The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1953: 5th level array

"It's done?" Huo Jie's face lit up with joy.


They found out right away that something was wrong.

"Escape." Huojie shouted loudly.

Then the nine people fled directly.

But they are too close to the formation, and just now they used the greatest strength to hit the formation, no matter what level of master, just after using the maximum strength, the body will not be able to mobilize the strength for a short time, even The power to escape is also difficult to mobilize.

If a few of them are not masters of the Si Ding, I am afraid that they will not be able to move at this time.


Counting to the attack, it was directly reversed.


Very powerful.

Every attack is a force of more than 20,000 catties.


The nine people were directly swept away. Fortunately, they were prepared, otherwise they would be killed directly.


All five people vomited blood and fell to the ground. Although they were not dead, they were seriously injured.


A figure quickly appeared beside the nine people, and with a wave of the right hand, all the storage rings on the nine people were taken away.

All this happened so fast, everyone on the scene was shocked. They didn't expect that the mighty ten masters of the Four Tripods would all die like this.

And these ten people came to attack the repair shop with masks, so it doesn't matter if they are killed in summer now, he is just a legitimate defense.

"City Guards!" Xia Xia shouted loudly, and then all the surrounding City Guards came up. Generally, the City Guards turn a blind eye to this kind of grievance. They are only responsible for the finishing touches after the battle between the two sides. .

A large group of city guards came directly to Xia Xia and others.

"They blatantly attacked my shop, can I decide their life or death now?" Xia Xia asked.

"Of course, if you don't decide, you can also hand it over to our city guards, and we will naturally enforce the law impartially." said the captain of the city guards.

"Since I can decide their life and death, it's very simple. I won't kill these nine people, but I will let others spend money to redeem them. This person in the middle is 500 million low-grade spirit stones, and the others are 300 million. Love it or not, I will kill in ten days." Xia Xia directly nailed these ten people in front of his door, and planted a soul imprint in their souls.

Now as long as he thinks, these few people will explode and die immediately.

"This." The city guards were a little embarrassed.

After all, they all know the identity of the man in black.

"I only have to wait for ten days, and they don't have to take off their masks. I'm not interested in their identities. I hand over money with one hand and people with one hand." Xia Xia turned around and left after finishing speaking. He felt a pity that it was the one who died. A master of Siding, his soul has long since dissipated, so Xia Xia had no chance to put his soul into the Ghost Spirit Orb.

Everyone understood that Xia Xia’s words were not meant for the city guards.

It was for the fire family.

Everyone understands that the money from the Huo family must be paid.

Because these are nine masters of the four cauldrons, and the leader is Huo Jie, an elite disciple of the Huo family, the masters of the third tier of the four cauldrons, and the others are also masters within the Huo family.

If the Huo family doesn't take the money to redeem people at this time, then the loss of the Huo family's face is a small matter, but the heartbreak is a big deal. Who else will the other masters of the Huo family sacrifice their lives for the Huo family in the future?

Certainly not.

Xia Xia is used to his facade being smashed. His facade has been smashed for the first time these days. He has already ordered several shops for renovation, and he can decorate his home quickly every time. Already delivered.

There was no one to speak to the people around at this time.

They all understand.

This time the war was completely ignited.

"Before the repair shop and the Huo family were just throwing money at each other, but this time the two sides began to fight each other. In this first confrontation, the repair shop won. The fire family killed a master of the four cauldrons, seriously injured nine, and the repair shop He also asked the other party to take money to redeem people, one 500 million, eight 300 million, that's a total of 2.9 billion."

"2.9 billion plus the 2.5 billion that was spent before is 5.4 billion, and the loss of the Huojia store adds up to at least about 8 billion."

"Eighty billion low-grade spirit stones, this is enough money for me to spend in my entire life, as expected of the Huo family."

Everyone around was surprised.

Eight billion low-grade spirit stones.

This is not a small amount. For any family, these 8 billion low-grade spirit stones need to be accumulated for decades, or even hundreds of years, but in the three months that the Huo family fought against the repair shop, they They lost 8 billion. Looking back at the repair shop, when they threw money at each other to 5 billion, because of the appearance of the boss, they did not go back in the summer.

So he made 2.5 billion.

This time the ransom for these nine people adds up to 2.9 billion.

He made a total of 5.4 billion this time.

In more than three months, I earned 5.4 billion low-grade spirit This is simply too powerful.

Everyone finally understood why Xia Tian didn't care about the profit of the repair shop at all.

Five days later.

A group of men in black came to the door of Xia Xia.

This group of men in black did not come to cause trouble, but to redeem people. They held twenty-nine ordinary storage rings, and then they took the nine people such as Huojie directly away, and Xia Xia also relieved a few of them. Soul imprint.

Looking at the storage ring in his hand and the spirit stone inside, Xia Xia shook his head helplessly: "When I was on Earth, I would go all out for a low-quality spirit stone, but now I have hundreds of billions in my hands. A piece of low-grade spirit stone, even if I swallow so many spirit stones directly, I don’t need to feel distressed to improve my realm.”

The reason why Xia Xia hasn't directly used devouring to improve his realm is because he feels that it is not the time yet.

"Come on, wait a minute. After I stabilize this formation, I will swallow these spirit stones and forcibly improve the realm." Xia Xia was also looking forward to that day at this time.

He hasn't been lazy lately, he arranges formations in the backyard every day.

The reason why this formation is so powerful is because it is a fifth-level formation, a fifth-grade small formation. Although he is only a small formation, his power probably needs no explanation.

Xia Xia's current state is not enough to set up a fifth-level formation, but he forced the little bug to digest the spiritual energy for himself ten times a day, and then used five billion low-grade spirit stones to arrange this fifth-level formation.

Although this five-level formation was arranged in an opportunistic way in the summer, the power of the formation was not small.

"A normal small-scale five-level formation requires only 200,000 low-grade spirit stones, but I used five billion low-grade spirit stones to set up this formation. Even a Wuding expert cannot break it." Summer said confidently.

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