The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2026: Beat the dog to see the owner

Seeing that the summer is about to walk in front of Ono.

Xia Xia's own strength is not strong. Similar to his younger brothers, they are all second-tier first- and second-tier strengths. The reason why he can bully people everywhere is because he has a group of people; second, because he has a city guard Backed by the army.

At this time, his subordinates were defeated so easily, and his heart was already weak.

"Don't come here." Ono quickly stepped back.


Xia Xia slapped Ono directly from the house to the outside.


Ono's body fell violently to the ground.

The huge noise directly attracted the city guards who were patrolling, and those city guards hurried over.

"Ono, why is it you, captain, it's Ono." A city guard hurriedly shouted when he saw Ono.

When he heard the name 'Ono', the captain of the city guard hurried over.

"Ono, what's wrong with you?" asked the captain of the city guard.

"Brother Xiaochuan, you have to call the shots for me." Ono looked at someone and shouted hurriedly. He looked at Captain Xiaochuan aggrievedly while covering his face that looked like a pig's head that was beaten by Xia Tian.

"Hmph, even you dare to fight, this obviously doesn't give me face." Xiaochuan's expression turned cold.

Then the team of city guards went directly to the summer.

"Encircle me." Xiaochuan shouted angrily.

Hundreds of city guards directly surrounded Xia Xia in the middle.

"The one who hit me?" Xiaochuan stared at Xia Xia, as if he was looking at a lamb, he regarded Xia Xia as his prey.

"Is there anyone else here?" Xia Xia asked rhetorically.

"Uh! It seems that there is no more." Xiaochuan was slightly stunned, and then continued: "That must be you."

"Fuck, your IQ is too high, you have guessed it all." Xia Xia said extremely exaggeratedly.

"That's natural." Xiaochuan said very proudly, but he reacted immediately. Xia Tian was not praising him, but mocking him: "Damn, how dare you mock me."

"Intelligence quotient is a matter of course. You look like your tiger ancestor." Xia Xia scolded.

"You are courting death, come on, come on for me, kill him, I don't want to live." Xiaochuan shouted angrily, he didn't care why Xia Xia fought with Ono.

Because he didn't come here to preside over justice at all.

Whether it was Ono who bullied Xia Xia first, or Xia Xia who bullied Ono first, he would deal with Xia Xia.

"One hundred people? It's not enough to fight at all." The corner of Xia Tian's mouth slanted slightly, and then he disappeared in place. Three seconds later, Xia Xia reappeared in his previous position.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The hundreds of people around fell to the ground in unison.

In three seconds, he knocked down all the hundreds of people around him in just three seconds.

"'s impossible." Xiao Chuan's face was full of incredulity.

He couldn't believe what he saw was true. It was hundreds of city guards, all of them were masters of the second tier or above, his subordinates.

As a result, all of these people have fallen to the ground now, and their lives and deaths are unknown.

"The next one is you." As soon as Xia Xia's voice fell, he disappeared in place.


When he appeared again, Xiaochuan also flew high.


Ogawa's body smashed onto Ono's.

And he also has a big slap print on his face.

"My brother-in-law will never let you go." Xiaochuan said with difficulty.

"It's not easy for anyone to come, no matter who interrupts my meal, the end will be the same." Xia Xia walked back to the hotel and sat inside to continue eating.

For summer, nothing is more tempting than the delicious food in front of him.

So he continued to eat.

"Boss, prepare a thousand fast food for me." Xia Xia directly slapped five thousand low-grade spirit stones on the table, which was enough to buy food and pay for the windows here.

Seeing that Xia Xia was so powerful, the boss naturally did not dare to provoke him, and hurriedly asked his subordinates to start preparing fast food for Xia Xia.

Fast food is something that is easy to carry and not easy to spoil.

In fact, things in the Lower Three Realms are not easy to spoil.

Ordinary food will not spoil for ten days or so, and some fast food will not spoil for hundreds of days.

The most powerful fast food generally does not deteriorate for decades. The food for Xiao Tianli in summer is this kind of food that will not deteriorate.

"Okay!" the boss yelled.

"I'll give you an hour. If you make more, I want it. If you don't have enough, I'll tear down your store." Xia Xia shouted loudly.

As soon as the boss listened to it for an hour, he himself ran to the back kitchen.

At this time, Xiaochuan who was outside helped Xiaoye run to the side. At the same time, Xiaochuan released a signal flare and a messenger. The flare was sent to the city guard brigade.

The messenger was for his brother-in-law.

He had heard what Xia Xia shouted just now, and within an hour, it was enough for his brother-in-law and the city guard brigade to rush over.

At that time, he will let Xia Xia not be able to survive or die.

Now his left face is swollen like a pig's head, while Ono's right face is like a pig's head.

The two looked at each other and hugged each other directly and began to cry.

At this time in the summer, it was like sitting there eating like nothing was happening.

The people around were hiding far away, and no one advised Xia Xia to go. They all looked like they were watching a good show. The people of the Sun Empire were naturally hostile to any other forces. In their eyes, they were one of the five emperors of the human world. The descendants of Xanagi, so they are born with a strong sense of superiority and do not put anyone in strictness.

The people around you even look at the summer with your dead eyes.


About an hour later, a series of footsteps came from outside, and it could be heard from the footsteps alone. There should be no less than 10,000 people outside.

When they looked outside, they found that there were tens of thousands of people, and a large group of people appeared at the door of the hotel.

But those people were obviously not in a hurry to break in. UU reading www.

After a while.

"Sir, your fast food is ready, I can collect the money." The boss and his servants put those fast food in front of Xia Xia, a thousand copies.

"En!" Xia Xia nodded slightly, and then all the fast food disappeared in front of everyone.

The boss was slightly cold. He knew that there must be storage treasures above the storage bracelet level in the summer, because those things were far away from the summer just now, but they were all taken away in the summer.


At this moment, a figure fell directly from the sky and landed at the door of the hotel. This man was domineering: "It depends on the owner to beat the dog. Who beat my brother-in-law."


ps: There are many brothers who ask me for WeChat ID, here is the post: huadu325


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