The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1959: annihilate

More than 800 Array Masters formed the formation together.

The scene is very spectacular.

They just want to use the formation against the formation, and this is the only way they can think of now.

"It will be successful this time." The head of the Huo family said excitedly. Even a big family head like him had never seen such a grand event. More than 800 super formation mages were deployed at the same time.

They have to arrange their best formations, and then detonate these formations together to smash the formations of the repair shop.

They don't believe that more than 800 formations can't destroy the formations of the repair shop.

"It's spectacular, I've lived for hundreds of years, and this is the first time I've seen such a scene." The elder touched his beard and said.

He has lived for six or seven hundred years, but even he has never seen more than 800 array masters deploying arrays at the same time.

"This day will definitely be smashed into the history of Qiwangcheng. Let's see who will dare to disrespect the Huo family in the future." The second elder was also excited.

This moment is an honor for their Huo family.

Even the masters of other families present have never seen such a big scene, and today they are considered to have a long experience.

At the same time, everyone was even more curious about who the owner of the repair shop was.

He actually caused the Huo family to be so embarrassed by one person, and forced the Huo family to invite so many magicians to take action at the same time.

No matter whether the repair shop wins or loses in today's battle, this place will become the legend of Qiwangcheng.

After all, he is fighting against the entire Huo family by himself.

"If this kid doesn't die this time, he will definitely be a remarkable existence in the future." The commander-in-chief of the City Guard said silently, even he began to admire Xia Xia.

"Team, do we want it?" A team captain made a gesture, what he wanted to say was whether to help or stop it.

"No, keep watching, Qi Wangcheng needs passion." The captain smiled slightly.


People from other families were watching, and they were all stunned by the magnificent scene in front of them. They came here to see how capable the Huo family was. If the Huo family was already exhausted, then They are about to replace the status of the Huo family.

Now there are only four really powerful families left in King Qi City, and if the Huo family is gone, there will be three left.

Two positions are vacant.

However, no one dared to take over the other position until now, because that position was the family that disappeared mysteriously. Everyone knew that that family had touched the bottom line of the City Lord's Mansion, so it was eliminated.

The location of the fire house is different.

Even if the power of the Huo family disintegrates, it is the result of his confrontation with the repair shop, and has nothing to do with the City Lord's Mansion, so everyone hopes to replace it.

boom boom boom

The place where the array is arranged is very spectacular.

One after another light waves came, and everyone arranged the arrays that they could use, the second-level array, the third-level array, and even three ordinary fourth-level arrays.

These formations are connected one after another.

Arranging an array is a very time-consuming thing, and the more advanced the array, the more time-consuming it is.

These people at the scene waited for half a month, and all of them did not eat or drink. They were all maintained here by their spiritual energy. Fortunately, the environment in King Qi City was good. If it was in bad weather, these People are already starving to death.

half a month later.

"Are you ready?" a fourth-level formation mage shouted.

"Ready." The people around shouted in unison.

They just want to form a formation at the same time. Those simple secondary formations have long been completed, but they deliberately left one hand and waited for everyone to form an formation at the same time. Only in this way is the most powerful, and all formations attack the inside at the same time. That formation, it is possible to break the formation inside.

If only one was taken out, it would be a joke.

"Okay, I'll count to the last three and form a formation at the same time." The fourth-level formation mage shouted again.


The hands of those magicians were all placed on the last step, and the people around them all held their breaths. They waited for half a month just to see the next scene.

"It's finally about to start." The face of the Huo family's patriarch was full of excitement.


The people around them all stood up straight and their eyes widened, as if they were afraid of missing even the slightest bit of the process.

"Come on, break his formation for me." The second elder shouted directly.


to make

When the fourth-level formation mage shouted one, nearly nine hundred formation masters formed the formation in their hands at the same time.


An invisible force enveloped the surroundings.

Nearly nine hundred formations attacked the formation inside at the same time.


The array inside is a fifth-level array, and the fifth-level array is already considered the little king in the array. The other fourth-level, third-, second-, and first-level arrays can only be regarded as fifth-level. The subjects of the formation, when they faced the fifth-level formation, did not attack directly, but chose to surrender.

More than 900 formations have surrendered to the fifth-level formations at the same Has it been successful?" The head of the Huo Family asked inexplicably.

They didn't hear any sound, and they didn't know if this method worked. According to reason, nearly 900 formations attacked one formation at the same time. There should be a lot of movement, but they still didn't hear it. any sound.

"Hello, what's the situation?" the second elder hurriedly shouted.

"I don't know, maybe it's going to be a fight soon." The fourth-level formation mage didn't know what was going on. After all, even he had never seen such a scene, so he didn't know what happened next. what will happen.


The fifth-level formation issued an order.

At the same time, nearly nine hundred formations attacked all around at the same time.


As soon as the voice of the fourth-level formation mage fell, all the people in their circle were swallowed up by the formation, and then 900 formations exploded at the same time, and the power of this explosion swept everything around in an instant.


Xia Xia stopped his cultivation in the formation. He knew what was going to happen next, so he took all the things in the surrounding shops into his formation.


At the same time, the entire street was shrouded in explosions.

Everything was destroyed in an instant. Those Huo family disciples who were surrounded by the outside didn't even have a chance to escape, and they didn't even have ashes left when they were directly bombed. They had been hungry for half a month, and their physical strength was not good. , and the explosion was so fast that they had no chance to escape.

"What the **** happened?" The patriarch of the Huo family was stunned.

"Patriarch, run." The second elder hugged the Lengshen Patriarch and fled directly into the distance.



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