The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2006: Divine Bow Shows Prestige

"This kid is dead." An excited look appeared on Dan Huang's face.

He was the one who most wanted to see Summer die.

Because the summer just made him lose face.

Seeing Xia Xia standing there motionless, everyone thought that he must be frightened and stupid, so he couldn't move.

"Humph! I pretended to be so decent just now, and now I'm revealing my secrets. I'm really looking for a dead end." The law enforcement elder of Giant Niucheng said with great disdain. He still remembers the disrespectful thing Xia Xia treated him.

And he wanted to deal with Xia Xia at the beginning, but Xia Xia left Qi Wangcheng and didn't give him that chance.

After he came to King Qi City, the legend of Xia could be heard everywhere.

At that time, he was still telling himself that this summer was definitely not the summer of the Giant Bull City, but when he saw the summer just now, he recognized it at a glance. This person was the summer he knew.

Seeing that Xia Xia became the deputy city lord of Qi Wangcheng, he was very upset.

Especially when Xia Xia saw that even people from other major forces dared to scold and beat him, he was even more upset.

Before Xia Xia was obviously a stinky boy, he was just an ant in his eyes.

But now Xia Xia's identity has suddenly become so high, and he can even be at the same level as him, which makes him very unhappy. He is the law enforcement elder of Giant Bull City, and he likes to judge others from a high position.

"Go to hell!" Xiaochuan. Two kills shouted loudly.

Just then, Summer's eyes suddenly opened.

His left hand swung forward, and a very beautiful bow and arrow appeared in front of everyone.


Everyone's eyes were completely attracted by the bow in front of him.

Golden scale phoenix feather!

The front of the bow has golden scales as its head, and the two wings of the bow are phoenix feathers.

There was blue light on the bow head, which was the light of golden scales, which was very dazzling. From a distance, the whole bow head looked like a living blue dragon.

The wind feathers on the bow wings were glowing with a fiery red light, and this fiery red light was like the wings of the fire wind.

This is the legendary dragon head and phoenix tail.


Xiaochuan hurriedly retracted his fist and stepped back. He could feel the extraordinaryness of this bow. He knew that if he continued to move forward, he would likely be hit directly by the bow, so he retreated.

"What is this?" Xiaochuan. The eyes of the two killing characters are staring at the fake. Sun-shooting bow.


Xia Xia pulled his right hand, and a light arrow appeared on the bow.

"One move!" As soon as Xia Xia's voice fell, the light arrow shot out.

"No!" Xiaochuan. There was an extremely frightened look on the face of the second killing character.


The light arrow shot through Xiaochuan's body, and Xiaochuan's body exploded directly.

"What!" All the people on the scene were stunned by this, and even the commander-in-chief of the City Guard was completely blinded by what he saw. He had always thought that Xia Tian was just a lot of tricks, but he didn't expect it. Xia Xia actually has such a perverted strength, and unexpectedly killed a master of the fourth and eighth tiers in one fell swoop.

"How is this possible?" Dan Huang's face turned completely green. He had to challenge Xia Xia just now. If Xia Xia did, then he would be the one who died now.

And still dead.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible for his strength to improve, it must be the bow in his hand." The law enforcement elder of Giant Niucheng wanted to look at Xia Xia's bow again.

But the bow has disappeared from Xia Xia's hand, apparently it was put away by Xia Xia.

"Dead, although Xiaochuan's realm may have been improved by some means, but in a short period of time he can be regarded as a master of the fourth and eighth order, but he was killed so easily." The Duke of the Sun Empire felt in his heart. Extremely shocked, he then looked at Xia Xia: "City Lord Xia, his death has nothing to do with our Sun Empire. He himself wants to challenge City Lord Xia, and he will die."

The Duke of the Sun Empire said this to distance himself from the dead Ogawa.

They don't want to have a relationship with the horrible person Xia Xia because of a dead person.


The place was very quiet.

No one spoke, and no one dared to speak. They were all worried about offending Xia Xia. Although there were some people here who were stronger than Xiao Chuan, they didn't think they were much stronger. Xia Xia killed Xiao Chuan in one move, so they were all a little bit stronger at this time. Fear of summer.

At this moment, Xia Xia's eyes turned to Dan Huang again: "I remember that you seemed to be challenging me just now, didn't you? Anyway, you shot, so don't care about killing one more, come on."

"Uh!" Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

I have to say that the moment in the summer just now played a role in Liwei.

If it was said in the summer just now, then Dan Huang would definitely kill him without hesitation.

But now does he dare?

He is just a person of the fourth rank and the seventh rank, but Xiaochuan, the master of the fourth rank and the eighth rank, was killed by Xia Xia, so would he dare to challenge Xia Xia?

"Speak up? Don't you dare? Cowardly." Xia Xia walked towards Pill Emperor step by step like this.

Dan Huang did not speak, because he knew that the more he said, the more shame he would feel. He was a person who was afraid of death. Before, he thought that Xia Xia was definitely not a master, so he dared to challenge Xia Xia, but now Xia Xia has just destroyed a Si Ding A master of the eighth rank, then he must not dare to fight Xia Xia again.

"Hey, didn't you want to fight just now?" Xia Xia said as he walked to Dan Huang.

Dan Huang still did not speak.


With a crisp slap, Xia Xia slapped Emperor Dan again. No one stopped Emperor Dan this time, but Emperor Dan did not dare to dodge, nor did he dare to fight back. He knew that as long as he fought back, Xia Xian would definitely shoot. kill him.

So he can only endure.

"Trash!" Xia Xia scolded and then turned to City's Dan Huang was beaten by Xia Xia like this, and he didn't dare to fight back.

"Humph!" Seeing Xia Xia pretending to be there, the law enforcement elder of Giant Niu City snorted coldly, seeing Xia Xia so rampant, he was very upset, because Xia Xia was just an ant in his eyes before.

He didn't understand the reason why people should be treated with admiration for three days.

Xia Xia, who was about to leave, stopped directly and looked at the law enforcement elder in Giant Niu City: "I don't seem to have troubled you yet, but you actually delivered it to your door."

"Xia Xia, don't think that after you get a treasure, you will really become a pheasant. If you don't have that bow, what are you? When you were in Giant Bull City, if it wasn't for the magic fairy chef, you thought you escaped. Drop? Now show off your power here, don’t think that you are really the boss when you become the deputy city lord of King Qi City, this is still the jurisdiction of Giant Niu City.” The law enforcement elder said very rudely.

This topic immediately caught everyone's attention.


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