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Chapter 1947: Cold Light and Cold Light [Part 9

The master's people have completely surrounded Xia Xia, and the space where Xia can move is less than five meters away.

Master believes.

With such a short distance, summer is absolutely impossible to escape this time.

There is no chance of any sneak attack.

This is what he has long thought of.

"I want to see if you have any other way to escape now." The chief raised his brows, then waved his hand, and all the people around rushed towards Xia Xia.

Now it's surrounded by a solid wall.

People outside can't even see what's going on here.

And they didn't dare to get close.

Although they verbally speak for Xia Xia, if something happens, they all hide away. After all, they have nothing to do with Xia Xia. Now these tens of thousands of people seem to be here to kill Xia Xia. If so, then these people will definitely not be soft-hearted, and they will kill them together with Xia Xia.

So they just watch the play.

Even the people in the surrounding shops were thundering loudly and raining little.

However, Xia Xia didn't intend to use these people. In his opinion, these people are all useless, and he doesn't want others to get involved in this kind of thing.


The people around were rushing towards the summer.

"It's good." Xia Xia raised his brows.

The Tianhan sword in the right hand strikes instantly.

The first seal of Tianhan Sword.

cold light.

This is the first time to unlock the seal after upgrading the Tianhan Sword in the summer, and also the first time to use it for battle.

The first layer is called Cold Light. After unlocking this heavy seal, a cold beam of ten meters will appear and directly slash at the opponent. At that time, all the ten meters in front of you will be instantly frozen.

ten feet!

What is this concept.

Thirty meters.

The second seal of Tianhan Sword.


In summer, Hanmang was used again at the same time.

The second seal is called Hanmang. After unlocking this seal, there will be four ten-zhang Hanmang directly slashing around. To put it bluntly, four Hanmang blasts to the four directions of his body together.

The first seal plus the second seal, that is, five huge ten-zhang Hanmang shot directly around.


A violent explosion sounded, and then a five-pointed star was formed centered on the summer.

All straight-line enemies in the five directions were instantly frozen.

"What?" Seeing such a scene, the master was suddenly shocked. He didn't expect that Xia Tian still had such a strong means. In just one round, more than half of his people were killed or injured.

The people around who were rushing towards the summer were also blinded.

At first, they thought that so many people beat the summer one, that was not the same as abusing vegetables, but now they found out that it seemed that they were the ones who were abused.

"This is just the beginning." Xia Xia's mouth twitched slightly.


Wan Jian returns to the ancestors.

After the Tianhan Sword in the summer was upgraded, Wanjian Guizong also upgraded. Although the limit of Wanjian Guizong is the ninth order of the three tripods, it is enough to deal with everyone present.

Although the swordsmanship of Wanjian Guizong can create a domain, its limit is the ninth order of three cauldrons. Even if the strength breaks through after the summer, this trick will not be able to fight against the masters of the four cauldrons or above, unless the realm of the summer is higher than the opponent. , then Wanjian Guizong can play a role.

But if Xia Xia's realm is higher than the other party, then he has many ways to kill the other party, how can he need this ten thousand swords.

This martial art is not short in the summer.

But once the summer breaks through the four tripods, this trick will be useless.


Nine orifices are connected.

The first form of the Tathagata's palm, the Buddha's light first appeared.

A huge palm phantom appeared, and the phantom slammed straight ahead.

Although there are many people on the other side and it looks scary, they can't dodge Xia Xia's attack, because their location is too dense, so even if they want to dodge, they can't dodge.

It's a living target.

"You can't live by committing sins."

Quaternary attack.

Blast Dan.

It took Xia Xia only a moment to throw all his abilities out, and the little bug in the middle also replenished his energy.

call out!

The little snake quickly shuttled through the crowd, it was a mobile killing machine, and there was no one alive wherever it passed.

It is small and fast, and it is not easy to be found by people.

Now the people here are too dense and too chaotic.

All the little snakes also began to kill the Quartet.

Fights are often just for a split second.

Xia Xia's character is like this, if you don't make a move, you must be decisive and ruthless.

As soon as he came up, he caught the opponent by surprise.

Although there are many opponents, they have done the most brainless thing, that is, they are too densely approached. This is simply a living target. Xia Tian doesn't need to care whether his attack can hit the opponent or not. He just throws it at random. Yes, because there are too many people here.

And there are many means of summer.

Although these methods are useless to deal with masters, they are still very effective to deal with these people with uneven strength.

In just an instant, all the means of summer were thrown out.

If it wasn't for the little bug to replenish his spiritual energy, he really couldn't throw out so many attacks in such a short period of time.

Even if others want to attack, first of all, there are not so many The speed of switching is not as fast as Xia Xia, and the speed of their mobilization of spiritual energy is definitely not as fast as Xia Xia.


The people outside didn't understand what was going on.


The mighty tens of thousands of people died more than 9,000.

There were less than 200 people who could still stand at this time.

And these 200 people are still falling to the ground quickly. Blood and ice cubes are everywhere. Those ice cubes are not ordinary ice cubes, but people. Each ice cube has parts scattered from a person's body.

"Damn it!" The master felt that the sky was falling in an instant. This is all his remaining elites. Most of them are masters above the seventh and eighth tiers of the second tripod. Xia Xia was all beheaded, and even he was a little embarrassed at this time.

Because he was in the crowd just now, Xia Xia's attacks were too dense, so even he had no room to dodge.


Paved streets.

There was blood everywhere at the door of the repair shop.

The people around have been completely shocked by all this, and now they finally know why Xia Tian dared to fight against the Huo family.

Ability, money, and strength.

Swish! Swish!

One by one the body fell down.


At this time, the little snake also rushed directly to the boss, it wanted to kill the boss directly.

"Damn, I want you to die." An angry roar came from the chief's mouth.


Then the master smashed the little snake with a punch.


Brothers, I went to Shanghai a few days ago. Now I am back. I promised to come back and save Jiageng. Today is the first day. .

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