The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2009: The first alchemy master in the next three realms

At first everyone thought summer was about to go away.

But no one thought that he would find trouble with Dan Huang again before he left.

At this time, Emperor Dan was also very depressed.

Let him go and fight with Xia Xia, he will definitely not be able to fight, what means? This is Xia Xia's territory, and he and Xia are undoubtedly courting death.

Emperor Dan couldn't understand it.

Where did he offend the summer.

Is it just because he looks ugly?

Is it wrong to be ugly?

"How? Dare?" Xia Xia asked again.

Dan Huang did not speak.

If this was in Shuiyue City, he would definitely dare to compare, but unfortunately this is Qiwangcheng, and he would not dare to compete with Xia for alchemy in Qiwangcheng.

So he simply stopped talking.

"Cut, cowardly, I'm afraid I'll eat you, then okay, next time I go to Shuiyue City to find you." Xia Xia looked at Dan Huang with a smirk.

Dan Huang he will kill sooner or later.

It's just that the Pill Emperor doesn't accept the move now. As long as the Pill Emperor agrees to compete with him in alchemy, then he can gamble his life and kill him after winning the Pill Emperor directly and aboveboard, but the Pill Emperor should not fight now, and he can't force it. Compared with others, in that case, the prestige he just established will be lost.

It may even be implicated in Qi Wangcheng.

And he also intends to defeat the Pill Emperor in alchemy in an upright manner.

"Since City Lord Xia has this interest, then I will wait for you in Shuiyue City, but the ugly words are ahead, there is no one in the entire Lower Three Realms with higher alchemy skills than me, I don't care if you lose, of course, The alchemy conference will be this time in a few years, and if you have the skills, you can go to the competition." The Pill Emperor could finally fight back, because he was very confident in his alchemy skills.

The alchemists in the Lower Three Realms are not tens of billions but also billions.

He is recognized as the number one alchemist in the Lower Three Realms.

"Oh? Is that so? Well, when the auction is over, I just plan to walk around, so I'll go to your Shuiyue City first." Xia Xia turned around and left after finishing speaking.

The commander-in-chief of the City Guard also followed directly.

"Give me to the Shenji Pavilion, I want all the information of Dan Huang." Xia Xia ordered.

God Machine Pavilion.

The most mysterious existence in the entire Lower Three Realms.

There are Shenji Pavilion in almost every city.

They specialize in selling intelligence.

Shenji Pavilion suddenly appeared in Qiwangcheng last month.

As long as you pay the starting price, he can even tell you what color underwear and pants the city lord is wearing tonight.

I went to see it a few days ago in the summer, and there was even information about the Qi Palace.

Prince Qi's mansion is heavily guarded, and there is Prince Qi in charge.

But the Shenji Pavilion still has information about the Qi Palace.

Fortunately, the price is very expensive. It costs 30 trillion low-grade spirit stones. Even those big forces cannot easily come up with this price.

Xia Xia’s information is also in it, which can be divided into several grades. The simplest grade is that you can buy a few hundred low-grade spirit stones, which is Xia’s identity in King Qi City. There are also several thousand low-grade spirit stones, tens of thousands of yuan. Information on low-grade spirit stones, hundreds of thousands of low-grade spirit stones, or even hundreds of millions of spirit stones.

Of course, Shenji Pavilion does not sell information on grievances.

For example, if Xia Xia stole something from Shun Shui Pavilion, there was nothing in this Intelligence Magic Pavilion.

"Yes!" The captain went directly.

after an hour.

The captain is back.

"City Lord Xia, I didn't buy only one piece of information. That piece of information was too expensive. It cost 10 billion yuan for low-quality information. It wrote about the origin and past of the Pill Emperor." The captain said embarrassedly.

"Well, I see, this is for you." Xia Tian threw five storage rings.

He understands that these materials need money.

As for the information on the 10 billion low-grade spirit stones, he had no interest at all.

Because he knew the origin and past of Dan Huang.

This summer, I also saw the origin and past of myself in the Shenji Pavilion, and the price was also 10 billion low-grade spirit stones.

So Xia Xia guessed that the origin and past of Dan Huang should be the same as his own.

"Thank you, City Lord Xia." The captain said excitedly.

He makes money every time he helps Xia Xia, and Xia Xia is very generous, which makes him want to hang out with Xia Xia all his life.

At first, he didn't dare to ask for it, but he was forced to ask for it every summer, and later he got used to it.

Summer turns on the reels.

There are four reels in total.

The first scroll records the recent movements of the Dan Emperor.

The closer the time recorded on the scroll is to the present, the cheaper it will be, and the farther away the time will be, the more expensive it will be. For example, things a hundred years from now are definitely more expensive than things a year from now.

And some big things and secret things are more expensive than small things.

"Pill Emperor: Shuiyuecheng's alchemist elder has a very high status. At the same time, he also won the first place in the lower three realm alchemy conference ninety-eight years ago, so he is also known as the first alchemy master in the lower three realms. The medicinal pills he made are the third-grade treasure pills, and the realm of the body is four and seven. Since he is an alchemist, his foundation is stabilized with medicinal pills, which is very strong."

There are not many things recorded on this scroll, and the price is not expensive, only one thousand low-grade spirit stones.

Then summer opened a second reel.

"The alchemy conference is organized by Jiudingmen. Once every hundred years, the last alchemy conference, the Pill Emperor, turned the tide and broke the legend of the Lower Three Realms. He was the first person to refine the third-grade treasure elixir in thousands of years. The second place was only The first-grade treasure pill was refined, and it was precisely because of this alchemy that he was valued by Shuiyue City. He was chosen as the elder of the alchemist. His status was comparable to that of the inner elders of Shuiyue City. He had disciples in Shuiyue City. 300,000 people, ten core disciples, these ten people have become famous alchemists in the Lower Three Realms."

This scroll is a little more expensive, the price is 50,000 low-grade spirit stones, and the things recorded above are more detailed.

Summer opened the third reel again.

The price of this scroll went up all of a sudden.

One million low-grade spirit stones.

"This person is very When he opened the scroll, the first sentence he saw in Xia Xian made him think that Shenji Pavilion is too good at doing business, and he came up directly and gave a highlight.

He continued to look down.

"Pill Emperor is a ruthless person, and generally those who are his enemies will not end well. He not only can refine medicine pills to improve his skills and save people, he can also make medicine pills that can kill people, and he will die. The dharma meeting is horrific, and you can die as tragically as you want, there are ten rings on his hand, and there are ten different poisons in the rings."

When I saw this, I realized in the summer that these million low-grade spirit stones were really nothing in vain.

Even he didn't find anything wrong with the ring on Dan Huang's hand. Fortunately, he didn't shake hands with Dan Huang.

Xia Tian set his sights on the fourth scroll, which was also the most expensive among the four, requiring 100 million low-grade spirit stones.

"His disciples are all female..."


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