The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2043: fat guy

The game officially started.

A total of more than 90,000 people participated in the competition.

It has to be said that this number is quite large.

Even Xia Xia was stunned by this number. He originally thought that with such a high threshold, there should not be many people who could come to sign up, but there are still so many people.

More than 90,000 people.

10 million entry fee per person.

A total of 900 billion!

Jiudingmen made a big profit again. There are only more than 20 people in Jiudingmen, and 900 billion low-grade spirit stones are enough for them to consume.

"In the first game, level five elixir, magic elixir, you all have materials in front of you, the first person to refine a hundred wonderful elixir will pass the first round of the test, remember, the first Only 1,000 people will be left in one round." The host of Jiudingmen said loudly.

There were only a thousand people left. When they heard this number, all the people on the scene involuntarily took a deep breath.

This shows that there is a big blood change.

90,000 people are left with 1,000 people, which is equivalent to a ratio close to 1%. In this round, 90% of the people can be eliminated.

I have to say this is really terrifying.

In fact, Xia Xia did not know that the goal of many people here is not the term number one, but the top 900. As long as they can enter the top 900, it means that they have a promising future.

And even those who did not enter the top 900 will be recruited, but the price is much lower, the price difference between 900 and 901 will be ten times higher.

So everyone here will never give up even if they know they lose, because maybe someone is commenting on them now, and maybe this person is their lucky star.

"Now I announce that the first game officially begins!" The host of Jiudingmen said loudly.

Everyone started to get busy.

five minutes later!

"I'm done!" Dan Huang was the first to complete it, and he only took five minutes. When they saw this speed, everyone was stunned.

Alchemy Emperor deserves to be the first person in the lower three realms to make alchemy.

As soon as the Emperor Dan was completed, everyone looked at Xia Xia.

Because Xia Xia was the one who challenged the Emperor Pill, everyone wanted to see how long it would take Xia to finish the practice, but no matter when he finished practicing in Xia, he was not as fast as Emperor Pill, so everyone thought that Xia might really have no ability.

When they saw summer's actions, they became even more speechless.


Summer actually lay there and slept.

How does this look like a game?

ten minutes later.

The second person finished alchemy.

This person is also a super alchemy expert, calling himself a pill saint. He was the second place in the last hundred-year competition, and his strength is very strong. Today, he is also far ahead.

Eleven minutes later.

The third person finished alchemy. This person is a fat man. If he sees this fat man in the summer, he will definitely feel very familiar. Of course, he must not be too familiar with his appearance. The most important thing is his temperament.

It is the temperament of the cockroach tattoo on this fat man.

In this way, one by one completed.

On the other hand, in the summer, it is still lying there and sleeping.

At this time, everyone thought that Xia Xia must have no real ability, so he delayed the time here and wanted to die later.

The tall image of the summer just collapsed again in an instant.

Some people just like to belittle others, as if to show how powerful they are, and as soon as they see that they are lying there sleeping in the summer, they all start to act as messengers of justice.

Even Shui Lingshan, who participated in the competition, has already won, and she is still sleeping there in the summer.

Time passed little by little, and five hours later, the eighth hundredth had already appeared, and the senior guards in King Qi City were all very anxious.

After all, the image of Summer in their minds just now was very high.

Just when everyone raised their hearts to their throats, Xia Tian sat up slowly: "I'm sorry, I've been too tired recently."

Just as he finished speaking, several materials in front of him flew up.

All ingredients dissolve at the same time!

"En?" When Dan Huang saw Xia Xia's technique, his brows suddenly wrinkled!


Three minutes later!

Dan Cheng.

One hundred medicinal pills appeared at the same time, and it took only three minutes in the summer to complete the task in one go.

"Three minutes, he actually only took three minutes, which is too scary."

"It's not true, it's not true, I must be dreaming, how could this be true, wouldn't it be faster than Emperor Dan in three minutes."

"Normally, this time is not enough to even distinguish the materials. He must be cheating."

All the people around can't believe what they see is true, because they don't want to believe it, they prefer to see the summer fail and the summer die.

Because this can reflect the summer is nothing but bragging.

But the truth is...

Xia Xia succeeded. He really did it in three minutes, and he made a hundred medicinal pills at one time. No, there are more than one hundred medicinal pills.

His success rate can be said to be extremely terrifying.

Nine hundred people were selected quickly, and then today's game ended. After the game, those big and small forces stepped forward to throw olive branches.

Of course, no one dared to throw an olive branch on Xia Xia, because Xia Xia was now the deputy city lord of King Qi City, under one person, over ten thousand people.

No matter how much they give, they will never be able to match the status they have in the summer.

And no one dared to dig King Qi's people. If King Qi provokes his eyes, it won't kill them.

The people around are chatting with each other one by one. Even if they are unable to poach, they are trying to communicate with each other, hoping to leave a good impression, so that they can become familiar with each other in the future, and then find this person to help with alchemy. It's not that troublesome Alchemy masters, their status is very high.

Especially the alchemists here.

These nine hundred alchemists represented the elite alchemists among all the populations of the Lower Three Realms.

There is no place in Jiudingmen to entertain so many people. All people find a place to rest by themselves, and a few people form a circle to become a place to rest.

At this time, in a small circle, there were many big people around the fat man who made the third medicine pill, and they were all chatting with him.

"Father!!" Just as a fat man appeared in front of everyone, the fat man's face was very fat, but it was obviously not his own fat, but was swollen by someone.

"Son, how did you get beaten up like this?" the third fastest alchemist asked in astonishment.

"Father, I was beaten, you have to call the shots for me." The fat man twisted his body, and the cricket tattoo on his body was particularly conspicuous.


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