia Xia slaughter the Quartet just now, she has long been impatient, Xia Xian already has a high-level offensive treasure. All four of them have been defeated, so leave the remaining three to her: "You two can just watch."

Summer had already calculated it, so he didn't worry about Liu Shishi anymore.

call out!

Liu Shishi attacked in an instant, her attack was very overbearing.

The whip in his hand was like a snake, and instantly hit the three of them.

"What?" The three were startled.

They didn't expect Liu Shishi to be so powerful.

Liu Shishi was able to deal with it completely with ease. If the three of them hadn't had high-end treasures to protect their bodies, they would have been defeated by Liu Shishi long ago.

At this time, the four people who had been defeated by Xia Xia stood by and watched the battle. They were all waiting for the opportunity. As long as those three people could defeat Liu Shishi, then they would win, and finally they could go to capture the dragon soul.

"You seem to be too focused on watching other people's battles." At this moment, a voice like a devil appeared behind the four of them. The four of them were considered one camp just now, so they would stand together, but this when they became prey.


A golden light flashed.

The four heads flew high.

It was impossible to succeed so easily in the summer.

But at this time, what he used was vampire transformation, and he used undead power to catalyze the transformation of vampires.

The opponent's body was also injured, so he didn't notice Xia's sneak attack.


Xia Xia immediately put away the storage bags and the high-level treasures of the four people. Although these high-level treasures have been scrapped, who is Xia Xia? He is an artifact refiner, and he is an artifact refiner who can master the super artifact refining technique.

He must have a way to repair high-level spiritual tools, and these high-level spiritual tools will be available for him at that time.

"What?" The three of them had been losing ground, but when they saw the four dead, they were all shocked.

"Fighting with me, you dare to look around." Liu Shishi's whip immediately grew bigger and turned into a huge red python.


The python directly hit the three of them.

All three of them instantly used the strongest defense and strongest recovery of the advanced treasure.

They successfully resisted Liu Shishi's blow.



The three heads flew high again, and at the moment when the three heads flew up, the storage bags on their bodies and their high-level treasures all disappeared.

Liu Shishi was slightly taken aback when she saw Xia Xia's appearance: "You are."


Summer directly withdrew from the vampire transformation.

The current vampire transformation is not as perverted as before, because the vampire transformation can only play the power equivalent to the third-order fifth-order, but the speed of the vampire transformation is very perverted, and in this state, summer can be Fly, so that you can conduct a silent sneak attack.

"It's just an ordinary bloodline." Xia Xia prevaricates.

"Oh." Liu Shishi nodded slightly.


Just after Xia Xia's words were finished, his body fell to the ground. He was injured. Just now, he forcibly used his blood to transform himself, just to make a surprise attack. Abruptly, he used his bloodline to transform into a sneak attack.

" Bishop Cao hurried to help Xiaxia.

Liu Shishi also came to Xia Xia's side to check: "His condition is not very good, the power of the collision just now has reached about the fourth and eighth order, although his body is strong, he still can't stand such a strong attack. "

"Is he okay?" Bishop Cao asked hurriedly.

"I don't know either. I just gave him the recovery pill, which should save his life, but I don't know how long it will take to recover." Liu Shishi said.

"It's not that serious." Xia Xia said with difficulty, and just after saying this, he fainted.

Xia Xian didn't know how long he had slept. He had a very long dream. In the dream, there was a Taoist priest, a monk, and a fallen angel. The three of them were arguing there. Xia Xian wanted to persuade him, but He felt that he had no strength at all.


When he woke up, he found himself in a very luxurious room.

"Wake up, Xia Xia woke up." What entered his ears was Bishop Cao's voice.


The sound of the door being pushed open, and then several doctors began to examine Xia Xia's body.

"Mr. Doctor, how is he?" Bishop Cao asked hurriedly.

"It's a miracle. He suffered such a serious injury. Normally, it would take at least ten or eight years to recover. Now he has recovered in only three months. The speed of his body recovery is really abnormal. ." The doctor kept complimenting.

"Where's my brother?" Xia Xia's first sentence was to ask the little brother.

"Your brother." Bishop Cao's face was very ugly.

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