The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1943: just smash [Part 5

There are many things that money can't buy.

face and status.

Although being rich can give you face and status, for example, people in Hong Kong generally look down on people from the mainland, especially those in the Northeast, because they think you are very dirty. Even if you have money, you are just a local boss. It is impossible to have face with them.

In the eyes of the fire family.

Summer is a local boss.

Although they made some money, they still couldn't compare with such a behemoth.

They are one of the most terrifying families in King Qi City.

Summer wants to fight them.

It was undoubtedly courting death.

"If you don't compare, how do you know who has money?" Xia Tian's mouth slanted slightly.

"Hahahaha." Huoyun laughed loudly: "Poor ghost, just because you are worthy of comparison with our Huo family, it really made me laugh to death."

Poor man!

He uses the word well.

In the eyes of others, the repair shop in the summer can be said to be very prosperous, but this money is nothing in the eyes of the Huo family.

"Okay, then I'll kill you with money." Xia Xia said as if he was walking across from him.


Xia Xia's footsteps were light and not fast. He just walked forward like this, step by step, as if he were walking very casually.

Seeing the summer coming, all the people around took their breath away.

They understand that the good show is finally about to begin.

"Boy, this is the territory of the Huo family, no one can do anything here." Huoyun already understood that Xia Xia should also come to smash their store, he can't watch Xia Xia smash it, otherwise, where will their Huo family's face go? ?

However, they are different from summer.

Xia Xia's store is his own, but there are thousands of people in Huojia's store.

Thousands of people can block the summer.

"Stop him." Huoyun shouted loudly, and then the people of the Huo family rushed directly to Xia Xia.

They can't let summer pass.


Xia Xia grabbed his hands hard in the air, and then all the people in a straight line on the opposite side were thrown directly by Xia Xia.


The bodies of those people fell to the ground.

Then Xia Xia went to other directions.

The second profound meaning of the Eight Qi Techniques.


This trick is not very useful in summer.

Because of the opponent's opponent, the effect of this move has been lost. Although he can lock the opponent as long as the opponent stands there for a second or two, if the opponent's realm and mental power exceed him too much, then he can't lock at all. Live the other person's body.

Although it can not be used to deal with masters.

But at this time, most of the people in front of him were only in the realm of Erding and Sanding.

In front of him, these people are simply small fish and shrimp.

Totally not enough for him.

In less than thirty seconds, there were less than fifty people who were able to stand up among the thousands of people.

Everyone else was thrown out by Summer.

"What?" Huoyun looked at Xia Xia in surprise. He didn't expect Xia Xia to be so powerful, and the most important thing was that Xia Xia dared to beat people, and he beat people at their door.

This is no small matter.

If you hit someone's door, even if you go to the City Lord's Mansion, it makes sense.


Summer's body instantly disappeared in place.


Then everyone heard a loud bang.

The plaque of the Huo family was directly smashed.

boom! boom!

There was a sound of an explosion.

The four-element attack scattered everywhere, and the entire weapon and equipment store was instantly filled with black smoke.

"Uh." Huoyun immediately recovered from the shock: "Stop him, stop him for me."

The 30,000 to 400,000 people outside also saw the violent side of Xia Xia. Just as Huoyun smashed his store, he smashed it back in person, and there were thousands of people in Huoyun, but they couldn’t stop Xia Xia. Totally like a decoration.

It can be said that the smashed Huoyun home in the summer was dozens of times worse than the smashed home in the summer.

In the summer, the store was smashed at most and only lost tens of thousands of low-grade spirit stones, and no one was injured.

But the one who was smashed here in the Huo family is a miserable one.

And more than 900 people are now lying on the ground. No one knows what the injury is.

Those fifty people all rushed towards the summer.

But the speed of summer is too fast, those people can't stop it at all.



The entire Huo Family's shop continued to be smashed. This time, the one that was smashed was a miserable one. Even the house was damaged to some extent.

There is no other idea this summer, just smash.

The people outside were completely stunned by the violence of the summer.

have to say.

It's really fun to smash in summer.

Since Qi Wangcheng was built, such a major event has never happened.

The city guards have also been killed, and they have surrounded the place.

This time things were a big deal.

"Stop!" Huoyun shouted loudly.

"If you tell me to stop, I'll stop? How old are you?" Xia Xia said with great disdain.


Continue to smash.

Almost no one can stop him now. Xia Xia seems to be smashing for pleasure. In fact, if he puts a big move here, the place will be destroyed directly, but he keeps smashing with his fists here. Quaternary attacks are no longer just punch after punch.

The forty or fifty people were very anxious at this time, because they couldn't stop the summer at all.

I can only see how summer is there.

The city guards outside completely surrounded the place, but they did not stop Xia Xia.


They are waiting for the summer to finish smashing themselves out.

Because summer can't go anywhere else.

"Damn, I'm going to kill you." Huoyun is almost mad now, he knows that he is probably going to end this time, and Xia Xian has smashed this place, how should he explain to the family, even if Xia Xia is brought to justice It's legal, so what? Can the smashed be turned back?

What if you have some money in summer?

Businesses sometimes need the supply of goods. Once the supply of goods breaks, it will take a long time for the business to recover.

You say you have money, and if you want to resell some watermelons, you will definitely make money.

But you can't buy watermelon, you can only watch others make money.

That's it.

There are many rich people in the Lower Three Realms, but how many people can really do big business?

"Kill me? You deserve it too?" Xia Xia bent forward with his left hand.

The third profound meaning of the Eight Qi Techniques.

His mental power is above the fifth rank of Sanding Cauldron, while Huoyun has just reached the fifth rank of Sanding Cauldron, so he can use this trick easily.


Huoyun's neck was directly grabbed by Xia Xia's hand, and Xia Xia lifted Huo Yun up as if he was a little chicken: "Did you just say you were going to kill me?"


The place fell silent all of a sudden.

Xia Xia didn't look like he was looking for a place. He was here to find fault. Now the shop was destroyed, people were beaten, and even Huoyun was taken into his hands by him.

"Stop it." The head of the city guard came out.

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