The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2017: Doctor Zuo's calculations

The auction has started.

The location of this auction is in the largest auction venue in Qiwangcheng, which can accommodate 300,000 people.

Even so, there are still a large number of people who can't come in.

But there is no way, if you want to enter the auction, you need strength.

The first article of the auction stipulates that people who carry less than one million low-grade spirit stones cannot enter the auction. Later, due to the large number of people, the condition can only be upgraded to less than two million low-grade spirit stones. cannot enter.

"Sir, everything has been arranged."

"Really?" Dr. Zuo smiled slightly.

"Those people in the Sun Empire have already made preparations, but they said that Xia Xia has a very powerful bow and arrow, and it can instantly kill the masters of the fourth and eighth orders." The subordinate reported.

"It doesn't matter, his body is only the third and ninth order. There must be restrictions on the use of that kind of thing. Their Sun Empire itself is our subordinate. Over the years, I have been secretly helping the Sun Empire. They should be used for me. It's time to do something." Dr. Zuo said slowly.

Although the above order prohibits them from having contact with people in the lower three realms.

But Dr. Zuo has been quietly collaborating with the Sun Empire, because they themselves are islanders.

And the Empire of the Sun has given gifts to Doctor Zuo over the years.

Dr. Zuo also secretly accepted all of them with a smile.

"Yes." The servant said.

"This kind of person is too talented, I can't let Jiudingmen and the others get it, otherwise how can I raise my head on it in the future? Since I can't get him, then I'll just destroy him." Dr. Zuo said with cold eyes.

"Subordinates, go and plan carefully."

"Well, let's go." Dr. Zuo nodded silently.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Six consecutive bells came, and the originally noisy venue suddenly became quiet.

At this time, there were 300,000 people in this venue, and even if each person only made a slight noise, it would add up to a very terrifying amount.

But now there is no sound at all.

All eyes were on the stage.

A white-haired old man walked out from behind.

"Hello everyone, I'm the steward of Prince Qi's mansion. You can call me Old Qi. I'm also the host of this auction. I'm honored to be the host of the biggest auction in the Lower Three Realms. Why do I have the confidence to say it's the biggest one? What about the auction? Because we have a total of 9,999 items to be auctioned, and none of them will disappoint everyone." Qi Lao said loudly, there was a Lingshi loudspeaker in front of him, this kind of The loudspeaker consumes a lot of money, requiring ten low-grade spirit stones for one hour.

But these consumptions are simply a drop in the nine cows for Qi Wangcheng.

"First of all, what I want to say is that the auction is based on its own abilities, and no one is allowed to use fame or power to scare people, otherwise we will expel them on the spot; secondly, our city lord and deputy city lord have also come to participate in this auction, so everyone It's better to be quiet, I don't need to say who the two of them are." Qi Lao is standing up.

Needless to say, King Qi's reputation is naturally a nightmare-level existence.

For the entire Lower Three Realms, King Qi is a living legend.

His name is enough to shock everyone.

As for Xia Xia's name, it has only recently become loud, because his name is very popular in Qiwangcheng.

One move kills the masters of the fourth and eighth orders.

This undoubtedly makes summer more mysterious.

"Okay, I won't say more nonsense. First of all, I will auction the first item of the day." After Qi Lao finished speaking, a few of his men brought up a box, which was covered by a black cloth.

Everyone looked forward to the box in front of Qi Lao.

Because this is the first auction item in this auction, it will definitely not be too bad.


Qi Lao directly lifted the black cloth.

A sealed crystal box appeared in front of everyone.

"The high-level treasure Shuiyue Fork has a base price of one million low-grade spirit stones." Qi Lao said slowly.

His tone was very calm.

However, because of his words, the scene completely set off a storm.

Advanced treasure!

No one would have thought that Qi Wangcheng would be so rich and powerful that it would auction high-level treasures as soon as it came up.

In the entire Lower Three Realms, high-level treasures are the most mysterious existences.

Possessing high-level treasures means possessing the strength to leapfrog challenges.

People who get high-level treasures can be said to be very mysterious, because they will not easily reveal their high-level treasures, they will only be used to make a big comeback between life and death.

Although high-end treasures are good, the price is definitely very expensive. One million is just the base price, and the price will definitely soar in a while.

The most important thing is that even if you buy it, you may not have the life to use it.

"By the way, let me remind everyone that no matter what item is in the auction today, once the price exceeds one billion, all those who want to continue to participate in the auction can enter the VIP box, and everyone has an independent VIP box, so it can be Don't let others know who bought the treasure in the end, you can also directly enter the VIP channel and leave, we guarantee that the whole process is absolutely the safest and most secret." Qi Lao reminded.

Hearing Qi Lao's words, all the people present nodded with satisfaction.

They all thought that what Qi Wangcheng had done was simply too considerate.

"Then now I announce the official start of the auction." After Qi Lao finished speaking, he rang the bell in front of him directly.


The moment he rang the bell, the scene boiled directly.

"I'll pay a million."

"Two million."


"Ten million."

"You dare to come out for this amount of money, but it's a high-level treasure. I'll give you 30 million yuan of low-grade spirit stones."

The auction room suddenly became boiling.

Thirty-one million!

Thirty-two million!


The numbers are climbing so fast.

"One hundred million!" Someone finally broke the fiery atmosphere at the scene.

One hundred million low-grade spirit stones.

This is a watershed moment.

There are many people who carry 100 million low-quality spirit stones on the But once it reaches 100 million, naturally many people will give up.

Although they are helpless, but they have no choice but to have no money.

"Five hundred million!"

Just when someone suddenly added 400 million, this figure is the price paid by the people sitting in the first three rows. In this auction, the higher the person sitting in the front, the higher the status. Of course, there are also some rich People choose to sit quietly among the crowd.


Someone raised the price again, and this time directly to a billion.

One billion, then you need to enter the VIP box, of course, some people who think they are powerful can also not enter, this is voluntary.

Xia Xia saw that all the people from the eight major forces entered the VIP box: "No, it is not the eight major forces, but the seven major forces. The people of the Sun Empire are not there, and their seats are empty."


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