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Chapter 2035: Dan Immortal Cheats

"Little guy, I originally thought that I would wait for you to avenge me before passing on the real Pill Immortal secret book to you, but after this period of observation, I found that you are much stronger than my unfilial apprentice, I also believe that If you can clear the door for me, then I can give this breath away earlier." A voice echoed in Xia Xia's mind.

But now in the summer it is clear that his voice can no longer be heard.

This person is the Emperor Dan.

Although the Pill Emperor taught Xia Tian the skills of alchemy, the Pill Emperor still kept it.

After all, he has already appeared an unfilial apprentice.

He was worried that summer would be the second, so he would leave this remnant of his soul behind.

But after his observation, he found that Xia Xia and his previous disciples were completely different from each other.

Xia Xia is a person who keeps his promises, and the reason why he is in such a desperate situation this time is entirely because he is anxious to avenge him.

Summer fits perfectly with his pick of heirs.

He also believes that Summer will definitely avenge him.

"Although I can't see it with my own eyes, but when I think that someone has finally avenged me, then I can rest my eyes. Next, I will pass on the real Dan Immortal secrets to you." Dan Huang was really relaxed at this time.

He was lurking in the depths of Summer's consciousness.

He could see clearly everything Xia Xia did, and he also knew that his unfilial disciple used his name, and he was really angry at that time.

But he never showed up, just to investigate the summer.

This time he knew that he didn't need to investigate, because Xia Xia would definitely avenge him.

"Goodbye, my heir."

An incomparably powerful force poured directly into Xia Xia's sea of ​​consciousness. At the same time, Xia Xia's eyes suddenly opened, and his rapidly switching hands suddenly stopped.

Then he slapped the materials on the ground with both hands.

All the materials are flying high.

In just an instant, 10,000 kinds of materials began to be refined at the same time.

Inside the small cauldron, a whole 10,000 kinds of materials are refined there.

Summer fell down.

He slept for a while. He didn't know how long he had slept. When he woke up, he felt refreshed.

"Hey, I actually broke through? How is this possible? Alchemy can also break through the realm?" Xia Xia was surprised to find that he had actually become a Si Ding.

Four tripods and one order.

He actually entered the ranks of the masters of the four tripods.

"This is simply an unexpected joy." Xia Xia said with great excitement. He originally just wanted to concoct alchemy, but he didn't expect his realm to break through.

at this time!

"Damn it, my mental power has become so terrifying." Xia Xia was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect his mental power to increase so much all of a sudden.

Fourth and fifth order!

This improvement can be said that his whole person has become more perverted.

All of a sudden, it was upgraded to six levels.

It has changed from the ninth order of the three tripods to the fifth order of the four tripods.

This change has brought about a huge change in his overall strength.

The change in mental power also means that the power of many of his future moves will become very powerful, and his whole person's strength will also undergo qualitative changes.

Super change.

"What happened? Why did it change so much." Xia Xia was completely shocked by the change in his realm at this time: "I only remember that I had a dream, a strange dream, as if I was dreaming of Emperor Pill. , and then there has been such a big change.”


Xia Xia suddenly thought that in a dream, the Dan Emperor seemed to say that he was going to teach him some Dan Immortal secrets!

Just when he thought of Dan Immortal's secret manual, a huge knowledge suddenly appeared in his mind, and this huge knowledge instantly filled his entire mind.

Even if Xia Xia had the mental power of the fourth and fifth orders at this time, he almost fainted.

This shows how vast this knowledge is.

"How can there be so much knowledge?" Xia Xia was extremely surprised.

So much knowledge instantly brought him into a world of medicine pills, where medicine pills were everywhere, and his whole person seemed to sink into the sea of ​​medicine pills.

Every pill is different, and when he sees this pill, he will automatically decompose the pill in his mind, how this pill is refined, and what materials are used.

He could even see what the method of the person who made this medicine pill was like.


This summer can be said to be a complete metamorphosis.

This just hangs up.

If this is a game world, then Xia Tian believes that he is definitely a RMB player, and he is an all-round genius.

"How terrifying has my alchemy skills become this time?" Xia Xia himself didn't know what realm he was in now.

However, he also became more confident in his alchemy skills.

If he didn't have much confidence in winning Dan Huang before, then this time he has confidence.

This time he will definitely avenge the Emperor Dan.

"Pill Immortal Secret Manual! So this is the Dan Immortal Secret Manual." Xia Xia said with great surprise.

Why Dan Xian?

To become an immortal with Dan is simply too terrifying.

A terrifying existence.

Xia Xia has now been completely attracted by Dan Immortal's secrets. The knowledge in it is simply too rich, and it seems to be endless.

And this knowledge is completely imprinted in his mind, and he can mobilize it at any time.

No matter what kind of pill he knows now, it can be said that his current knowledge of pills is the strongest in the lower three worlds, no, even the strongest in the entire spiritual world.

This is the last inheritance of the Dan Emperor.

Xia Xia also became the true successor of Emperor Dan.

I don't know how long this summer has passed, and now he wants to go out and see what's going on outside. After a long time, don't go into retreat for ten years at a time, that would be a bad thing.

Just when he was about to go out, he remembered something more important.

He is concocting pills this What he wants to concoct is millions of pills.

Although he fell into a coma in the later stage of refining, but there is no special situation here, it proves that he has successfully refined it. As for how many kinds of medicinal pills he has refined and how many pills he has produced in total, then he does not know. .

"How many have I refined?" Xia Xia looked at Xiaoding curiously.

At this time, he planned to see how many medicinal pills he had refined.

After all, this is all his success. When he was refining the pill, his mental power almost collapsed, and he was completely relying on his last will to concoct pills.

At first he thought that he was sure to fail, that even in the end all the material might be destroyed and he might die.

It turned out that he was successful.

As for how much it was refined, he didn't know.

"Open!" Xia Xia shouted loudly, and then the medicine in the small tripod was clear.


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