The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1908: Triple seal


Tianhan sword can now hide its attributes and the crisis brought by attacks, which is enough perverted, because summer can use this ability to carry out sneak attacks, ordinary people can't find Tianhan sword at all, unless it is a realm People who are too much taller than him.

But now Tianhanjian told him that this was not the real ability of his awakening.

His truly awakened ability is the triple seal.

"Triple seal?" Xia Tian felt very domineering when he heard it.

"That's right, it's the triple seal. Although the current Tianhan sword has only unsealed a tiny bit of the seal, it is considered the ultimate treasure." Tianhan sword said very casually.

"What? The ultimate treasure." When he heard these four words, Xia Xia was stunned.

Tianhanjian's awakening this time has actually turned into the ultimate treasure. This is too abnormal. The entire Lower Three Realms has never heard of any ultimate treasure. Even if it is a high-level treasure, it is a super treasure. Well, Xia Xia has personally experienced the power of high-level treasures. It is simply abnormal, and the strongest can even exert the power of rivaling the super masters of Siding.

So what about the ultimate treasure?

An existence that is one level higher than high-level treasures.

Once the high-level treasure is exposed, it will definitely be targeted, and finally kill the treasure, then what about the ultimate treasure.

Now summer is also looking forward to this triple seal.

"Father, it's just a small ultimate treasure. Do you need to be so surprised? If it was my heyday, you could cut off tens of thousands of ultimate treasures in an instant with just a wave of your hand." Tian Hanjian is very Proudly said that it has proud capital, because it is the foundation of the fairy, so it naturally does not look down on the ultimate treasure.

But summer is different.

For the current summer, the ultimate treasure is just a legend. I haven't heard of anyone in the Lower Three Realms. It's like in the Great Wilderness. It sells for sky-high prices, but in the Lower Three Realms, this kind of thing is very easy to buy.

However, the Lower Three Realms are expressly forbidden. No one from the Lower Three Realms is allowed to enter the low-level area, let alone reselling or killing in the low-level area. It has been found that they will be punished very severely, and once they are members of a certain family If you go, then the family will be implicated.

This is also the reason why Bishop Cao did not dare to buy more Spirit Gathering Pills even though he was very familiar with the city lord of Tian Lai at that time.

Because he was worried that if it was exposed, it would most likely be death in the end, and even the entire Cao family would be destroyed.

In fact, there is a reason for doing this in the Lower Three Realms. Once those lower-level areas are allowed to trade with the Lower Three Realms, then that lower-level area will soon become someone else's colony, and Sanding masters will search everywhere. The lower zone would be a devastating disaster.

This has happened before in the Great Wilderness.

The leader of the Demon Alliance, as well as A Bao and those Sanding masters who wanted to seize treasures, they had already made a mess of the Great Wilderness. If A Bao had not controlled the daughter of the Tianlai City Lord, then the Tianlai City Lord only needed to use a With a special communication talisman, Giant Niucheng will send experts from the four cauldrons directly to the Great Wilderness, capture all those people, and finally kill them.

The ultimate treasure may not be very valuable for the middle and upper three worlds, but for the lower three worlds, it is definitely a treasure, no matter how much money you spend, you can't buy it.

Rare is expensive.

"What exactly is the triple seal?" Xia Xia asked Tianhanjian in confusion.

"The so-called triple seal, the first one is called Cold Light. After unlocking this double seal, there will be a ten-zhang Hanmang directly slashing at the opponent. At that time, the entire ten-zhang in front of you will be instantly frozen." Tian Han The sword said slowly.

"What? It's so perverted, ten feet." Xia Xia said in surprise, didn't this move of his turn into a group attack? If anyone dares to besiege him in the future, he will no longer have to make a sneak attack, he just needs to untie it. The first seal of Tianhan Sword is enough, who can stop him with one sword?

As for the power of this move, in the summer, I believed that even people of the third and fifth tiers would definitely not be able to withstand it.

Because Tianhan Sword is an invisible sword.

It is almost impossible for the other party to find out.

"The second seal is called Hanmang. After unlocking this seal, there will be four ten-zhang Hanmang directly slashing around. To put it bluntly, four cold rays blast together in four directions of his body." Tian Hanjian Introduced again.

"This. Isn't this equivalent to the power of the field." Xia Xia said in surprise.

"It should be similar to the field you mentioned." Tian Hanjian explained.

"What about the third level?" Xia Xia asked Tian Han Jian with a look of anticipation.

Another place.

In the prison of Giant Bull City.

"Sir, don't embarrass us. Now that you are so miserable, let's do it. By the way, for the other elders, you should also think about who you have offended recently. Giant Bull City must give those merchants an explanation. If If this matter can't be settled this year, then in order to explain to those merchants, you must die in the end." Inside the prison, the warden who was interrogating said.

dong dong dong!

Just then, there was the sound of hurried footsteps.

"Hurry get ready to meet, it's the law enforcement elder," a jailer reported.

As soon as he heard the words "law enforcement elder", the warden hurriedly stood up: "Everyone who gave me the spirit will welcome the elder law enforcement elder together."

Elder Law Enforcement, the most terrifying person in Giant Niu City, hates evil and hates evil. There is no sand in his eyes. As long as someone does something wrong, he will definitely punish him, including big people like the boss of Shunshui Pavilion, who are generally like him. Even if a big man like a few elders goes bankrupt, it won't end like this, but it's impossible for this person to sit idly by.

So he sent people to bring all these people back, and only executed the boss of Shun Shui Pavilion. Although the other elders did not execute the punishment, they were all shocked.

Soon, a majestic old man walked down the stairs. The old man was wearing a long robe with a big word written on it. He only recognized the word with a single sound. No matter who violated the law, he They are not polite, even those from the City Lord’s Mansion. It is said that no one has ever seen him laugh. It is said that when he was young, all his relatives died because of the lack of legality. It is said that his favorite person is Killed by someone, but that person has been alive, no one cares, it is said that...

"See Elder Law Enforcement."


ps: The Chinese New Year is approaching. I have been busy with too many things recently. I also want to have a good year. There may not have been a big explosion a year ago, but when I come back after the new year, I will continue to have a big explosion. Today is the The sixth update, delivered, here to say to those brothers who have always supported me, thank you.

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