The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2047: That's not how the script was written

Everyone is boiling.

The duke of the Sun Empire was also blindsided. This is a secret. He doesn't know how Xia Xia knew it. Now he is really a little frightened. His script was not written like this.

His script was that today he was going to bring Xia Xia down and let everyone in the world know the big news.

As a result, a bigger news broke out in the summer, which directly covered up his news.

Although the Pig Emperor is a big man, compared to the Sun Empire launching a war, it is as trivial as mosquito legs.

As a result, he not only failed to ruin Xia Xia's reputation, but instead made Xia Xia make a big news.

Maybe if he doesn't come to trouble the summer today, he won't break the news in that summer.

Now everyone's attention is on their Sun Empire.

"Is what he said true?" The city lord of Tiger City asked the Duke of the Sun Empire with cold eyes.

"Nonsense, he is just talking nonsense." The Duke of the Sun Empire hurriedly explained.

"Okay, wait for me. If I find out that this is true, I will let you try the most painful criminal law in the world." The city lord of Tiger City said viciously, and then he handed over to Xia Xia and then to his side. The alchemist said: "You continue to participate in the competition here, leave two people here to help, and the others go back with me."

People from several other major forces also left Jiudingmen one after another, but the alchemists stayed behind. After all, returning one or two more alchemists would not have much effect.

The Duke of the Empire of the Sun was completely blinded this time.

He knew that he was in trouble this time, but he immediately attributed it all to Xia Xia.

"Hmph, summer, you won't be mad for long. The Pig Emperor was killed by you. His two senior brothers will not let you go. The power of the Ya Emperor and the ability of the Sword Emperor combined are enough to sweep everything." The Sun Empire The Duke said angrily.

Once people are angry, the city will be rational, and the Duke of the Sun Empire at this time has obviously lost his mind.

Xia Xia didn't answer, but looked at the Duke of the Sun Empire with the same eyes as those of a retard.

As soon as he said these words, anyone with a little brain would definitely understand that this time, he was probably helping fuel the flames.

But since the words have been said at this time, he will not change it again: "Be afraid, even if you are afraid, it is useless, unless you hide in Qiwangcheng for the rest of your life."

What he is most worried about is that Xia Xia has been hiding in Qi Wangcheng. In that case, even the Sword Emperor and Ya Huang would definitely not dare to go directly to Qi Wangcheng to kill Xia Xia.

So he used words to provoke Xia Xia.

"No matter who it is, one end counts, and I'll kill one." Xia Xia said very domineeringly: "Also, it's best for you people from the Sun Empire not to attack our Qiwangcheng, otherwise I will definitely let you Sunshine. The kingdoms of the empire disappeared directly from this world."


I have to say that this sentence in summer is very domineering.


This sentence in the summer is threatening them with the Empire of the Sun.

"Don't think that our Sun Empire is really afraid of you." When the Duke of the Sun Empire heard that Xia Xia dared to threaten their Sun Empire, he glared at Xia Xia.

"What? Want to go to war with our King Qi City? Well, if you can speak on behalf of the Sun Empire, then let's go to war." Xia Xia is the deputy city lord of King Qi City. What he means by this sentence is that he can represent King Qi City. go to war.

But what about the Duke of the Empire of the Sun?

Of course not, not only can he not, but he is also very afraid of Qi Wangcheng.

After all, the Sun Empire has already started a war with the three major forces. If a mysterious and unpredictable Qi Wangcheng is added, then I am afraid that the Sun Empire will really be unable to carry it.

In fact, Xia Xia didn't plan to let Qi Wangcheng go to war with any force, but he could verbally scare the other party.

After all, the reputation of Qi Wangcheng is very loud.

Few people dare to fight against Qi Wangcheng.

Xia Xia was also sure that the other party did not dare, that's why he said that.

"You..." The Duke of the Sun Empire really had nothing to say.

Because he really did not dare to answer this question in summer.

"What are you? You don't agree? If you don't agree, just do it. I'm not afraid of big things. If you think you can do it, then do it. If you think you're a coward, b, then forget it." The most powerful place in the sentence of summer is the latter sentence.

This is to make the other party admit that he is a coward, b, because the other party will definitely not dare to fight.

King Qi also looked at Xia Xia with a smile on his face at this time. Although he was powerful, he found that Xia Xia was very talented, and he was also very strong in dealing with things.

He used to think that if he wanted to calm down the opponent, he had to kill and make the opponent afraid.

But Xia Xia's approach is to scare, no need to fight, just scare.

And every summer can scare success.

"Humph!" At this moment, the poisonous demon beside the Duke of the Sun Empire snorted coldly.



Xia Tian covered his neck with his hands, and his face was full of pain, but in an instant his face turned blue and purple. Seeing such a scene, everyone was stunned.

"Hmph, you're talking too much nonsense, a dignified deputy city lord of Qi Wangcheng, who is so poor in his ability, just rely on his mouth to play eggs outside, and now you died in the hands of my poisonous demon, I wonder if you Qi Wangcheng would take revenge. ?" Poison Demon snorted coldly, an excited look appeared on his face.

He believed that he was completely famous today, and his ability to poison the deputy city lord of Qiwangcheng can definitely be called the number one person in the Lower Three Realms who used poison.

Although he also believed that he was the first person to use poison in the Lower Three, that was only what he believed.

Without fame, there is no wealth, no power.

Once there is fame, all wealth and power will flow to him.

And he believed that Qi Wangcheng would definitely not dare to take revenge, because it was a shameful thing. The dignified deputy city lord was actually poisoned in front of someone. King City is no different.

The Duke of the Sun Empire frowned. He didn't give the Poison Demon an order. He knew that the Poison Demon must have wanted to be famous too much: "Poison Demon, what are you doing?"

His script was written to let the King of Swords and the King of Pigs kill Xia Xia, but he did not let the Poison Demon kill Xia Xia. If this angered Qi Wangcheng, it would be broken.

"Lord Duke, didn't you always want him to die? I think your plan is too troublesome, and you also designed the Sword Emperor and the Pig Emperor to deal with him. I don't need it anymore. Kill him." The Poison Demon said very proudly.


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