The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2032: Kill 3 big 4 tier 6 masters

Xia Xia had already made up his mind that he wanted to kill these two people the moment he went out.

If he wants to kill these two people, then he must use pseudo. Heliotrope Bow, he can now use two fakes in a row. Even though he would be backlashed after using the Sun-shooting God Bow, the problem shouldn't be a big deal, it would take ten days and a half to cultivate.

After thinking about it!


Xia Tian let out a long sigh, and then he went out instantly, the golden light flashed, and the wall cracked directly.

The voice here immediately attracted the eyes of the person on the opposite side.

"Fuck!" After Xia Tian landed, he shot two arrows in a row.

But there are actually three people here.

As he fired his second arrow, a mouthful of donated blood spewed out of his mouth.


"n, n, d, there are actually three people, why don't you speak." Xia Xia cursed inwardly. He originally thought there were only two people, so he used pseudo. The Sunset Divine Bow can instantly kill these two people, but now there are three people here, and that person didn't speak before.

So Summer mistook it for two people.

puff! puff!

The two masters were instantly faked. Killed by the Sun-shooting God Bow.

Meanwhile, Summer gritted his teeth.

Nine orifices are connected.

The second form of the Dragon Catcher.

Transform into a dragon!

Xia Xia's hands took a strange pose at the same time, with five fingers and three fingers.

Ow! Ow!

Two dragon roars came out, and then Xia Xia's hands were thrown forward with great force.


receive! Pay me!

Xia Xia quickly took everything around him into Xiao Ding, and he didn't know if he could kill the opponent this time, because he had seen just now that these three people were masters of the fourth and sixth orders.

Just as he was quickly packing up, he suddenly discovered that Hualong had directly killed the master of the fourth and sixth tiers.

"What? This trick is actually so powerful." Xia Xia had already used Dragon Transformation once.

But those were used on ordinary Erding people, and they had not used all their strength, but this time it was different. This time, he used all his strength.

This is the first time he has used this trick with all his strength.

"Let's pack up first. Fortunately, they didn't sound the alarm just now. It was too dangerous. If I hadn't killed this person in the end, then I would have leaked." Xia Xia was also surprised. He originally thought that only There are two masters here, so he will shoot directly.

If he had known that there were three masters here, he might not be in a hurry, but waited for the opportunity.

This time, it can be said to be a surprise.

The sound insulation here is very good, so people outside the battle just now can't find it.

After Xia Xia took away all the treasures and spirit stones, he didn't have time to count, but ran away. He wanted to escape from this city as soon as possible and settle in another city first.

He knew that the city was about to undergo an incomparably terrifying search.


Xia Xia quickly escaped from this city, and then went to another fifth-tier city. After going to that fifth-tier city, the first thing he did was to check how many treasures he had gotten this time.

This is the treasure house of a fifth-tier city.

In the city of King Qi.

Recently, the development of Qiwangcheng can be said to be getting better and better.

There are more and more masters who come to Qiwangcheng, but no one of them has seen the deputy city owner Xia Tian, ​​and everything is handled by the eldest sister Liu Shishi.

Although they also wanted to meet their leader, Liu Shishi always said that summer was in retreat.

"King Qi, you are here again." Liu Shishi said respectfully. King Qi would come here once a month.

"Well, do you need any help?" King Qi asked this question every time he came.

"No, King Qi, you are already busy enough, I can handle this trivial matter." Liu Shishi said calmly.

"I have already checked the news about Xia Xia. It should be done by the Sun Empire, but they don't seem to be successful. Xia Xia should have escaped, and they suffered heavy losses this time. They should have been killed by Xia Xia. Why didn't he come back, I think he must have his own difficulties." King Qi said.

"I knew he would be fine." A smile finally appeared on Liu Shishi's face. She hadn't smiled for a long time, although she always said that she would be fine in summer, and she absolutely She believed in Xia Xia, but she just couldn't laugh. When she heard the news from King Qi this time, she was finally a lot happier.

This was the first time King Qi saw Liu Shishi smile in the past few months.

"Don't worry, he will definitely come back. He told me that he wanted to kill that alchemy emperor, and it was an upright killing. Now the once-in-a-hundred-year alchemy conference is about to start, I think he should be before the alchemy conference starts. Come back." King Qi said.

"Well, he is a person who keeps his promises, especially when it comes to killing people." Liu Shishi said.

"Then don't worry, just relax and relax. You have been working too hard recently, and I feel a little sorry." King Qi said apologetically, after all, King Qi City belongs to him, but now the development of King Qi City is all about Liu Shishi is busy.

"It's nothing, I'm used to it. I'm helping Xia Xia. He's busy outside, so I'll help him with his family affairs." Liu Shishi looked like a virtuous helper.

"It's really a blessing to meet you in summer." King Qi said.

"Thank you for the compliment." Liu Shishi smiled sweetly, she liked to hear King Qi put her and Xia Xia together.

"Well, send someone to find me if something happens, and I'll be there when I'm called." King Qi left the repair shop directly after speaking.

After the news of Xia Xia, Liu Shishi became more energetic in her work. She was very much looking forward to seeing Xia Xia one day and letting Xia Xia see her achievements. She believed that this day was not far away from her.

The old guys in the fifth-tier cities who are in the meeting have carefully discussed and studied for five days and five nights.

dong dong dong!

Just then, a series of knocks came from outside.

When I heard the knock on the door there were displeased expressions on everyone's face.

"Let him come in." City Lord Chiyo said slowly.

Then a man ran in hurriedly, he came to the side of a city lord, and then said a word in his ear, the face of the city lord suddenly changed greatly.

The other city lords were waiting for this servant to leave at this time, and then scolded the city lord well, saying that he did not educate his subordinates well.

As a result, when they saw that the city lord's face changed greatly, they didn't ask.

"What happened?" Chiyo Patriarch asked.

The city lord's face was ashen as he said slowly, "My city was stolen."

Another place!

Xia Xia finally started to check his harvest this time: "With so many things, it is a great harvest again."


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