The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1897: Reasonable

Xia Xia and Bishop Cao hurriedly turned around. Standing behind the two of them was Liu Shishi's sister, Bishop Cao's daughter-in-law. She was not a cultivator.

"Are you all right?" Bishop Cao asked hurriedly.

Liu Shishi's sister's hand was bruised, and her arm was also out of touch, apparently being pushed hard by someone just now.

Xia Xia frowned. Bishop Cao was the one who fought for his sake. Bishop Cao's woman was his sister-in-law. Now that someone hurts her, Xia Xia would naturally not sit idly by.

"You T, M, D are blind, can't you see that we are transporting things?" the other party yelled.

Bishop Cao did not speak, but connected the arm for Liu Shishi's sister, and then stopped the bleeding for Liu Shishi's sister.

The place is in a mess now, the entire storefront has been knocked down, the medicinal pills are scattered all over the place, and many medicinal pills have disappeared, apparently they were quietly taken away by passers-by.


This store is a boutique directly managed by Shun Shui Ge.

"What's wrong?" The store's stewards and employees all ran out: "How could this happen?"

The manager's face turned green. The collision just now was a big loss. All the pills at the front counter were the best pills on display. Because it was the front door, all the signboards had to be placed on the front of the door. But now it's broken, the facade has been smashed into pieces, and a large number of seventh-level medicinal pills and eighth-level medicinal pills that have just been ordered are all shipped, and now they are all gone, only a few scattered ones are left on the ground. That's it, the others must have been taken away secretly.

The decor here, while very nice, is not hard metal.

but ordinary materials.

How can this material stand up to such a bump.

And the goods here are all made of transparent glass. This is to let other families see the strength and business of their own family. To put it bluntly, it is to pretend to be B, and to show off the Northeast dialect.

It turned out to be good this time.

Then a large number of medicinal pills are just gone.

"Xue Ling, it's them. They hit my cart on purpose. I didn't have the strength to fight them, so I couldn't stop it. In the end, I slammed into the door." The delivery employee said hurriedly. He can't afford to pay for the loss. What happened just now was actually because he ran too fast in order to play B with the people next to him, and he even greeted those people. He was so intoxicated for a while that he didn't notice Bishop Cao. daughter-in-law.

When he knew of the accident, he immediately pushed Bishop Cao's daughter-in-law, so he blamed everything on Bishop Cao's daughter-in-law.

"What's your purpose? Why do you want to hinder us from doing business? Did someone else send you to make trouble?" The steward frowned and looked at Xia Xia and others viciously. If he can't handle it well, he will surely suffer in the end.

Bishop Cao did not speak, but patiently bandaged his wife's wound.

"Speak, don't T, M pretend to be dead, don't think that if you don't speak, you can fool this matter." The delivery man shouted, he hoped to directly rely on Xia Xia and them, so that he could completely please get in touch.

Bishop Cao still didn't speak, so he carefully bandaged his wife's wound completely.

"Don't talk? Guard, guard." The man shouted loudly, and all the guards around ran over. As soon as he saw the guard coming, the man's courage came up. He walked directly to Bishop Cao, asking for Pushing Bishop Cao with his hands, because he could see that the relationship between a woman and him was definitely not normal, so he planned to target Bishop Cao.


Just then, his arm was grabbed by a large hand.

"Huh?" The man turned his brows and looked directly at the person who caught him, it was Xia Xia: "What are you?"

"He's my brother, and it was my wife that you injured just now." Bishop Cao raised his head slowly.

"What are you doing? Let go." At this time, all the guards ran over.

"What happened here?" The guard was also puzzled when he came over. This is a boutique store, a direct store of Shun Shui Pavilion. They are also Shun Shui Pavilion's guards, so it is natural to ask what happened. thing.

Although this is the store of Shun Shui Pavilion, they must also ask what happened, otherwise so many pairs of eyes are watching, if they directly ask Xia Xia and others for trouble, they will definitely leave a story behind.

"They overturned the things I delivered. They were all 7th and 8th grade spiritual pills, with a total value of more than 30 million low-grade spiritual stones, and he also smashed the main facade of our store. There are some super medicinal pills worth 200 million, and they are all gone now." The employee who delivered the goods directly put the big hat on the heads of Xia Xia and others.

"Huh? Did you do it?" the guard asked directly.

"I said it's no use? You are all in the same group, and no one here dares to testify for us, so what else should I say." Bishop Cao looked at the guard and said We are The guards here will naturally speak according to the facts, and our Shun Shui Pavilion is a place to reason. ' said the guard.

"Well, I said that he hurt my daughter-in-law and pushed off my daughter-in-law's arm, and now he is blaming us for this incident." Bishop Cao said directly.

"Uh!" The guard was stunned for a moment: "What evidence do you have?"

"He's talking nonsense, that's what they did on purpose." The cargo man bit the matter firmly.

"What else do I need to say?" Bishop Cao smiled disdainfully. He had already seen through these tricks. Facts have proved that what he said just now was correct, and it would still turn out like this in the end.

"Since you have no evidence, then I can only arrest you, and then use the things on your body to pay off the debt, and then notify your family to come to redeem the people. If you don't have the money to redeem the people, then Ling Chi." The guard is also from Shun Shui Pavilion. People, as long as things are a little bit biased towards Shun Shui Pavilion, then they will definitely go to Shun Shui Pavilion.

So no matter what Bishop Cao said, they would make Bishop Cao lose money in the end.

The reason why he asked Bishop Cao to speak out was to stop the mouths of others and tell them that they had given Bishop Cao a chance to explain.

"Yes, pay the money, and arrest people. People like them must be severely punished." The employee who escorted the thing hurriedly shouted.

The shop steward never spoke, because he also hoped that Xia Xia and others were to blame, so that his responsibilities would be much smaller, and it was different from his own people doing things poorly and others deliberately doing things.

"You guys like reasoning a lot, don't you? Then I'll tell you." Xia Tian, ​​who had not spoken, said.

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